Admit it Sup Forums

you were one of them.

Other urls found in this thread:

I may have done that if my livelihood depended on entertaining teenagers over video stream, but it doesn't.

>Etika doesn't recognize the music or the suit symbol
>Suddenly pretends to be excited when the logo is shown


I wanted something that admitted Other:M had some good ideas and could have been refined. Instead, it's another "Look at Samus' gun for 18 hours" title.

>Being excited when it isn't being done by Retro

He is fake hype nigger. Fuck him.

dudes been a fake hype man since even before he got popular for smash. go look at his reaction for the reveal of pokemon ORAS. then all of a sudden the game comes out and he "doesn't have any interest in it"

i never have an emotional reaction to game reveals. what's wrong with me?

Yes, I had a reaction similar to those people in the collab.
I was in Mumble with a few friends. I apologized later for sperging out.

Gosh, I love Metroid so much. Especially Prime.

Also I have the trailer as animated wallpaper.

this shit is always so fucking stupid and fake.

Fuck off Dobson

Why did reaction videos become a thing, anyway? Why do people watch them?


For those who want to share experiences with people but have no friends ;_;

>implying anyone has friends that are more patrician than call of booty drones

Out of curiosity, what do you consider good from other m? I can't think of anything but it's admittedly been a long time

It was live and there was no way to know it was gonna be Metroid until the logo and the music.

what is your point?

Recognising a logo isn't the same as having a physical fit upon recognising a logo.
If these guys weren't on camera they wouldn't be throwing their bodies around.

Not really. The last good prime game was 2.

>25 minutes of this

Fuck off OP.

they are live reactions

>tfw when my my friend didnt watch it live
>i tell him about how cool it is that there are two metroid games before realizing he didnt see it
>i watch the spotlight with him again
>yeah but user, it doesn't matter what they do because medroid prime series is dead
>right then he see 4
>tell him how BTFO'd he was


I know, what does being live reactions have to do with the posts you answered to? Those posts where saying that reaction videos are shit.

Just like monkeys in a zoo, seeing a banana.

Humanity has come so far.

>all these pretenders coming out of the woodwork, thinking they know a damn thing about Metroid

>There will come a day when Miyamoto passes away
>People will record themselves crying to the news and upload it on YouTube to monetize
>Someone else will collect those videos into one compilation and monetize that video

Already happened with Iwata
It will probably be 10 times so with Miyamoto

>don't recognize the S
>doesn't realize the significance of the 4

these people aren't fooling anyone

Any true metroid fan would not be overreacting like an ape. When I saw it i just shed silent tears of joy.

Nah, I was like "wait, really? Wow, that's cool. No gameplay though."

I've never played a Metroid game but I suppose now is better than never

He just rides off hype trains for views and once its over he moves on to the next hype train.

God I wish I was in your shoes you lucky bastard.

etika is a fucking fraud normie gamer in disguise, why does the "gaming community" give these frauds credibility?

my girlfriend lent me metroid prime a little while ago but I've been a bit reluctant to play it, is this a good game to start on?

No, emulate Zero Mission. 1st in the timeline and introduces a lot of mechanics.

Timeline is

ZM>Prime Saga (hunters is between 1/2 but mostly irrlevant plot wise) > 2 (wait for the remake) > Super > ZM.

Both 2d and 3d games really only acknowledge themselves so feel free to alternate between them to avoid burning yourself out.

yes but you have to stick with it
the controls will throw you off, but once you get good at them the game will be a blast

*That last ZM is meant to be fusion.

I'd say use this order:

Super Metroid
Prime 2
Zero Mission


Die normie

meant for

Ditto. Amazing reveal, but I gotta see some gameplay too...
Nothing, you just take games like what they are : games...

The only reaction video I watch occasionally is this:
Such jolly vibes

I laughed in disbelief when I heard the music start, then went OH SHIT and called my friend into the room when the logo appeared.

Still didn't beat the KH3 reveal trailer which actually made me shed a few tears.

>yo I don't fuck wit mario

That nigga's hair look like a deel dough, aight...

>being happy before seeing gameplay
Made the mistake once and only once.

some things I don't get about """hype""" reactions

>no, no, no, no, no!
>don't do this to me
Um, why? You want the game don't you?
>angry screaming

Not really, was never a 3D Metroid fan.

Now, give me Metroid Dread, and I'll be hyped.

first guy is literally me except not black

>Wow another nostalgia bait title featuring mediocre gameplay, unremarkable graphics, almost too much attempted worldbuilding for such limpdick writing, little to no coherent narrative, no characters, and a season pass

Don't see myself gettin' off the boat for this one.

>Fantastic Four

isnĀ“t he literally the only fucking guy who actually leaked everything?
>free online then paid online

Unfortunately I was at work so I couldn't emote as much as I wanted to but I bet the people around me were wondering where that weird "Mmmmmmm! Mmmmmmmmm!" screeching noise was coming from near my general vicinity

>all these fake reactions


Anyone who didn't start the freakout at the screwattack is a fake ass nigger.

>all these fake gamers who don't recognize the logo as soon as it begins forming

Bet these niggers didn't even play the first 3 games. Fucking fake gamers

its been 11 years man.
they hope that the next game is gonna be a prime game but with the two spinoffs that already came out they cant be sure and the fans certainly dont want another one hence the ''dont do this to me''

>Wow, another guy who writes lie he already played a WIP game...

when the cardiac police gonna catch that fat motherfucker

Proof that 3rd person Samus can be done, part of the aesthetic was Samus being acrobatic and shit. Not saying Prime is bad by any measure, but exploration has been more of a staple of Metroid games, would have been nice to see something that had the design sense of both 3D Zelda and Mario as Metroid was originally that of the 2D ones when it first started.

>just a fucking .png
i am not autistic

To be fair, it's not immediately obvious what that is until it becomes clear and when it is, that's when the 4 shows up.

They're basically saying "don't blueball me and be something it's not".

We've seen it before. Perfect example, remember the Crash announcement last E3?


>I wanted something that admitted Other:M had some good ideas and could have been refined

It's called Samus Returns.

>Implying Nintendo games haven't been predictably shit since as far back as Iwata's inauguration

This is pretty gay, I've never been this excited for a game.

Generally my reaction to games anymore is "Hope they don't fuck it up".

>tfw been watching etika since like 10k subs so you know exactly which of his reactions are fake and which aren't

>discord gets linked in stream
>join it
>90% of users have persona avatars
>someone says 'so many newfags'

So is his Prime 4 reaction fake or is it not? I have no clue who this guy is!

You know hes messing with his stream settings up until the logo is shown, right?

Exaggerated but hes excited because hes made loads of videos about metroid before and knows how much people wanted it.

I was screaming during the livestream as soon as the starfield appeared.

Pretty much, didn't watch the video because niggers but usually I don't care about these announcements but it's been a decade, man. It's been way too long.

So did he really see a ghost that one time?

>hes made loads of videos about metroid

Sounds like a channel for me. Got a link?

One of what? Not giving people views.

I liked the Prime trilogy but Nintendo had no gameplay to show for it so it joins Pokemon and FE switch as non announcements to me.

Hes not a fan though I dont think, he basically was extremely convinved that ridley was going to be in smash and made a whole video about it, and for some reason he hugely for ridley to be included in the DLC even though he hasnt played the games

Kek, I think he was really convinced he did, then when people told him he was being irrational and that it was probably just the wind or some shit he took the video down because it was embarrassing

These reaction videos are on the same level as the scripted bullshotting you see at E3
I know he's a cuck, doesnt mean he's right on this

Oooooh, that guy! I remember now! Saw a lot of people talk about him during the Smash hype, but never clicked his vids. Thanks a bunch tho!

I'm a pretty big Metroid fan and all I let out was "oh fuck yeah" during the announcement. I don't understand these fags flipping out and screaming when most of them probably haven't even played the majority of the games.

Maybe I'm just jaded, but hype "culture" is fucking stupid desu. I can get excited for stuff sure, but it's more like "oh this game is probably going to be good, looking forward to it" (e.g. Prime 4) or "I like this series so hope this game doesn't suck." (e.g. Ace Attorney 6). Don't get the flipping out like a chimp and screaming "GOTY GOTY HOLY FUCK NIGGAS UNBELIEVABLE GET HYPED!!" shit.

Looked it up because I refused to believe he'd be so far up his own ass, and yes, he did tweet that.

How does he manage to be wrong about literally everything?

I would've preferred a game that continues the story from Fusion. Samus blows up a research station and thus, would be labelled some kind of terrorist by the Federation.
Instead, we get Prime 4 (which is fine, I guess) and a remake.

At the same time it can be possible that perhaps it was some independent section of the federation doing shady things in the background, and not the organization as a whole. That is to say I don't really think we need continuation to fusion, as it ended the story spanning the numbered non-Prime titles neatly enough.

Dobson considers himself intellectually superior to... well, everyone, so he HAS to take the opposite view of the plebs, so he can look down on them.

Of course REGULAR PEOPLE look forward to it, so he isnt.

>would be labelled some kind of terrorist by the Federation.
Stop with this retarded "muh evil space government" cliche. The Feds would be idiots to make an enemy of one of their most valuable assets, and the most competent bounty hunter in the universe. It's not as if the entire Federation is evil just because a few dickheads were secretly cloning Metroids, and Samus's actions were completely justified given the circumstances.

>independent section
possibly, but considering how much of a hard-on the Federation, as a whole, has for Metroids and Chozo shit, I doubt it was only a small group
plus, they got Samus' ship AI in on the deal, for a little while, at least, and were sending her weapons data and such

maybe it's the wording. They say stuff like shut up as well.

I never said they were evil
if anything, the Federation is just incompetent and doesn't understand the dangers they mess with
like the Mother Brain-like AIs in Prime 3
or the Mother Brain-human in Other M
or the fact they decided to build an entire space station sector designed to house and breed metroids
they might not be evil, but they sure as shit ain't pure hearted

It'd just be a tad predictable, and I guess Nintendo might want to distance themselves from any similarities between a new game and Other M in terms of depicting the federation as evil.

Me and my friend were watching it. I saw the space and thought it was a new Star Fox. Then, the 4 came on screen, and I said "metroid prime 4?" My friend didn't believe it either, then the title came on screen and we both started jumping up and down screaming. Then we sat back down for the Yoshi trailer. Was pretty exciting. Was the most exciting moment for me for this E3, and haven't been this excited since the FF7 remake reveal trailer.

They do what they think is right for the universe. Just like we are bombing sandniggers villages and innocent people die.

There is no good or evil. Just an inbetween.

Who is this guy and why is he a piece of shit?

Metroid Prime wasn't even good.

Nice shit taste