Isn't it just sad? Just unfair? How Morrigan is so much better than Yen but Dragon Age is so much worse than Witcher?

Isn't it just sad? Just unfair? How Morrigan is so much better than Yen but Dragon Age is so much worse than Witcher?

I agree.

Make this thread again and I will track you down and shit on your chest.

You've been warned.

Origins is way better than witcher 1, i cant say the same for the other two games tho

>Origins is way better than witcher 1
And 2, and 3.

Morrigan's the most tsundere character ever

How come Bioware managed to make okish faces for Inquisition but fucked up everyone in Andromeda?

Bioware isn't a single person who works on every game, I don't know how this needed to be explained to you.

Literally my two waifus that I want to sleep together with but they are not real.

Morrigan was already hot so they couldn't fuck her up too bad

Lmao Morrigan literally gives you shit for not being a terrible person. Also her in game model doesn't look nearly that good and you somehow found the single most unflattering picture of yen. Morrigan is the worse girl all around desu famalam.

I'm aware, what I'm confused about is how a company can go this far into the development of the game and not realize they should replace their obviously shit modelers/animators for the slightly less shit ones that worked on Inquistion.

I don't know how this needed to be explained to you.

>I'm aware
Yes, now that I've had to explain it to you.

Different studios. Inquisition was made by their A-team in Edmonton. Andromeda they took a chance on Montreal and they dropped the ball.

Whatever you need to tell yourself buddy

You're welcome.

For what?

She's different depending how high your approval is. She won't even get mad at stuff like helping Wynne in the mage tower after a certain point

Already forgot?

Not sure what I'm supposed to be grateful for, that's just some user completely missing the point of what I wrote and thinking they're smart

>Not sure what I'm supposed to be grateful for
My answering the idiotic question, it's very simply laid out. Even a Biodrone would be able to figure this out.

They're both shit. Jesus Christ I am so fucking tired of Witcherfags.

You don't seem to be able to read more than the first few words of a sentence, I think I understand why your response was so retarded now.

>I think I understand why your response was so retarded now
I'm just working with what you give me.

>How come Bioware managed to make okish faces for Inquisition but fucked up everyone in Andromeda?
Because they put forward their A-game for inquisition, which is a game they actually cared about. Andromeda was an 11th-hour attempt to milk a little more $$$ out of a successful completed series.

You're certainly doing a very good job of it then.

>her in game model doesn't look nearly that good

I agree. Try asking a question that isn't puerile and see what kind of answer you get.

>Jesus Christ I am so fucking tired of Witcherfags.
If there was any truth to that, you'd stop coming in our threads. But you can't help yourself, because you're secretly a WitcherLover (tm).

Wrong. Inquisition was made by their 'B' team in austin. Edmonton was mostly working on that destiny knock off.

I'm good, I don't really care about what kind of response you would give.

>I'm good
Don't think I believe that, but you're trying.

>this fucking thread

Looks like a honey select generic model, nice job biodrone.

Doesn't Morrigan take off with your kid at the end of Origins? She just uses you the entire time to get what she wants
People might hate Yenn for her banter, but she was there to help out Geralt, even if you break her heart

Morrigan can birth god babies. Yenn can't even squeeze out a shitty normie from her desolate womb.
Morrigan > Yenn

Don't you EVER fucking correct me again, user.

>Also her in game model doesn't look nearly that good
Are you mentally challenged? That is a screenshot from the game. So what is this if not her ingame model?

>Doesn't Morrigan take off with your kid at the end of Origins?
>What is Witch Hunt?

She gives you the chance to join her, and raise the kid in the awakening dlc,.

I just wanna say you two guys are really cute

Lots of sexual tension in this thread

See, you are a prime example of cucks that dislike Morrigan. You barely scratch the surface and thank you know everything. A general problem with people.

pic related: best rpg companion of all time


I'd say Morrigan's face is one of the few really good one and apparentely only because they didn't go after the concept art, which looked a bit tranny.


Jesus Christ you two, just fuck already.

>okish faces
>dragon age inquisition

forgetting someone?
pic related: worst rpg companion ever

She sticks with the warden for 10 years after origins

And then we got Iron Bull in DAI

People like trannies around here tbqhwy.

If you go and find her. Otherwise, she doesn't care about you and is content to raise your kid without you.

Muh nigga.

To be fair, she is also the only companion that you can throw out any time. Fucking Vivienne on the other hand stays no matter what you do

Who was also pretty good.

I always thought it's about the female face + dick and not the tranny face + no dick...

God-tier mage and the best candidate to become the divine.

Hurr hurr hurr I'm gay, get it? Im gay that's all i joke about and also I have no character depth.

I hat this stupid fucking face as well

>that kurwa damage control

Only if you kill the chargers and he remembers to be a part of the Qun. Otherwise he destroys the Qunari lore until the bitter end.

>she is also the only companion that you can throw out any time
It's almost like they knew how fucking annoying they made her

>Iron Bull is pretty good
I especially liked the part where he explains how Sten was a liar and transsexuals are an important part of the Qun. And the fact that he loves gay sex? Just icing on the cake for such a great and progressive character.

Nah. Only recruited her on my first playthrough (when I didn't know better). I'd even take Sera over her.

Vivienne wasn't annoying though and also kind of cool.
I wanted Bioware to give me the option to kill Sera like you can with most companions in origins, telling her to politely leave was not enough for the rage she evoked.

>Hurr hurr hurr I'm gay, get it?
He never said that.
>Im gay that's all i joke about
He never joked about it.
>I have no character depth
He has one of the best loyalty missions, plus his betrayal in Trespasser was great.

>liking fantasy mudslimes

Man, Inquisition shits on the lore so hard it's not even funny.

Bioware forgot dragon age was a dark fantasy after origins, the whole thing turns into noblebright progressiveland to pander to larger crowds

>Giving Morrigan the mirror gift

It would be better if Solas could kill her.

I'm honestly surprised he never did

Stop thinking about my wife

Which one?

ive always hated that emo bitch. all characters of dragon age 1 were terrible like the whole game itself. BORING

Iron Bull is lying

DAO = W3 > W2 > DAI > W1 > DA2

>shits on the lore
No it does not. Just read all the codex entries from the first game before writing dumb shit.

I'd put W3 above DAO (as it does have the perk of being more recent) but otherwise objectively right

Pretty patrician order friendo

That's what we tell ourselves anyway. But remember, Felicia Day's DLC in DA2 backs up all his shit.

Morrigan has been my waifu forever but I've never touched DAI. Yen's not too bad either.

I actually liked Witcher 1 better than Witcher 2, otherwise the list is perfect. DAI should always, ALWAYS be on the bottom.



As a woman you have a discussion with Sten, because he doesn't understand why a woman would fight. He even says: "Why would women ever wish to be men? That makes no sense."
Then Iron Bull comes along and explains how there's a special name for female warriors who wish to be men.

DA2 while bad has at least redeeming factors compared to DAI, such as some cool characters and plotlines.

I fucking wish Honeyselect looked like that. Fucking japs.

It was unbearable going in the same dungeons over and over. That ruins the rest of it

Also, Sten is low ranking warrior, he don't know shit.

>okish faces in Inquisition
Maybe the men of couse. The women on the other hand were a trainwreck.

>Cassandra is literally designed after a male
>Leliana looks like a horse
>whatever the fuck Sera was supposed to be

Even Morrigan originally looked like a tranny. The only reason that she came out ok was because the fanbase actually drew the line there and Bioware had to fix her up.

Because Morrigan is from Dragon Age: Origins.

Thanks for reminding me how horrible Bioware is at dialogue.

>Sten is low ranking warrior
, who became the next Arishok

The gameplay is bad in both, but Witcher has more of it so it loses

Sten is a title and denotes a commander rank in the Qunari. He wasn't a low ranking nobody.

hearing the actual lines delivered is good
reading the script is awkward and bad

After DA2. "Sten" is not a high rank.
>female warrior looks manly
What's the problem?
>Leliana looks like a horse
She looks better than in the first game

I still think Cassandra looks decent, but the rest is true. Most females just have ridiculous headforms and (especially for creating your MC) the jawlines never feel feminine

You're an idiot. He's saying they must not be women because they fight, or that they must not fight because they're women. Not that they must be a secret transgender caste of Fereldans that won't be introduced until much later.