Who /toiletgaming/ here? I bathroom gamed all 4 years of my high school career to avoid bullies...

Who /toiletgaming/ here? I bathroom gamed all 4 years of my high school career to avoid bullies, moving to a different bathroom every lunch period so no one would catch on. I can distinctly remember beating both GBA Golden Suns, Pokemon Sapphire and Sword of Mana this way.

>not playing pokemon with the senpais
what shitty school did you go to?

Not even the super nerds would hangout with me famalam

lmao you must be some kind of super loser

I beat Metroid Fusion in about 3 months of poops, save point to save point on gameboy sp.

why is that nigger taking a picture of a fat man shitting and making a v sign?

king of the losers kek

kek kek kek


what a fucking loser kys famalamalamamalam

I was a bathroom eater too. You really have no idea

V has come to the toilet to take a massive shit

they try desperately to find a reason to shit on white people because they know it's extremely easy to shit on black people

>peeking in Men's bathroom
Nigga u gay?

Oh wow, I was a bathroom gamer too but bathroom eater is a step I've never crossed

I play GBA games on an emulator on my phone every time I shit.
I've beaten metroid fusion hundreds of times and it took me 4 years to beat mother 3 once.

It's always nigs doing bathroom shenanigans so don't try to rationalize or understand their thought process.

I understand wanting to be alone but thats fucking gross

:( sorry to hear user

he's gay

I've got fusion on my phone but controls are shit. Been playing Advance Wars and Buu's Fury with no problem because they aren't precise control games.

Because he wants to suck the diarrhea out of that fat guy's butthole.

he heard the bing bing wahoos and was checking who to rob after school


>come home after work
>gotta take a shit and hungry at the same time

Hell yeah I'm taking my burrito/sandwich-thingy to the shitter, don't act like any of you haven't done that.

Someone post that picture of the hamburger on the floor.

my thoughts exactly

>eating and playing vidya in the same place u shit in

u niggas serious?