Surprised MHW is at the top

>Nufront2 that high
CoD I can understand but really normies? At least Metroid is higher than Ass Creed.

Probably because Japan.


Get a brain, brainlet

This. Even I'm surprised a that.

Are you people aware that those games had an entire extra day or 2 to accrue retweets/views over Nintendo?

Metro is the only one that looked good


look at me, i am epic and jaded

Honestly this.

I know Monster Hunter is huge is Japan, but I was convinced a console exclusive MH would be a total flop. But I guess a ton of people do care about MH, or at least the trailer resonated with a lot of people.

when they didn't even show anything
was this a poll or just base number of retweets?
I also don't even remember CoD being shown off

casual shit more popular

Shit it looks way better than fucking CoD. The gameplay gun range video showed a BAR with a fucking dot sight on the top of it and the MP reveal had women screaming "yeah get those Nazi's" mid battle.

Top kek - CoD is the litmus test for retards. At least Nufront 2 is going to have free DLC's (read: the rest of the actual content supposed to be in the release but made later.)

Probably how many tweets over the period of E3.

Nintendo fans crying is probably half of that traffic

>2 bangshoot games

Not surprising but sad nonetheless.

Are you talking about that comically scripted ""gameplay"" video?

Honestly very surprising. I know that outside of Sup Forums, everyone else is very hyped about the game but I figured that was just vocal fans and not gamers in general. I'm glad it is getting attention though. I really want this game to be good and succeed so more multiplat/PC MHs are made.

The picture is intentionally misleading, it should say "The games twitter talked about the most from.." because it's neglecting any negative connotative uses with the tags. Also Spiderman, Metroid, Anthem, and GodOfWar (GodOfWar to a lesser extent) are going to be conflated by use of the tags not pertaining to the games announced/shown at E3.

Same here, the crowd was completely silent after the reveal trailer, no claps at all

>Monster Hunter: World is #1

That's extremely surprising actually.

there were TWO metroid games remember

they showed plenty of second

How did they get the stats? Quite sure god of war would get more

No, I'm just tired of Western 'games' and Nintendo's '2% chance to make a masterpiece, 98% chance to make shovelware' dice roll