Why screen so smoll in SC 1 and 2? I can barely see a few units and few buildings. Why such approach?
RTS with bigger screen
Because Starcraft is about precise microcontrol you retard. If you just want to send disposable waves of shit in general enemy direction play SupCom
>Because Starcraft is about precise microcontrol you retard
Can't you have microcontrol with at least a bit bigger screen? And look at those UI boxes at the bottom - except for map and menu button, it doesn't do shit. I don't think it's good design. They are just in the way
>Because Starcraft is about precise microcontrol you retard. If you just want to send disposable waves of shit in general enemy direction play SupCom
Why not give players the option of making the screen bigger if they want? If the game is so much about microcontrol, it wouldn't be much of an advantage.
>not just operating via the mini-map
>not understanding some basic concepts
Would you chop wood with stone, or axe?
literally artificial difficulty is why.
when the screens smaller you have to pay attention to minimap more and/or move around the camera a lot, making it harder to do stuff while paying attention to other things.
It's a retarded concept.
So it's like giving everybody autism, and then making MMA competition. Everybody has equal chances, and if somebody does not want to have autism, he shouldn't go into MMA in the first place.
>He doesn't know a stone axe exists
I know. I wanted stone in that comparison, not stone axe.
early rts used sprites that couldn't be easily scaled, so that fixed camera height became a convention
I can see much more here. It's a single screen.
>what is 1998
were you even born
Did you even bother to read? SC2 has the same problems. I played SC1 as a teenager, but I don't justify bad design on nostalgia.
For a series of reasons.
First off, because of the precise micro involved in those games, having the camera close to the units is important.
Second, camera placement is a very real skill in those games. You can catch invisible units by seeing the shimmer effect. There's other stuff like how one-shotting a worker will not send an attack alert to the player (which means you need to see/hear it in order to notice it, again putting emphasis on camera placement as a skill)
Also, personally I've never understood the complaint, neither in this nor in Dota. The camera is still far enough that you can fit a large amount of units on the screen, and you need to move the camera around a lot anyway. You also get most of your strategical information from the minimap.
because thats a lot of effort to please one retard with autism?
yes, it's exactly like that. anyone who doesn't immediately think of this exact comparison is just obviously objectively wrong because this is the best one that will ever exist
You would need to pay attention to the minimap no matter how far you could zoom out, lol.
I'd also like to know what makes certain types of difficulty "artificial", and how artificial difficulties are less legitimate than the others.
>because thats a lot of effort to please one retard with autism?
>insulting with autism
>while only koreans in some shithole with autism actually bother with this game
Because of people like you this genre is dying.
Hmmm,I think I get you, good explanation, but:
>First off, because of the precise micro involved in those games, having the camera close to the units is important.
If the camera would be a bit fruther away, how does it hamper micro? I don't think it would, It would still be easy to click around, if not easier.
>Second, camera placement is a very real skill in those games.
It could also be a skill with bigger camera.
To not give in to the rich-fags. Also, it's easier to code and Starcraft was a horrible rushed mess code-wise.
>If the camera would be a bit fruther away, how does it hamper micro? I don't think it would, It would still be easy to click around, if not easier.
Of course, it depends on how much farther out the camera is, but a very important part of micro in SC is making fast and precise selection boxes (e.g. for splitting units). The farther out the camera is, the harder this becomes.
>It could also be a skill with bigger camera.
It could be, but the farther out the camera is, the easier it becomes. For example, if you could zoom out enough in order to see your whole base, you really should never miss the shimmer of a DT climbing up your ramp.
Thats a daymn shame.
Now I know why this game is so popular with 3rd world countries.
>Now I know why this game is so popular with 3rd world countries.
But it's not?
South Korea was all over it but their fellows in Korea and Chine were all over AoE's dick instead. Heck, even fucking Japan played primarily AoE.
No idea about SA, though.
I meant Poland.
>in Korea and Chine
*Vietnam and China.
See the second point here
If I would be able to precisely control units while zoomed out the only reason to not allow it is to make it easier to miss things.
that's artificial difficulty. when the difficulty doesn't come from the game itself but rather how you see or control it, where a simple control change or camera change would make it significantly easier.
SK was going through some tough times when the game first launched though
How did China not tell AOE to fuck off for not giving them gunpowder and block printing?
We're talking original AoE, not 2.