Why do Nintendo consoles always have shit graphics?

Why do Nintendo consoles always have shit graphics?

Nintendo's next handheld (if there will be one) should have top tier graphics like the Vita.

The PSP has better graphics than the 3DS and it came out in 2004.

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>Nintendo's next handheld (if there will be one) should have top tier graphics like the Vita.
It came out three months ago and it does.

They had the best graphics with the gamecube and it sold like shit

its your own fault for not surporting the game cube

>Needing Graphics
>when you have Nintendo's imagination and exceptional gameplay design

To you sonyfaliure it might look worse, but to us nintendoalphas we have the creative intelligence to fill in the blanks and for it to look incredible beyond what your "graphics" provide.

Not always, their games in the 80s and 90s were considered the most graphically impressive games at the time

Microsoft has over 40 years of monopoly on the OS markert Before going to make games

Sony has a movie making business and a "sucesfull" Hardware business before going to make games
Nintendo used made trading card games for the yakuza before going to make games

> vita

> top graphics

Name 1 3d vita game that doesn't look like greenlight unity trash.

SNES and GC weren't underpowered, GC was way more powerful than PS2 and it sold meagerly.

>PSP has better graphics than DS
>Gets btfo by DS anyways
>PSVita have better graphics than 3DS
>Gets btfo by 3DS anyways

Gamecube didn't have better graphics than the Xbox.

The handheld came out in march and it has almost ps4 tier graphics.

yeah but literaly only americans even KNEW the Xbox existed

Also is it true that N2DS XLs are shipping with TN screens? Because if so fuck that, I'll pay for a 3DS if I get an IPS one.

Nintendo loves money. Cheap hardware means more money. Nintendo doens't care much about multiplats because they make ther own games

We are lucky the switch is not any weaker than it is knowing nintendo past

Fucking kek

How deluded can you nintenfags be?

Give me ONE reason why nintendo should bother with better hardware

The switch can barely do fucking 720p 30fps in games that look like shit such as zelda, yet fanboys continue to eat shit up, so why should they change anything?

>should have top tier graphics like the Vita

Their fanboys are maturing, more and more are begging devs for real games like dark souls or skyrim, which need much better hardwdare than the Wii could muster.

Basically, Nintendo is handing Sony sales by keeping their systems low-end and cartoony

>top tier graphics like the Vita.

I don't need really high end graphics I just ant enough resolution I cant see the individual pixels.

Is that too much to fucking ask?

To be fair, every time they tried to go for graphics, they failed miserably. The GameCube almost killed them. Normalfags are a huge majority now, they only care about DVD/Bluray playback, Netflix and Hulu streaming, and movies with ocasional button input.


>“In meetings it was clear [Nintendo of Japan] could not understand why the brand had fallen so far here in North America or comprehend why the mature titles, and more powerful consoles, were so successful. Nintendo represented fun, in the purest sense of the word, they always have. When you play Nintendo games you laugh, you yell, you smile, and you jump around. You have FUN. Someone, sadly I forget who, would later quote in one of those meetings that “Consumers don’t want fun anymore; they just want to kill people… in HD.” It was actually kind of true, and with the cultural differences between Japan and the US, it was easy to understand the confusion,” said Mercury in 2011.

Uncharted, Killzone Mercenaries, Freedom Wars, Kemono Friends

>top tier graphics like the Vita.

Whoa, if the fps went any lower it would compare to Hyrule Warriors on the 3ds

it must be a generation thing

That's not fair, MK and borderlands were a scaled down port. Native vita games like Killzone and Uncharted look great.

>the cheaper the hardware is the more profit you will make
Why would Nintendo change what's selling?

>“By this point, there was no love for the Nintendo faithful or even gamers in general. They were regarded as spoiled, fickle, rebellious, nerds. They would be told what was cool and like it.”
>“Pride turned to arrogance. Ugly arrogance. Nintendo started to develop contempt for the gaming community. They felt as if they were being betrayed by the gamers they created. The marketing teams started to look at gamer focused strategies with ire and spite.” says Mercury. “The “hardcore” Nintendo audience was equally cast aside. “Why bother? They’re going to buy anything we put out anyway.”
Holy shit.

Forgot how much fun FW was.

Im actually more excited at the prospect of a cheap 3DS alternatice tha looks sleeker. I passed up on a lot of games this gen so im really looking forward to the New 2DS.


They stopped caring about graphic when it stopped being relevant.

the N64 was pretty strong, but used carigde that limited the memory.
The game cube was stronger than the PS2.
the SNES wasn't underpowered eitheir for the time.

They obliterated the competition with the wii, and then made a fatal mistake with the Wii U marketing wise.

good games sell the systems not the other way around

>like the Vita

the what?

>"If I don't play it, then its shit! Shit shit shit! Stop liking things I don't! Now if you'll excuse me, m'lady, I'm going to go play busted console ports with dickgirl modes on my $1200 computer."

Pokemo n

Last two look like trash, first two were first-party development titles that are never EVER going to be seen again.

So now graphics matter more than gameplay?

>The PSP has better graphics than the 3DS and it came out in 2004
thats not true though

The 3DS has a better GPU than the PSP and the New 3DS has a better CPU than the Vita

>The PSP has better graphics than the 3DS and it came out in 2004.

XBO X > PS4 Pro > PS4 > XBO > Switch > Wii U > X360 > PS3 > Vita > Xbox > Wii > GCN > PS2 > 3DS > PSP > DC

How does the 3DS run Wii and PS2 ports then? I feel like its stronger than the PS2 at the very least

Nintendo plays by their own rules. They own their market and make plenty of money because of it and don't care what other companies do. This is what they mean when they say that they don't see other companies as competitors.

The way I've seen it in the past few years, they've kept the handheld market so similar to the 90's game market. No devs need to tarnish the development process for their games by abiding to dumb AAA game industry rules. The result is a fuckload of good games of varying visual quality whether it's straight up 2d or dreamcast-tier 3d. Plus they know how to market the systems as opposed to sony who develops and releases portables and then acts clueless as to how to market them (j do love the psp and vita though)

Their consoles, at least the wii systems, are hotbeds for their experimentation and nothing more.

So, honestly OP, you can frick off. The 3ds is the best thing they have going for them and graphical capability means literally nothing when the DS family library is downright legendary.

>The way I've seen it in the past few years, they've kept the handheld market so similar to the 90's game market.
I hope this trend continues with the Switch. I'm so dissapointed with the AAA market and their movies with ocassional gameplay, I rather have Japanese devs go full crazy on the Switch's hardware.

New 3DS != 3DS

why though
a regular 2DS is like $50, and a new 3DS XL is the same price as the new 2DS.

i thought there was a $50 difference

msrp, sure. the new 3DS XL has gone on sale for $150 pretty often or even as low as $99 before.

Please explain what a real game is.

I dunno, at the same time it must be way cheaper and easier for devs to make assets for a lower resolution screen, which in turn means more games for the system.

>new game comes out for 3DS in 2020
>we are still playing in 240p


Nah, the way most devs actually make assets and resources nowadays means that they just create an ultra high quality asset/model/texture to start and scale it down. MKX/injustice 2 are great examples, pretty sure boonie boy has posted some pictures of the models in maya with like a fucking billion polygons, then the models ingame.

It's roughly the same for handheld stuff, devs have holdovers since we're in an age where they're constantly releasing handheld title ports on proper systems and rather than having to recreate assets or touch them up, they can simply use the original asset scaled closer to the base.

Well, if that's the case then Nintendo has no excuse for it's incredibly outdated specs.

I strongly believe it will continue the trend. The system is so obviously meant for the average japanese consumer who buy portables over every other type of gaming device. Japanese devs flock to that kind of platform. And because it's as powerful as it is, there will be varying types of games. You've got DB Xenoverse on one hand, and the secret of mana collection on the other. Both will sell on that platform. Meanwhile, it's not *quite* powerful enough to put games like bioware's Anthem on it unless they downgrade. (meaning AAA industry standards plz leave) I'm really optimistic about the future of the Switch.

Using older hardware makes it cheaper to manufacture and sell, which means it's attractive to more consumers, and still allows Nintendo to sell their hardware at an insane profit. NES, GB, Wii and DS all did this, and it's no coincidence they sold like they did. Even the Gamecube to an extent though the software wasn't there.

It's really easy to understand.

Cheaper to produce and put on the market.
I personally don't know people who still play handhelds but I can easily see a market for budget devices to play games on the go. Phone games are less and less optimized as time goes on because of the retarded amount of hardware specs, equalling pc variety at this rate if not having surpassed it already. You can go get a 3DS and know every 3DS game will work on it, and at a price point $500-$600 cheaper than a phone.

Adding to that, consumers have proven time and time again that you can sell underpowered hardware provided you provide excellent software with no penalty. DS and Wii were underpowered as hell, but the DS is the best selling piece of gaming hardware of all time, and the Wii, while not as successful, still obliterated its competition. Graphicsfags miss the forest for the (sometimes poorly rendered) trees 100% of the time. It's NEVER about the hardware.

Nintendo selling outdated hardware at a profit has been its modus operandi since the NES.

Nintendo was selling 3DS at a loss after the first price drop and Wii U at a loss from launch.

That's what happens when you cater to Nostalgia fags.

And no surprise that this is also probably Nintendo's weakest generation ever. The Wii U is a complete failure and the 3DS did not inherit the DS name elegantly.

because they know they can sell cheaply produced overpriced hardware and people will buy them
also, while the actual audience may be different, nintendo consoles are aimed at children

>Games on 3DS in 2020.

This is the 3DS's last year, count on it. All the biggest titles coming out this year are remakes, some not even being produced in-house. The Switch will be Nintendo's only console this generation, they're just being coy about it.

>Usually at least a hundred dollars cheaper than competing consoles.

you dont understand what overpriced means
it's not about being cheaper than the other consoles
it's about the manufacturing costs
sony and microsoft usually sell their consoles at a loss, while nintendo never does
3DS launched at $250, they dropped the price by $80 a few months later (because no one bought it) and they were still making profit on every sale

I really want the Japanese industry to go full swing on the Switch to give us SNES era quality games without risking themselves going out of business (which is a big problem with the AAA industry standards).

I hope you're right, Sup Forumsro.

No they weren't. They were selling 3DS at a loss after the price drop.

AAA standards will bankrupt everyone else before they bankrupt Nintendo. Those standards are horribly expensive--for developers and consumers--and don't sell terribly well.

You could argue 8 of those 11 (12 if we cound the Super Game Boy) games are western.

It may or may not happen to the same degree as the DS which got some amazing snes-tier RPGs and stuff like Contra 4 etc. But I'm certain we'll see at least some of that. Even Square Enix is hopping on visual styles with that octopath rpg they have coming out whenever. All I can say is have patience. Both the DS and 3DS were pretty underwhelming the first year or two out the gate and they basically became the true SNES successor.

>its your own fault for not surporting the game cube
To be fair, OP was probably born the year the Gamecube was released.

>Let me get the shittiest looking character

I don't see the 3ds being phased out next year, Nintendo can't get nand to produce switches until 2018 and it will take at least a year of no shortages to create an install base worth killing the 3ds.

I think most of those kinds of games will end up eShop exclusives, and no one will take them seriously or will complain about their prices being too high.


I didn't post it because of the games, I posted it because the squared SNES was my jam as a kid. I really get annoyed when my European friends diss that boxy design and the purple colors.

>Switch and Wii U outperform the X360/PS3

Specs-wise, yes. The same how the original Wii actually out-specs the original Xbox.

That's why people were hopeful about the Wii U until they saw the PS4's and Xbone's specs.

It's nice when Nintendo references it instead of only the Super Famicom colors.

I care more about gameplay than graphics. Good graphics are cool but I would look at pictures if that's all I cared about.

why are these yoshi so darn fuzzy

It just never lived up to its potential.
I really doubt it could run the likes of TLoU and GTA V.

They're made out of yarn. The cat played with them.

>it took Nintendo 20 years to to use capacitive touchscreen

>20 years
>Consumer grade capacitive touch screens in 1997
Palm PDAs weren't capacitive, user.

>Wii u is a meme.
>yarn yoshi is a Wii U game.
Yarn yoshi is a meme.

Indie games more likely, yeah. So far we've gotten stuff like Ultra Street Fighter II and Cave Story+ came out today in retail. Those are all we really have to go off of at this point, but I think japanese publishers will make a lot of these types of games physical releases.

>In an attempt to appeal to the PlayStation and Xbox crowds, Nintendo established deals with companies like Maxim and Heineken to reach the 17-to-25 year old males. Mercury’s promotional teams would show off products like the Game Boy Advance SP at porn industry parties and night clubs. To fight the kiddy/toy image that GameCube was facing, Nintendo created promotional campaigns like Cube Clubs, Nintendo Fusion Tours, and the “Who Are You?” campaign to bring public awareness of their products to older demographics.

nintendo games are the equivalent of the nickelodeon channel

>“And then at the end [of the presentation], Reggie looked around the table and basically said “Look, don’t bullshit me. How do you guys really think this thing is going to hold up?” No one said a word for a minute, and then people started just spouting off more marketing lingo and faux (self) assurance. None of these people were gamers, none of these people even LIKED video games.” says Mercury.

Your post leads me to believe you are legitimately retarded.

People have complained about the price of those two games in particular especially for having the same price on the eShop as physical.


digital should always be fucking cheaper, by like $10 at least.

your fucking tradeoff is you can't ever get rid of it if your digital.

In the case of the Switch version of Cave Story+, you don't even get the manual or the soundtrack CD for going digital.

If anything, they should follow Sega's example of selling Puyo Puyo Tetris for $10 less on the eShop even though the physical Switch version costs $10 more than the physical PS4 version because of two keychains.

>talking about graphics
>plays on console
Are you stupid?

>top tier graphics like the Vita

Can't fix stupid.

>360 more powerful than ps3

LAD this screenshot is WEW

>Nintendo's next handheld

you mean the one that came out 3 months ago?