Overrated trash Sup Forums loves to pretend are good
I believe that everyone's entitled to their own opinion, but
>Xenoblade Chronicles
Silent Hill 2
All Nier """"games""""
Dude sex
Metal gear splid 2, 4
Residen evil 1,2,4
DMC series
God Hand
Fallout 2, NV
Dead Rising
Sillent hill 2
Super metroid
Yakuza 0
Persona 5
System Shock 2
Bioshock 2
Dark sector
I've seen some shit opinions on this board but oh boy
You should not be so insecure OP
Just play the games that sound fun to you
Thanks for that list of excellent games
Do that many people talk up Dragon's Crown?
I mean, the art is great, but I thought we all knew it was pretty average as far as the gameplay.
Remove Dragon's Dogma and we're good, you faggot.
>all those new games
>nobody says mgs 4 is a great game
you must be new
"Trying your hardest to trigger Sup Forums" the post
Garbage open world so no
he pretty much just posted a list of great games, anyone who hasnt would unironically have a great time playing through them.
>ITT: I hate all critically acclaimed titles.
Nier is the only game on that list that is actually 100% shit
Nier fags are the fucking worst
ITT: I can't argue but if I lump a bunch of wildly different games together noone can nail me on all of them
>persona 3
>200+ floors of empty trash
>copy and pasted floors
>not 100% shit
t. Todd Howard
MGS2 is great, nobody says MGS4 is.
if you want to be spoonfed great games
Post your 3x3, nigger.
You forgot witcher
Nah, Witcher 3 is a good game.
Sup Forums - Bait Threads
Deus Ex. Can anyone explain the appeal?
Last of Us, Witcher 3
The reason most like DD is the combat. Once you really travel a while with your pawns, you can have them do things that make that AI the best in the business. They literally will set up attacks for you that do absolutely awesome shit. Especially strider pawns.
If they ended up having some people from that team work on Monster Hunter World, it'll be a treat. And I truly hope they make a Dragon's Dogma sequel with your pawn that ended up living life as you in your body after you sacrificed yourself .
Lots of ideas that fell flat could be made perfect in DD2.
Majora's Mask
Holy shit this is either shitty bait or the shittiest taste I've ever seen. Stick to CoD and CS:GO kiddo.
t. underage
No, it's literal garbage
Deus Ex and Dragon's Dogma are both great and deserving of their reputations.
Nier is genuinely a bad game that's only discussed because Sup Forums is full of teenagers, easilly impressed by hokey meta-narratives. See: MGS2, Undertale,
Every Platinum game ever.
Nobody pretends that the 3DS port of Xenoblade is good.
Only right about Bravely Default, Persona 3, and Trails. Fuck Trails, literally just waifufags. Even personafags occasionally talk about the actual games.
Played most of them and I absolutely fucking agree.
Except for NV
thanks for this "over rated list" user. I just added dark sector and vanquish to my steam wishlist.
persona 5 and ss2 are two of my favorites.
>mfw Dragon's Dogma is my GOAT
>Godhand is bad
hello ign
counter strike is nowhere near as popular as it was faggot
Where's MGS3?
>I don't have an argument so if I mention the filename I don't have to actually debate
>Godhand is good
Hello neo-nu/v/ memester
>party babyz worse than god hand
Whoa, sure is reddit around here.
oh boy here we go
half life
visual novels
new vegas
any weeb game there is
fighting games
final fantasy and a fuckton more shit games.basicaly 90% of the catalog at any given time
You can smell the underage
>I play call of duty
I bet you never played the first two cods at release
Even though it's just bait, it really irks me whenever someone says God Hand is bad.
>Nobody mentions Soulsborne, the king of Sup Forums's overrated games
>if I don't agree he must be underage!
>if I don't agree this must be bait!
The state of this shithole.
Cyberpunk adventure in which you play as a snarky cynical nano-augmented trenchcoated clone who is almost universally disliked/hated because of his augments who goes on an international detective investigation which culminates in him fusing with a supercomputer and taking the ultimate redpill. Then he gets his other clone brother to free his template-brother from area 51 or some shit. Why contain it? S'cool.