Microsoft pulled a AAA budget Mario competitor out of their ass overnight for E3

>Microsoft pulled a AAA budget Mario competitor out of their ass overnight for E3
What the actual fuck?

Does this mean we can expect more platform from MS?

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So they managed to make a knock off Titus the Fox with is a knock off Mario.

>mario competitor
maybe mario teaches typing

it has the aesthetics of a shitty phone game

xbot here. this game looks like shit. Has nothing to do with it being a sega lp it has a sterile artstyle that im not just into. will pick it up for $5-10

>Super Lucky tale
>Ori and the will of something
that's a lot of them in one year.

>Looks shit
>Will pick it up
Oh Sup Forums

that character design is so fucking bad

$5 for garbage isnt bad.

Maybe he wants to play the game and form an opinion of his own?

>MFW I thought it was Conker.
you know Microsoft you do the stupidest shit.

I don't understand this meme.
How could you think it's conker when rare literally showcased their biggest project they are busy working on in the same conference?

>they still wont make a fucking Conker game
This is why they fail.

>Microsoft pulled a AAA budget Mario competitor out of their ass overnight for E3
No, they didn't. It's a budget platformer like Knack 2.
They didn't even pull it out of their ass, the game already exists.
>paying $30 for a non-VR version of a free VR game
fucking kek

"Xbox One Exclusive"
When is Microsoft going to learn that they'll get more sales by dropping exclusivity? I'd buy this if it was on the MS store for Windows 10 but not on Xbox.

No you won't, because its getting a pc port you idiot. Console exclusive is exactly what it means, not on other consoles.

You're too stupid to save


>out of their ass overnight
It was a shitty VR game that flopped and now they're repackaging it for oblivious retards as a console title to save a buck.

Do you know how Xbox Play anywhere works? You actually buy as an Xbox game and it playable on both Xbox and Window 10 PC or tablet.

Well, Ori is releasing next year

Isn't this a direct sequel to the VR title? It's not a re release

is this Rock Dog of the videogame industry?

>when rare literally showcased their biggest project they are busy working on in the same conference?

They did? Didn't know until now.

Because it was already a shitty VR game.

It's kind of sad seeing you try this hard to make a sequel to literal VR shovelware look good every day.

Kinda cool that Tails is finally getting his debut 3D platformer title.

>xbox one console exclusive
that looks so stupid why would they even put that on there.

My guess is that after normal Lucky's tale isnt going to go further becase Oculus is freaking dead.
They could pull of a deal with microsoft.
For how it looks... It doesnt look bad... the thing with the look is that some times stuff look really generic... some stuff here and there look okay, but most just meh..

but hey, getting something is a step forward i guess.

It's a sequel for console this time

it needs a decent gimmick and quirkly playable character, Lucky is like someone from a toddler personality at all


That was hilaroius.
I would ever be happier if It was intentionally done that way.

Then it would be even cooler if they do a rehash of that reveal in the future, so everybody goes "oh is a sequel for super luky's tale" and then is reveal to be conker.
that would be a cool reveal.

Microsoft could have let a different studio handle it like they did with Killer Instinct

looks great, nice to see these types of games in this age...

I actually thought it was about this fox from Sonic

>Mario competitor


will people complain that it doesnt run at 60fps?

>when rare literally showcased their biggest project they are busy working on in the same conference?

What was it?

>phone game


Microsoft finally has a mascot.
Sega as Sonic.
Nintendo has Mario.
Sony has Crash.
and now Microsoft has the XFox.

kek, I really hope they go with that
I still miss Conker though

This is the most generic, forgettable and utterly uncharming mascot I've ever seen.

Get back in your cereal box, Lucky

It looks slow as shit and generic as fuck.

Can Rare/Microsoft even get away with a proper Conker game in current year? I think they'd have to cut back on some of the edgier things, and I don't know if the whole piss/shit humor will appeal to people again

No, they can't.
That's probably why they binned Conker.

its xbox only? fucking a bros

Not the faggot you were replying to, but it's Sea of Thieves

Why can't americucks realize that only japs can design charming game mascots? Get this no-name piece of shit outta here.

>Super Lucky Tale
>AAA budget Mario competitor
Kek, you fucking wot m8?
It's a port of a free VR game.

It's not a port. It's a sequel made for console.

So it's a shitty multiplat sequel to a shitty VR platformer.



You forgot the part where it's a sequel to a vr game no one gives a shit about


He's not Tails though. He's generic brand Tails

It's not shitty. It's not out and it's not multiplat.

>and it's not multiplat.
>W10 and XB1

They are both generic.

>buying from the GFWL2.0 store
I seriously hope you don't do this

If I wouldn't buy from GFWL2.0 why the fuck would I buy an Xbox?

W10 = xbox
Do you even know how Xbox play anywhere work?


Because you don't lose access to a physical disc when they kill the store

that fox has such a terribly generic and forgettable design


i'm legitimately impressed by cuphead and even though i haven't played the first ori i've heard good thing about it and the trailer for ori 2 was really well done at their e3 conference.

good year for gaming.

But I'd still be giving money to Microsoft, which is retarded.
In fact, I'd be giving MORE money to Microsoft.

>own conker IP
>Own banjoo IP
>make literally who the fox as your AAA 3d platformer

>From the dev team that saw Yuuka Laylee was a Kickstarter success comes 'SUPER LUCKY'S TALE!"

>AAA budget

>But I'd still be giving money to Microsoft, which is retarded.
I don't think we're on the same page here. There's nothing wrong with giving MS money, the problem is falling for their PC platform shenanigans again after GFWL and all their games in Vista got nuked.
Rare is busy working on Sea of Thieves

Why trot out a game for nostalgia sake just to see it underperform and get shat on if it "ruins" some faggot journalist or random Sup Forums anons childhood. Xbox cant do right in the internets eyes these days.

>There's nothing wrong with giving MS money

I was under the impression it was some sort of deluxe version/remaster from the trailer looking so similar. Is it actually confirmed it's a sequel?

*console exclusive

Hahaha, this is just pathetic

Yea just give it all to Steam. No you pirate? Then give it all to Nvidia, AMD, Intel, etc. You're a consumer one way or another quit pretending to be on some pedestal because you dont like Xbox.

would rather give ms my money than sony desu

Steam offers refunds.
Nvidia offers refunds
AMD and intel offer refunds and warranties
M$ has been fucking over people with their shit for over a decade, I'd have to be a mega cuck to give money to the fucking billion dollar corporation that introduced paid online to the console space.
Fuck off with that shit.

You fuck off with that dumb victim mentality shit. There's record of all companies fucking over consumers in some fashion. One of the biggest just did some shit you didn't like, in an industry you enjoy. You don't have to be a customer. But I'm the crazy one for playing video games on their hardware? Business is business not charity, sometimes change screws the consumer.

Yea family, you take that corporate dick, you're a good shill for daddy Microsoft.
Sorry user, but giving money to Microsoft is pants-on-head retarded in 2017.

There isn't. If they publish a game I want to play, I'll give them money to play it. Also, they sell consoles at a loss, so it's not like buying an xbone is doing them any favors at first. They make it back when you buy games and membership.
I'm sure I remember reading it's a sequel. I could be wrong.

Giving money to any company not providing you life's necessities is pretty fucking stupid, but people do it every day dont they? Get off your throne princess, its just video games.

It probably is given the super name, I was just inferring from some of the landscapes that look SUPER similar to the original. Then again that could easily just be revisiting areas. God damn that game was a disaster in VR. Hopefully it's better as a regular platformer.

There's a difference between giving a company money and shilling for said company, especially when they've been consistently fucking up or introducing anti-consumer practices.

Here's some gameplay if you want to check it out. I just skimmed through it and it looked alright

>Microsoft pulled a AAA budget Mario competitor

You know that the game is made be facebook's studo called "playful", right?
It was announced two years ago.

It originated as an oculust rift game. The character is named lick that because of Palmer Luckey.

>Furry shit

Lol of course only Microsoft can do this.

What is shilling anymore? Saying I like some stuff on Xbox and you playing victim of the corporate boogeyman is fucking gay? I dont know its all the same to me. M$ wants my money, Sony wants my money, Nintendo wants your parents money, Steam get the point I like games and wont put on a tinfoil hat and pretend like one want whats best for me mlre than the other. They give me a way to play games I like. Im shilling I guess.

Yes user, you are a shill.
Every company wants your money, but only the shittiest of shit ones try to get your money in scummy ways.
This includes
>Paid online (M$, $ony, Nintendo)
>Cut content DLC (most publishers)
>Shitty toy addons to get kids to buy fucking toys to unlock shit in games (Nintendo, Activision, Ubishit)
>Paid mods (Bethesda)
Basically, if you defend anti-consumer practices, you are a shill, yes.

How does this even work for VR?

It's just a reply to

Without the VR bit what is even interesting about it? It was only fun on PC cause it was a VR game you got with Oculus and the fox thing looked like a toy moving about an imaginary landscape you've created for the toy.

This is just generic platforming now

What do you mean? The VR stuff was useless.

It adds nothing to the game and now they got rid of it. Good riddance. VR is a fuking meme.
Also it's not the same game. I don't expect this one to be only 3-4 hours long but longer.

So basically of you dont like it, gotchu senpai.