MMO with communist gold system

>MMO with communist gold system
>Never have any gold because everyone is lazy as fuck and doesn't do any work

that's a dude.

This pic would be better without the penis.

Define "communist gold system"

That is one puffy vulva.

who is he?


Trash. Also dick or fat pussy?


I can't stop looking at her pussy


It's breasts are too small to be a woman

Looks like a girl, hence it's a girl as far as my dick is concerned


>Using a political system that caused the death of millions to be le cute and quirky girl xD

Doesn't matter what that person is, who is it?
>i want the name

>communal gold bank
>everyone who gets gold pays into communal pot

I'm honestly surprised that the number of people who think Communism can actually work and is a worthwhile system has been increasing again lately.

I want to put my dick in that thing's butthole.

I'm honestly surprised at the amount of people who think Sup Forums is for the discussion of political systems lately.

Sounds closer to taxes than communism.
Unless all the gold earned gets into the cummonal bank but I don't know any mmo that does that.

>le communism causes death :D
Sup Forums strikes again

Delicious bulge.

Whoever has a name for this boy, give it to me, please. I want more

communism is realistically worse than fascism


>being so cut off from contact with members of both sexes that you can't even tell them apart, somewhat in part due to your increasing sexual frustration/desperation

>literally just taxes

What defines as 'working'? Under capitalism millions of people are homeless, jobless, hungry, no healthcare etc., millions of people in prison; is capitalism working?

Wow it's like over a hundred million people died from it in the twentieth century

super weird vro

Actually literally every F2P MMORPG has communist money system. You earn ton of paper pieces, but they are not worth shit, so you have to exchange them for actual currency at 500:1 rate.

What a stupid post. You saying folks cant look like both sexes?

It's not a dude. She just had her pussy pumped before the picture.

>communism is so intolerable, why do those assholes get accepted while us self-respecting crypto-fascists don't!!!!

neither of you are accepted in modern government. both of your systems fucking suck and are based on some retarded idea that actively removing the problem-people of society somehow removes all problems. the democratic socialists and their neocon partners across the aisle wouldn't be caught dead referring to themselves by communist or fascist labels respectively because both systems are rightfully and fervently hated by the bulk of their constituents.

>tfw join the miners guild as soon as possible
>mfw i realize i get better working conditions by joining a labor union

is runescape the most woke game of all time?

under capitalism, the poverty level is being raised faster than any prediction ever made

UN hoped to reduce world poverty drastically by 2015 but it happened by 2013

there have never been such economic prosperity in the entire history of mankind than today under capitalism

Wait I thought it was 2000 goberillions? Gotta check with Sup Forums again, I forgot what part of history is revised to fit the ebil jew conspicaries this week

not communism

there are still retards (probably like you) who still believe in remnants of communism


So the same as communism except only a portion of people get fucked instead of everyone

communism was the worst era in the entire history of mankind by a long shot

Why can't a find a gf or bf that look like?

>muh one hundred billion

>communism is so shit that they were eating their own children

Look in his crotch user

fuck off