It just won't feel right on PS4.
It just won't feel right on PS4
It felt right on PS2, where it started.
It didn't feel right on handhelds. Why play a game about hunting big monsters on a tiny screen?
Personally I never understood those portables seeing as most people would just play the portable consoles at home and jut sit on their phone when they were out.
Glad it's making a proper return to the "big" screen.
Sure it will. Play it on the PC and set up a controller how ever you want if you're having a problem with the Playstation.
So you've never played it on the PS2. Fucking kill yourself.
It felt right on portables, where it got popular.
It didn't feel right on PS2. Why play game about hunting with others while being alone on your couch?
Personally I never understood the original, Capcom must have thought the same when they switched and made the game a hit.
Sad to see it returning to the "big" screen.
>It felt right on PS2
Shut the fuck up, you lying sack of shit. Nobody liked those stupid analog inputs.
It belongs on portable systems like the PSP and 3DS.
it will, easily, be the best MonHun game ever
>Game originally on PS4 gets released for Nintendo hardware, like rocket league or something
"Enjoy the game, Nintendobros! It's a great one!"
>Game originally on Nintendo hardware gets released on PS4
Why is this allowed?
I just want XX and World.
I want both, I could give a shit about your console wars, are they going to localize XX or not?
I want to fight rocket jet dragon
Final Fantasy started on the NES. Does that mean FF is a Nintendo series instead of a Playstation one? Dumbshits.
>Rocket league
Nice fucking example retard, surely you can understand how those aren't equivalent.
It didn't feel right being trapped on a 240p screen for so long.
>Play on PC
>Set resolution to 320×240
Now you can enjoy it too my friend
which is why it will feel right on the PC instead. About time we got a PC MonHan that isn't complete powercreep garbage praised by Stockholme syndrome apologists who want to feel justified paying a sub
>It just won't feel right
This meme is stupid
Oh goody, the false flagging threads are still around.
I'm not getting a PS4 for that shit, but I'll certainly get the PC version so I can actually have it be, y'know, good.
It's a great game for handhelds. Hunts take about 15 minutes tops so you can do them while on the train or bus.
And if you got some friends that actually play the game meeting up and playing locally (by going on the wi-fi cause the actual local play sucked) was fucking great.
Voice chat does about the same thing, but it doesn't come with the magic of looking in their defeated face when you tell them you just got that gem they were looking for.
This is the best response. I wanted to get XX soon to play it and tide me over till World PC.
I really wanted to fight the mantis. Looked like a way better final elder dragon fight than most.
Feelings are not arguments user, try again
It will feel bad with the Dualshock 4. That Controller is rancid shit compared to every other console controller.
> That Controller is rancid shit compared to every other console controller.
What about 3DS and PSP, the consoles that Monhun were on
Hunts take like 20-30 minutes not 15
I mean, every other home console, you fucking pendejo
That's why it's coming to PC
You do realize a PS4 controller is the same layout as a PSP but with more inputs right? Any time I emulate Freedom Unite I do so with a DS4 mapped with PSP controls and I simply secondary bind the DPad to right analog stick as a method to move the view around easier without claw grip. Right analog stick is likely going to be used for the view this time around. I doubt theyre going to adopt the old system where you had to claw grip both sides of the controller to accomplish shit.
The analog stick attacking was just poor decision making. Hell in the original Monster Hunter you didn't even have to hold down anything to bring up item selection. You simply pressed square or circle to cycle items and I think triangle or X to use them.
No localization planned as of yet. It will come eventually. I dont see why not.
Feels 10x worse on PC
miles upon miles better. even the claw on PSP gives you better controll over the camera and the right stick on N3DS/Touchscreen-Analog are better aligned to the attack buttons and the triggers are more responsive.
Now compare that to the layout of the DS4.
Freedom Unite actually has really good console scheme on Vita
that's why Ill be placing it on PC
MH has never felt right on any system because of its shit controls.
t. public transportation user
check out this hothead; go play memesouls then
>Nobody liked those stupid analog inputs.
Youre retarded
>Nintenbabbies are getting so desperate they've devolved to "i-it just won't feel right"
I've played every Monster Hunter and I'm going to play this one because I'm not an idiot stuck to one system. Stay mad.
and you are a fag
It'll feel worse on PC : (
Dark Souls is in the same shit controls boat as Monster Hunter
Neither have shit controls you just have a shit brain with shit fingers
I'm just wondering if all this shitposting would've existed if it was released on all consoles (including Switch) and PC.
>user "feels" a virtual reality he cannot play or even see in his own home, judge is it willingly
I'll play it with my friends and we will have the choice of controller or m+kb
sure sounds 10x worse than some bing bing wahoo or ruggarellbox.
The most popular MH right now is already on PC. How will the new one being on PC feel "wrong"?
Starwars battlefront has some pretty good controls.
>Hunts take like 20-30 minutes
Sounds like somebody needs to learn to actually fight the monster instead of being a pansy ass waiting for the monster to come to him.
Any single monster, barring some elder dragons shouldn't take you over 15 minutes if you've got decent equipment and actually keep attacking.
The only person I know who is not excited for World and thinks it will be shit is a person who only has a 3DS.
I'm pretty sure it's the Nintendo fans causing this.
>spending more than 5 minutes on a monster
It's like you don't even know how to hunt.
Agreed, PC is going to be the only way to play this.
PC would have the absolute worst feel tho?
>tfw no MHW on vita
sorry I don't have the right gif for this
Well, I mean the wimpy shit like the Greats or Kut-ku should only take like 3 minutes once you're good. They shouldn't be able to even change zones.
But when you get up to something like Jho or Brachy then I'd say 15 minutes is a good estimate.
Maybe 10 depending on the weapon type you use.
Do kids not realize the original was a PS2 game first and was the legit best version to play for like a decade?
>tfw vita user is dead
why are we still here?
just to suffer?
There's always remote play.
Apparently not, since they also don't realise analog attack were the patrician control method. I kinda hope they bring it back, I was happy they did for MH3 but it's probably been too long now.
I bought a 3DS just to play Monster Hunter 3U. I later bought a WiiU and the same game for that console to play it on the TV. I enjoyed 4U, Generations, and XX. I'll be buying XX for Switch unlocalised and I'll be buying World for PC.
I'm so excited to be able to play these games in >240p, holy shit.
I mean... I'm a PC gamer too but god... I think there's a hell circle only for this shit
All the people complaining started with Tri.
>download game for hours
>start download patch for hours
>download drivers to use controller
>reconfigure controls
>change the graphical settings for a while
>crashes multiple times
>have to sit on uncomfortable chair and not couch
>cant play mobile on my bed and toliet
>uncomfortable chair gives me bad back posture which gives me awful back pain
This feels wrong
You're right, it'll feel just right on a PC
Why do these Nintenbros keep saying "westernized" as if it's a bad thing?
I play mostly Japanese games and rarely get excited for Western games but holy FUCK these kids are weebs.
When the Japanese fanbase loves MHW, suddenly THEY will love MHW
Do you guys think they feel the need to try getting the normie audience now that they have to make a non-handheld version which costs way more to make? Do we have another FFXV on our hands?
Do we get a "Monster Hunter for fans and first timers!" -message when launching the game?
>"westernized" as if it's a bad thing?
what is DmC reboot?
what is Dead rising 4?
what is lost planet 3?
what is Final Fight StreetWise?
These kind of posts are the most retarded posts on the board because anything can be exaggerated like this. I'll make an example.
>download from the 3DS eshop
>download for hours
>next day they release a patch update that needs to be downloaded
>strain your eyes with 240p resolution screen
>uncomfortable shitty 3DS controls without analog
>FPS dips in areas
>guy steals your 3DS if you try to play in public
"This feels wrong"
you do realize "western" is not a gameplay style or philosophy, right?
I'm sure you don't since you're a weeaboo who thinks west=bad and japan=good
>favorite games in the series are Portable 3rd HD and Tri
Monster Hunter feels like shit on a handheld. It takes the hands of a contortionist to play for long stretches and the graphics would lose to N64 games in a beauty pageant. Being able to control the camera with its own analog stick is one of the greatest achievements in human history.
>strain your eyes
Not everyone is 50 years old, Old Man. Now take your Babydick self to a hospital, I hear menopause is a bitch.
>>download from the 3DS eshop
>>download for hours
>>next day they release a patch update that needs to be downloaded
God you PCtards dont know the concept of gaving a disc or cart
>he's so stupid he missed the point of the post entirely
As expected from a namefag.
It's to the same level of exaggeration and misconstruing as the fuckface who made the original post seriously.
Even if you buy on cart you still need to download patches from the Eshop.
>there's no guarantee they digitally downloaded
Just as there's no guarantee you will have to do half of the shit said here
>what is outsourcing the development of beloved game franchises to underpaid jackoffs in another country and being surprised when the game is shit.
the core monster hunter team is onboard, i trust them to make a good game. capcom's recent fuckups have been due to a mismanagement of the people actually working on the games, not some sort of stupid design philosophy infecting the entire corporation.
Never downloaded a single patch for monhun
How about Disgaea 5? Disgaea games have been mainly on PS systems.
>he's so mad about menopause he doesn't understand that his analogy was retarded
As expected from a below average. The PC criticism's are valid, while your small dick ramblings are arbitrary garbage.
the fact that you had to add streetwise to you list tells me its not as full blown as you think it is
You're joking, but you are right.
It won't.
MH belongs on the best handheld the world has ever seen: The Switch baby
you forgot Street Figjter V
>its a capcom wants a wider crowd episode
>The PC criticism's are valid
>Nintenbabbies are this stupid
I can't be convinced you're shitposting at this point given the stupidity of this board so I'm going to address the shitty post myself because you feeling fags are mouthbreathers.
>start download patch for hours
There's no guarantee there'll be a download patch for hours and most games don't have this happen
>download drivers to use controller
A process that takes a matter of seconds, I bought a 360 controller and it worked instantly on my PC
>reconfigure controls
You likely won't have to reconfigure controls if you use a controller
>change the graphical settings for a while
Most games auto change your graphics depending on your hardware
>crashes multiple times
A literal exaggerated fallacy that does not happen with most games
>have to sit on uncomfortable chair and not couch
Good chairs are comfortable
>cant play mobile on my bed and toliet
Who gives a shit, if you spend that much time on the toilet there's something wrong with you
>uncomfortable chair gives me bad back posture which gives me awful back pain
Literally can say grandpa to this too, you double standards fucker
Brainlets need to get off this fucking board
from the video they showed off today, everything seems fine and in-line with how MH usually is
the only really big changes that are concerning, I feel, are the grapple hook and items no longer having the flex animation
also, I worry that, since multiple monsters show up all the time now, will this mean all monsters hp and damage take a nosedive so as to be easier on the players? or will that be unchanged?
I look forward to playing a bowgunner with mouse.
Controller for anything melee.
Why didn't you address your menopause and your below average dick size tho? He brings up a good point.
>gets BTFO
>results to "y-you're just old and have a small dick" like a middle schooler
You Nintendo kiddies are pathetic. Sorry you're this mad Monster Hunter left you.
Put your name back on faggot you aren´t fooling anyone
My pc sucks and I still have no good reason to join the mustard race so it will be the PS4
>"western" is not a gameplay style or philosophy
Fucking LA MA O. This is exactly what it is, you dumb fuck.
>it started on ps2! meme
Oh yeah, sure thing you played it on ps2, fag. Someone once heard it somewhere and keeps repeating it
>Game originally on Nintendo hardware
what the fuck are you talking about?
sounds like youre just retarded and have no idea what kind of comparisons those anons are talking about.
try playing MHO. It's amazing. swiveling the camera with mouse is as it should be, no more lockon bitching when you can move the camera with an actual pointing device.
>Do we have another FFXV on our hands?
Given that this game will release within 12 months of it's announcement and has an actual vision, I doubt it.
Do we always have to start MH threads with an obvious falseflag now?
So far the only thing that appeals to normies is having an actual tutorial at the start, which is not an issue at all
>continues to only briefly touch upon the topic
As expected of a Babydick.
My name is ALWAYS ON you faggot, how else will people know who I am?
>waaah why won't you give more attention to my shitpost
Maybe you should go make a petition for a Switch Monster Hunter if you're this upset.
no one talk about consolewar u dipshit
You know the best part of this?
You can tell that it's just assmad sonygros posting because they always direct to the Switch when no one is talking about it.
Because the only people retarded enough to say it "won't feel right" off Nintendo hardware are Nintendo kids.
>Glad it's making a proper return to the "big" screen.
You mean like it did for Tri when no one bought it?
Or when it went to the PS3 and not even Sony had faith in it?
What about when it went to the Wii U and flopped?
Welcome to your first lesson in falseflagging.
No one cares about Worlds especially not the Nintendorks seeing as they're mad about XX not being localized.
>No one cares about Worlds
The Japanese are literally loving it so far and most western players who aren't single console idiots are also excited.
For someone who says others are falseflagging you sure like to do it yourself.
>yfw it does well
>yfw they go back to traditional monster hunter goofynes instead of MUH REALISM graphics
>yfw they continue to do it on pc