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can anyone spell for me what the fuck is happening storywise in WoW anymore? I havent followed it since MoP
evryone got corrupted apparently
wod brought back gul'dan to setup legion
guldan brings back illidan
everyone either gets corrupted/purified/killed
illidan is naruto
was this fanmade?
Man, that's bad
>we'll never get clunky shit like this again
>another last minute redemption meme
>fucking KJ of all people
jesus fuck, is Azshara gonna cry about always wanting to be a little mermaid for her reasons to doom their entire civilization before she dies?
What about Sargeras? I thought he was the biggest baddie of the burning legion.
What will the next expansion be about?
About Trump usurping power in Azeroth
The lore of this game has been so badly butchered, it hurts to watch. Its been a trainwreck since Cataclysm. The only glimmer of interesting story development has been evil Jaina.
With those 2 planets that close, gravity would pull them together.
So everyone is dead now?
corrupted by light
the story they retconned was that he got corrupted after fighting demons throughout the cosmos
now apparently he created the Burning Legion to destroy worlds to stop the even bigger baddies from corrupting them, which are called the Void Lords, that created the Old Gods and sent them to Azeroth
>argus actually appears in the sky in game after someone in the server gets the kill
ooh shiiiiit
Who is the Trump of the warcraft universe?
Sargeras just disagrees with the other Titans on how to deal with the Titan Eggs/Planets getting corrupted by the actual big bad Void Lords/Old One Masters to make anti-Titans. He wants to wipe the slate clean and start from scratch while they want to try to uncorrupt them while farting out more Titan Eggs. His Burning Legion is just anyone he could scrap together to level the playing field of him vs everyone.
Well Argus confirmed to be the next expansion.
We aren't medieval anymore brethren
Why was original Scarlet Monastery so GOAT? That and Shadowfang Keep
Now that was a stupid decision. Every pantheon needs a more or less intrinsically "evil" god as counterpoint and antithesis to the existential experience of the mortal creatures.
Ruses of that sort is evidence that the writers has gone full hack.
>Kil'jaeden was just a scared baby boy all along
like every other character ever
also corrupted
also wow is shit
epik xD
>play wow for 12 years
>always cutting edge raiding (US top 10) and top pvp (2700+ multiglad, multihero)
>gung ho about legion
>play it hardcore as fuck for a month
>kill last boss in emerald nightmare
>suddenly all desire to play game is gone
>drop the game
>never look back
Anyone else?
we already garrosh's saga is already over
Neat, but it's getting too farfetched
>Cute Anime Girls
normies btfo, anime wins again
So is Argus the next expansion or just the next patch?
I will laugh really hard if Legion is already over.
I left off where you did, and just recently picked it back up.
>Warlords of Draenor
Okay, so.. There's an alternate time from the wizard Khagdar, and something something the OG Horde never formed, and there's evil and you've got to go help Draenor from something. Yadda yadda yadda....
Sargera's Tomb lost on these islands that we should've ran into on our way to Pandaria is now a haven for the BURNING LEGION 2.0 to put the world in a terrible threat.
Why are they acting like Kil'jaeden is permanently dead? He's been killed plenty of times before.
That's actually cool as fuck.
I'm guessing next expansion will be Argus or some shit.
I have a feeling people are gonna get real fucking tired of the color green and demons.
It was a castlelike with an evil necromancer at the top of the tower doing evil things for evil sake.
There was undead but not scourge related.
There was no grand ''The unholy champion of the scourge of wiping villages of Silverpine has hold himself up under Arthas's orders and has been corrupted, kill him and you'll be rewarded with artifact power
They said during Blizzcon that they learned from the mistakes with WoD and wanted "longer expansions with more content".
So logically it should be the next expansion, since when has fucking Blizzard kept their word before.
Why does a shitty underfunded private server do better videos for 11-year-old content than Blizzard?
Blizzard have already confirmed argus is going to be the next patch
That's right, an entire planet is going to be boiled down to a single zone, and they're going to use Firelands as the template. It's fucking nothing.
I'm not too savy on how demons work, but in sure exploding into a ball of fel fire would trap you in the nether for some time, plus blizzard can bring him back and re-recorrupt him with light!
Killing a demon in the twisting nether = permadeath
they should just kill kadgar
he never does anything worthwhile
IMO probably for the best. Another demons expansion would be fucking retarded.
In my most honest opinion, I wish the next expansion would be something that isn't focused around one major evil. Perhaps an expansion that focuses on the world going through a "tranquil" phase, and only dealing with some lesser local evils, like a group of dragons, a bandit uprising, some shit going down with some mages, just a cluster of things like that. Bring the feel back to the Vanilla days when there was more shit going on and not some overly-emphasized grand scheme for once.
God, how embarrassing.
Instead of one zone covered in green fire we get a whole planet! Wowie excite
just kidding I fucking quit this stupid ass chore list of a game
try raid
Why would any demon fight in the Twisting Nether?
>garrison system is turned into a player housing system that you're rewarded for your efforts against the Legion
>the dev team killing one of their DMPCs
Over? Hahaha. Legion still has at least a year to go of no content. They do it every fucking time too.
there's a lot of foreshadowing that the next expansion is old god shit
and besides the player power level goes off the charts every single expansion, there is no going back to killing simple bandits anymore
So what's wrong with this?
when the world of warcraft wasn't controlled by nu-males
pretty sad famalam
this user summed it up brilliantly
>Sargeras: As if I could forget. Listen Titan Pantheon, there's something about the Void Lords you should know.
>Sargeras: Oh no, it's already begun. These World Souls may look fine now, but it's only a matter of time before they turn into the Void Lords!
>Titan Pantheon: What?!
>Sargeras: The entire Dark Beyond must be purged!
>Titan Pantheon: How can you even consider that!? There's got to be some other way!
because vanilla was very down to earth content wise in comparison to every other expansion
it was less about one major story and more about a bunch of smaller ones
because it's their home and you invaded it
>there is no going back to killing simple bandits anymore
Better get ready to collect some more bear asses for that sweet artifact power again next expansion, goy
Wow this game sucks
End of mop you beat up garrosh and everyone wants to kill him but demi gods are like nah he dindu nuffin.
A bronze dragon is like yeah your right and so a black dragon with a turban tells the 2 of them to go back in time on draenor to make an army to kill the legion.
Garrosh kills the bronze dragon about 2 seconds after they arrive in past draenor garrosh then meets his father and tells all the orcs about future tech and that green is bad. They make an army of all the orcs and make a dark portal that goes to present azeroth and invade.
We go in kill everything in our way including garrosh and archimonde aka big bad 3. Past guldan escapes to present azeroth.
Now legion. Guldan summons a bajillion demons on the broken shore where the tomb of big bad 1 is and a bunch of good guys die like varian ysera tirion. Guldan steals illidans body tries to rez big bad 1 into. Meanwhile we were rezzing illidan and we beat up guldan so our rez happens first. Illidan now lives and kills guldan.
And now with this raid we all run into the tomb beat up people kill big bad 2 and illidan is like we need to kill everyone so he summons big bad planet next to ours.
>more fucking demons
at this point I'd taken a Zandalari invasion of the Broken Isle's
or fucking Naga and their Old One handlers just to build up the new expac
you mean you
Anyone else feel Blizzards Interns are pretty much running and directing WoW now?
All their senior devs seem to be in the works for something else or there just to hold the fort up untill that something else arrives
where were you when Arthas, Sargeras and Illidan were the same person all along?
Will Jaina be able to repair Golden Throne and revive Emperor though?
are the senior devs still actually there? i thought they all left since cataclysm
Killing everything is still retarded expecting the Void Lords to die off as well.
I like legion more when they were just space SS.
It actually doesn't look interesting, just look at that, a whole planet that looks like broken shore/tanaan jungle, meh
If it was Argus before being fucked up it would be interesnting
cry more. The burning legion was never any scary or threatening. Now that they've set up how weak the BL is compared to a new enemy we can get a fresh story line, fresh designs, fresh races and a new theme. Unless you wanted the legion to be some story ending plot device I can't imagine why you'd complain. There are always a bigger fish.
You felt like the Exterminator going in to do the dirty but necessary work as you leveled up, which made the more serious stuff like Zul'Gurub, Ahn'Qiraj and Molten Core feel suitably epic.
WoW is a shriveled corpse being milked for its very last drops
why would they put any effort on it when Overwatch and Hearthstone are gigantic cashcows that produce significantly more money for a pittance of the effort or maintenance WoW requires?
They've been doing it since late WotLK/early Cata thanks to the timesink and moneyhole that was Project Titan
during a interview Pardo said they had like 100+ devs from various big MMO's and senior WoW staff working on it so they could shitcan it a few years later and turn the remnants into Overwatch
This. Isn't one of the lead devs an unabashed brony with blue hair now?
Ever since they announced they are developing for a un announced project the quality of WoW went on the decline as soon as they started hiring and rumours about the project started to arrive (mid Wrath)
But yes they have actually brought back some senior devs since the start of WoD
When I play an MMO I want to have a world to adventure through, that's the entire point of the genre.
Not play as a faceless companion to the hero in someone's awful warhammer/dnd/marvel comics/shounen jump mashup fanfiction
I quoted the wrong post. Sorry user
no, I just think it's a good summary
No more fucking green fire and demons please
And with that, Illidan fucked the entire gravity of Azeroth, utterly destroying everything. But it was all worth it so he could yet again reuse a line from another fucking cinematic.
dude it's magic
>he likes power creep
it is better when it's done like vanilla was, this shit of everything has to be connected is awful
it's only getting worse with extended universe shit too
Unintentionally smart of them. When it crashes and burns, they can't be blamed for it. They can take credit for WoW's 'Golden Age'.
Like Bioware and Mass Effect Andromeda.
Mind writing the paragraph explaining why you stayed for literally 13 years and now have stopped all of a sudden with a shitty post
But its breaking mah immerssan
oh yeah, that whole Project Titan shit, which ended up being nothing and parts of it were put into Overwatch
a terrible shame.
Does this mean the next xpac will take place in argus?
I don't know
It just stopped being fun all of a sudden
Next patch
Next xpac is going to Old God finale
only next patch
>Do Suramar quests for a month (or two?) and get [Key to the Nighthold].
What do we do with it? What is it's worth?
We destroy it for artifact power and it's value is based if you're been playing keepy uppy by waiting 3 days to up your rank percent to.. gain more artifact power from it.
It would probably be Renault Mograine.
>If you're not actively killing scourge all day, you're a terrorist
>Fuck non humans
>Build a wall around the plaguelands
That or Genn Greymane for the wall meme
>It just stopped being fun all of a sudden
More like you finally realized it hasn't been fun for ages.
holy shit why did they butcher warcraft 3 lore so much
this shit is fanfic tier
>reading over Warcraft Chronicles 2
WOD was such a fucking disappointment
All that wasted potential, fuck
Warcraft lore was ALWAYS fanfic tier you dumb fanboy
>Light, give me strength!
>Blades of Light!
Maybe you're just shitposting in a shitpost thread.
No one here has actually ever played world of warcraft.
Boy, Metzen leaving really fixed the shit story huh?
>next xpac
It is supposedly the "next patch" of this expansion if you believe this guy.