Ace Combat 7 Gameplay

it looks good

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Better to wait for good game than a shit game in 2017. If it's shit in 2018 then yeah it's fucked.

God damn, they made it look so good with unreal engine. I wonder if there'll be hints or small radio chatter about the ghosts of razgriz hidden in there somewhere

Can't wait to play the definitive edition on my ps4 with VR support.

Will the game have cross platform multiplayer?

I fucking despise that VR headsets have fallen prey to paid console/platform exclusivity.

>dont buy ps4 m8 it has no games invest money in pc its the future
fuck you my friend peter

You know this is multiplat right?

>decided to look at comments
Big mistake

>playing ace combat on pc

Oh my god

>he doesn't want to play the game at its best
Guess you aren't as big a fan of the series as me. I bet you only played the English version of AC3 too.

its sarcasm you idiot here s you (you)

>New flight model will allow players to perform Cobras and Kulbits without DFM

At least a 2018 release means it won't compete with big AAA blockbusters. Release it in the quiet early months like January or February.

Nah it needs to line up with the Top Gun 2 release to rake in those normiebucks

>he thinks this is his sky

The cloud mechanic is fucking great.

>fighting stealth fighters in heavy cloud on Ace mode

All this game now needs is a big assault record.

Why does everyone hate Assault Horizon? It's great, just as good as the others and the story was really good.

I hope AC7 is a bit longer than the others. I know these games are meant for replayability, but I've always felt they all could have used a few more missions. 0 especially.

5/10 bait
Its so horrible not even half decent bates work

I feel like pretty much all of the games are short and sweet, more missions would just make the games outstay their welcome in my opinion. It's fun shooting shit down and everything, but there isn't a massive amount of variety to be had in things like simple dogfights or bombing runs.

More bosses would be nice, but I feel like the games have a good balance between mission variety and repetitiveness.

27 mission in AC5 wasn't enough?

I'm 100% serious. I always avoided it because of retards like you but got it for $5 in a humble bundle on PC months ago. Blasted through it a couple weekends ago out of boredom and loved it as much as all the others. There's literally nothing wrong with it, and in fact has better voice acting and story than 6.

AC5 is my favorite precisely because it has more missions than the rest. I see people fling a lot of shit at the "filler" ones, but I liked all of them, except maybe that recon one which has you take photos.

You're not wrong, I guess it's mostly a matter of feeling like I got my money's worth. Even if I like a game, and keep playing afterwards, seeing the credits after one sitting leaves a bad aftertaste anyway.
Let me put it like this, it wouldn't bother me if they threw in a few more non-terrible gimmick missions.

>has better voice acting and story
Yeah, they definitely improved on those from the outsider's standpoint, since the story elements we incredibly cheesy in the Holy Trinity.
However, they also ditched everything that made Ace Combat: crazy tech, giant bosses, proper freedom of aircraft selection, aces vs aces battles that aren't just glorified qtes.
Some levels are quite good though, like that bomber chase in the desert or anti-ground mission during rainfall.

>obviously didnt play ps2 games
i am sorry i see where are you coming from. ACH was made for you newfag. You are still autistic if you are 100 % serious about liking it tho

Except that it plays like COD in the sky instead of a simcade flight game.

>Even if I like a game, and keep playing afterwards, seeing the credits after one sitting leaves a bad aftertaste anyway.
AC at its core has always been an arcade series to me, even if most of the games were console exclusive.

If you can tell a great story in 7 hours, what's the point in making it 10 or even 15 hours just for the sake of it?

t. played AH first

I have played every single game in the series. It is just as good as any of them. Plays exactly the same. If It's "COD in the sky" then so are all the others since they are as arcadey as can be. Stop treating them like they're sims when they never were.

Assault Horizon story is just generic lol supernationalist russians take over russia that is reused in every single cold war tension book/film/game though

About all I can say about Assault Horizon is it had a rocking soundtrack.


Will it have Denuvo? I'm not giving money to Scamco.

>DFM mode
>plays the same

u wot m8

>textures on anything but the wing look like it's from a PS2

fact that you are compering it to ps2 games is literal evidence that you forgot how gameplay, controls, sound worked in those games
But i guess you made me reply so congrats

You had a rocking ps2 then.


>people still think there will be any major continuity instead of minor nods when this is the first proper Ace Combat game in over ten years and the first proper Ace Combat game on PlayStation in over 11, possibly 12 years
There will be no Mobius One, there will be no Ghosts of Razgriz, there will be no Solo Wing Buddy, there will be no Yellow Squadron, etc. Stop getting hyped up for something the game will never be and enjoy it for what it will be.

please user dont say that! It puts us in a tight spot!

Literally nobody here has even mentioned that shit, dude.

Hell, if anything I want the ending to allude to the creation of the corporatocracy.


All of that is a good thing. Quite frankly, should be a real world setting again too.

You are a special kind of retard.

I liked it. Was a fun time. Raging acecucks can go suck a dick.

Best bait ever.

I think the hate is purely from weebs mad that the story wasn't some garbage anime fantasy world shit, and it was all the better for it. I mean Jesus Christ, 6 is so retardly melodramatic as to be intolerable and boring.

it looks like the ps2 games but with fancy graphics and a few new bits

in other words I'm very excited

Why did Assault Horizon suck so much if it's made by the same people who made all the other AC games? Legit curious as I never actually played Assault Horizon.

>When you notice that the Arsenal Bird had a laser dish on the top and there are at least 4 of them guarding the space elevator

Long live Belka.

>I never actually played Assault Horizon
Play it.

Was this game any good?

It genuinely didn't, It's great. You got memed by Sup Forums. It'll probably be like $5 in the Steam sale so check it out.

Like ace combat with props.

Sup Forums isn't the only place I saw people talking shit about Assault Horizon though

>fags seriously think ass hor should even be looked at
>seriously giving attention to the game that damn near killed the franchise

Euthanasia isn't enough for these guys.


Your opinion is bad and I do not like it. I love 6 and dancing with the angels.

Marvel vs Capcom Infinite comes in 2017. Don't forget to preorder.

Yeah great fucking game and great soundtrack too

The question is: will this game have dramatic music?


>that first link
I had that song stuck in my head for like two weeks after finishing the game, and now, years later, it's back. Fuck you user.

good never forget it.
rip best girl what a fucking fight also that fucking paint scheme holy shit, wish I could do it again but dolphin doesnt like Nvidia and I keep pitching down for no reason

>That icing effect/turbulence when you go through the clouds

Also, how's the multiplayer in these games? I never got a chance to play local multiplayer on the PS2 games and I just found out this one's going to have online multiplayer.

Yes. Project aces also seems to have based the arsenal bird off the movie.

Go dance with the angels you idiots

>Grunder Industries survived AC5 and transformed into General Resource
>Now a megacorp that absorbed Ustio, Sapin etc.
>Won the Corporate War in AC3

Daily reminder that Belka won in the end.

I am indecently hyped for this. I've watched the two good trailers a dozen times each.
I feel like I'm twelve again.

And real life

Daily reminder that Belka won in the end

>Gruunder Industries survived AC5 and later reformed into General Resources
>Now a megacorp superpower that absorbed most of the continent except for Osea
>Won the Corporate War in AC3

do you guys always play first person mode? or occasionally move the camera behind the plane

>cheesy dialogue is back to AC5 levels

I like to swap between cockpit and 3rd person though I find it much more enjoyable to dogfight in cockpit so I spend more time in that.

I don't think anything could ever be as cheesy as 5's dialogue.



>a globalist conglomerate is a "win" for Belka
I don't know how you're rationalising that one, dude. Neucom were very clearly the market leader by the end of the game, GR was only kept around as a puppet state to avoid rocking the boat too much after killing Dision.

Mostly 1st person., but 3rd person with an F-14.

>yfw the final enemy ace goes by the callsign Ribbon 1

Post planefus

Glad it's not PShitter exclusive.

>Playing Ace Combat 5 on a massive TV with the surround sound cranked all the way up with a couple buddies one summer.

It was like a spiritual experience, who knew a game about combat aviation could be beautiful?


>this pic is from 2013

It's been so long

i really want to get a pilot suit and helmet but they're really expensive.

where can i get one cheap?


Green vs Blue

>>tfw you love it when you shoot down a plane and they fall to the ground in a trail of smoke but they all just blow up in mid-air

>canopy can ice up if you stay in clouds too long

it's great and I will be forever pissed I bought a Wii just for it. You can tell Project Aces held back on it and it pisses me off even more.


Fucking dropped.


J-20 when?


I made this a while ago but feel like it could be better. any ideas?

put a V2 behind pixy

make the characters look like actual pilots

just give me my ending to infinity you faggot
each day I feel like taking the shitty theory as a fact

>Still no AC3 anime
>still no good manga about crazy modern/future jets and dogfighting