The biggest MMO of the year just launched today, why aren't you playing it right now Sup Forums?
FFXIV Stormblood
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What's the point in introducing AFK kicks if people can easily circumvent them? I shouldn't be staring at the same number in the queue for 10 minutes.
They look nothing alike, stupid elf a shit.
>Lyse says that Fordola is nothing without her tricks
God, I really wanted to punch this bitch right there
on the fence between resubbing to either this, or wow
really don't know what to do
Because the leveling is fucking terrible.
Don't worry someone will get hit by a 90k then you can get in
Storm of blood!
Born from blood
Of our fallen brothers!
Borne upon our hands!
Cradled in our arms!
Swelling in our hearts!
Raise your weary head!
Heed the call to arms!
Ringing in your heart!
Loyalty! Unity! Liberty!
Alphinaud's deviantart where?
I expected Lakshmi. You disappointed.
Not sure if I am because I'm just farming dungeons for tomestones
Best and Worst part of Stormblood?
Miqo'te centered expansion when?
>Steppes and ost
>Lyse and story in general
>Sup Forums memes me into thinking PLD will be strong this expansion
>he has worse DPS than WAR
>laugh at WAR players for 5 fell cleave meme
>I have to cast 5 Holy Spirit in a row
just fuck my shit heavensward
I can't figure out a good lv60 SAM rotation lads
Do I open with Yukikaze > Higanbana?
Should I blow Meikyo Shisui only on 2-level-deep skills (Gekkou and Kasha)?
Should I Midare only after every buff is up or as soon as possible so Meikyo Shisui isn't sitting off cd for ~7 GCDs?
Gosetsu dying
Gosetsu not dying
This was much more magical to me because I loved Pandaria's zones and music.
>"It's not a sword, Dad, it's called a Katana"
>"Ugh my bloodthirsty hand seeks a real challenge"
Y'shtola dying
Y'shtola not dying
Got it backwards, my bad.
Honestly, Soken knocked it out of the damn park with this expansion's OST
Best part:
Steppes quest where you become the Khan
>mfw telling the step bandits to "crush the imperials and drive them before you"
Worse part:
Things looked grim for us after Carteneau, didn't they? Oh, how they doubted us... Yet here we are, right as rain, with fancy new toys to put through their paces...
All the parts with Yotsuyu
All the parts with Shadow the Crown Princehog
Because the game is garbage and has always been. Adding even more weeaboo to it while nerfing everything else doesn't exactly fix it.
>doing level 68 DRG quest
>this fucking dragon is always killing me in like 3 hits when it comes time to attack the wings
Am I missing something?
The Azim Steppe is my favorite area in the entire game, the entire questiline there was amazing.
Spoilery question about near the start of SB
Wasn't Meffrid the one who portrayed the False Griffon? I could have sworn he (as False Griffon) made a comment about how we met before in South Shroud. Or was it the guy Meffrid had us save?
>Its like someone told them that now that cleric is gone they cant do any
Now that cleric is gone the incentive to actually do it is nothing.
Stance dancing was the only thing that made healer dps remotely enjoyable. I dropped playing a healer. Might go back to it for endgame statics or something but as a role, it's just a fucking joke in this game.
I just finished the expansion. What are the hottest new memes?
Best: quality of life changes, the music, and the scenery of zones, towns, and dungeons
Worst: constant disconnecting and broken duty finder means game is unplayable
Most of the story after you get to Othard.
Lyse being around for most of it. Would have rather just had Alphinaud and Alisaie there.
I think he says that you saved him from death in South Shroud, so it's the guy you heal. Wiki says the NPCs name was Gallien
I wonder how disappointed I'm going to be hoping Yotsuyu's backstory involves historical crimes committed by Samurai and Japanese nobility and not some stupid JRPG nonsense
The latter
>why aren't you playing it right now Sup Forums?
2.2k queue...
fuck that shit, I was ingame, but promised a friend to meet up for a drink. One hour later I have to wait for like at least 90 minutes before I can get back in again.
And I have work tomorrow too...
thanks dudes, was messing with my head the entire sequence, figured I missed something.
Considering how Japan does not exist in this game that would be VERY weird.
Everything in Othard. Worst was everything after except for the last hour.
>press a button literally for the sake of pressing a button
>one second delay as your character waves the cane/imaginary cane like an absolute fag
Stance dancer here, that shit can fuck right off. SB healer is much more proactive and fun. Especially WHM. If you miss stance dancing that much just press the button you mapped old cleric stance to and pretend you stance danced. I know I'm still doing it out of habit.
>game not even being subtle
I love all the hot blooded rallying songs
>Suddently is the MAIDEN OF REVOLUTION
SAM is actually kinda fun
even in pvp, after you learn wtf is going on
Theres no accuracy stats in the game anymore, so I hope not.
She's a woman.
>many characters in the Steppes would make better traveling partners than the Scions
the game isn't even playable, you wait in a queue and then just get disconnected
how is this acceptable in such an old MMO?
that legit looks like Kushner
I said remotely
And the enjoyment had nothing to do with pressing the button but the game of staying in dps stance for as long as possible while still being able to keep the tank and the rest of the party alive.
It was at least A fucking dynamic of the gameplay. Now there is literally none.
Did you find the horsefucker?
its early access
Not anymore famalam
How many hours does it take to complete all the content and reach level 70 from a caught up level 60 healer?
>waited half an hour for Emanation
>go in
>do well for a bit
I've been testing out openers and this is the best I got so far.
Gekko combo > Hirabane > Kasha combo > Meikyo Shisui > Yukikaze > Gekko > Kasha > Kaiten+Midare Setsugekka
After that it's just a matter of keeping up all your buffs and your dot based on priority or how long duration they got.
About 2.5 days of nolife if you skip the weeaboo cutscene bullshit.
>yotsuyu's english va
like 40 if you skip all cutscenes and spam frontlines when you can't do MQ
How do you avoid being kicked?
>Maiden of Revolution
Man that sounds familiar.
>dps stance for as long as possible while still being able to keep the tank and the rest of the party alive.
You mean stick regen/fairy on people and dps your heart out as they automagically heal up by themselves? There isn't even an animation when you turn cleric stance off. When stance dancing, healing can be done on demand. There's no fucking dynamic in something so instantaneous.
And tell me why "dpsing while keeping the party alive" is suddenly impossible to do in SB. Reminder that every GCD you spent on dpsing isn't spent on healing, and vice versa. Cleric Stance and the lack of it both do nothing to change that fact.
>yotsuyu's JP voice actress
Reminder that the Mol girl is the BEST WAIFU IN FFXIV
This. God damn, it's perfect. Which sucks since since HW i've been happy with english VA, but I think I'll switch to JP for Othard
Isn't it better to spam the current dungeon?
I wanna hug her and tell her that everything is going to be alright. I wanna serve under her rule as WoL.
>maidens of revolution
>only good for sex appeal
Only difference is one focuses on tits and one on navel.
Both are fucking hot though.
If you are tank/heal probably
It was obvious from the first few quests that this was what her purpose was going to be in the end.
SE just did a really poor job of portraying that, since she spent most of her between start and finish following us around and doing boring as shit Warrior of Light stuff. Like helping children pick up animal shit in a field and punching ninja turtles in the cloaca.
Yugiri was a better Maiden of Revolution because she actually went away for a bit to build up an army after being the one to initially inspire the Doman people by spitting in the face of certain death and fighting for her country despite knowing she'd most certainly die if she failed.
Can you have Japanese VAs and English captions?
How do you unlock the second mount movespeed upgrade?
>whm 70lvl quest
Buys scrolls from the hunt NPC at your grand company. He sells a scroll for each zone for 250 allied seals each.
Yeah it's easy to change, it just bothers me because I love most of the English VA. But they really dropped the ball with Yotsuyu imo
>Warrior of Light
>Slayer of Primals
>Breaker of the Garlean Empire
>Savior of Ishgard
>pick up some poop lol
Shame Yugiri wasn't the one who brought the WoL to Doma to help free it, that would have surely rallied some forces to gave a god killer on your side.
Because I can't be arsed to complete the post-game story quests just to access the new region.
>we've been viewing the world of Hydaelyn through a stylized filter
Everyone in XIV confirmed to be literal goblins.
Yugiri would have been perfect, definitely.
But you know how JP has a boner for blue-eyed blondes.
Bland taste for the most part (aside from 18)
It was the same yesterday.
>And tell me why "dpsing while keeping the party alive" is suddenly impossible to do in SB
um, it isn't and i never said it was, but there isn't even a slight risk anymore. it requires no judgement like deciding to go into/stay in CS did. no, it wasn't much, but it was something. in order to maximize your DPS it took a bit of decision making and risk assessment. just a *tiny* bit that made the job not ENTIRELY braindead.
and healing can't be done on demand if you're in the middle of doing holy spam or something and someone is suddenly taking massive damage or you need to react instantly to save someone.
by removing CS they took away the only game in town for healers, because, like you said, actual healing in this game is fucking nonsense. people will regen back to full health in 2 seconds outside of battle. most heals, especially on WHM are so fucking overpowered you can fill someone's health bar in one or 2 casts without even putting a dent in your MP. and trash barely does any damage anyway. most dots enemies put on you aren't potent and all and only last like 10 seconds so it's not even worth casting Esuna to remove it when you could just use that CD to cast a DPS spell instead.
>mfw been on the Shizuka Itou train since 2008
Feels good man
Would Yugiri jump on Hiens dick the second she gets the chance?
>start fight
>somebody has bonus
>nobody will admit who it is
You can filter out shitters with bonus like me now out of your parties. They won't be able to join.
I thought you could hide the party for people who haven't completed it.
Fucking cutscene skippers
post more lizards
Probably not.
The master/retainer relationship is sacred and such a thing would not be proper.