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Project Rap Rabbit Funding Unsuccessful
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no game no sale
The worst part is this would have most likely been fucking great.
The work in progress video was fucking awful.
The problem is that pure rhythm games have fallen out of vogue nowadays, ever since the Just Dance series drained that well dry a while ago. The failed Kickstarter is just a reflection of the idea that no one is interested in a rhythm game right now.
Thank god. Maybe people are finally wisening up and dont just blindly fund some nostalgia-fueled "FROM THE MAKERS OF THE GAME YOU LOVE - THE SAME GAME AGAIN"
wubadubdub is that true?
162k british pounds
All from furfags
LOL asking for almost a mil are you fuckers serious?
Good, I hate rap
the text fucking ruins it
You can't tell me Rhythm Heaven is a big-time seller.
press [S] to spit on grave
There's an alternate universe where the success/failure of all kickstarters are swapped and people post this about MN09 all the time
They fucked up the KS really bad. Launching without a gameplay video, even a concept one, is bad enough as it is, but they didn't even have music samples in a game entirely about the music.
Those fucking stretch goals were ridiculous
It does pretty well for itself in Japan, but that was some time ago and the series isn't really in a good spot right now.
People talk about Parappa all the time but the truth nobody really cares about the gameplay itself anymore.
Also rhythm games are extremely niche and only /jp/ tier otaku actually care enough, but they're no fun allowed arcade machine autists and don't really care about casual visual games.
Project Diva Future Tone sold so well that they rerelease the game as a physical version because of demand. Guess fucking what. That one had 220 fucking songs for 60 bucks. Project Rap Rabbit had what, 6 songs for 30 bucks? Fuck off.
asked for too much money didnt recognize he needs to budget like a indie dev
This kickstarter got so much publicity from about every gaming site, yet no one really cared about the game.
How the fuck is anyone supposed to figure out whats going on without the text if you havent seen it b4
>That video
That's the reason why nobody backed
>creators of two successful games need crowdfunding to start their new project
Kickstarter is and will always be a scam.
By not being literally autistic and paying attention to body language
They should have cheated like that one valkyrie profile ripoff game did to meet funding
>855,000 halal bucks for a literal who project
What? The mechanic was amazing - the video said that the backgrounds and characters would be much better and that the rapping person was one of the devs, they really wanted people to understand the concept and it did look cool.
>body language
>its a fucking anime eye
Yea, you're full of shit kid, stop posting with that autistic behaviour
There's also the point that Kickstarter - crowdfunding in general, even - isn't that big in Japan yet, so who's to say they wouldn't contribute more to the project?
>absolutely no gameplay at the launch of the kickstarter
>these stretch goals
>that ugly ass rabbit
They failed before they even started.
I hope one day you'll be able to socialize user and realize that when people look at you with half closed eyes it's because they got tired of you and just want you gone.
It failed because the protagonist is ugly. People want their cute buhnibois.
Lol, did they really think they would get almost 1M for this shit?
Nice projection sperglord, but theres no doubt that no girl ever gave you the bedroom eyes
Maybe leave your basement sometime so you learn to read people as good as your favourite children animes
I expected that. The materials they put up for the KS were utterly unconvincing.
>2 extra million for Xbox One version
Nigger what?
>$2.4 million more for an extra level
Money money money is all you need~
>video game developement costs money?!?
>1.1 million dollars for the engine and 6 stages
>2,4 million dollars for a single extra level
This level better be made out of diamonds.
>thinks they need 3.5M for an extra level
>porting to xbox one is a 3.1M stretch goal
>5M for nintendo switch version
Who plays these kinds of games anymore?
>paying for something before it even exists
apparently yes
How the fuck does porting a game cost more than making a game?
>One extra level: eight in total.
HAHA Can you people finally open your eyes and realize PaRappa the Rapper was a shit game and no one bought it? It's a literal who tier. I'm glad this game didn't fund.
you must reply to this post if you got a boner during that part
parappa was always a shit game
Just seeing a number on kickstarter doesnt tell you anything about the games budget.
Theres also that if you include a stretch goal it may add years into the developement cycle, you dont just put it down as the basic cost of salaries.
Why did they need that much money?
What happens with the money they got? Does it go back to the supporters?
clearly that anime eye had fallen into a deep despair, which those words did no justice, a despair strong enough to freeze it's already cold heart.
and body
Bad character design
Yes, Kickstarter doesn't charge until the project is funded.
If they are backed by more than just KS money, it would've been a good idea to mention that in their KS pitch.
Stop making me read things in master shake's voice
Nobody wants to play Parappa either
>Parappa just got a PS4 remaster
>make a kickstarter for a spiritual successor instead of trying to make Parappa 3 with Sony
Six levels for that amount? 500,000 more for a localization? Yeah this shit is starting to sound more like a scam preying on Nostalgia.
I was about to say they just put a ridiculous price to scam everyone, but they didn't even manage to do that right. Almost 1m, holy shit.
PaRappa is literally who and there's literally no demand for a PaRappa game except Sup Forums.
>Making new games
I bet he tried but seeing how this game is PS4/PC sony probably just told him to fuck off and fund his game on his own.
Not a scam, just Japan proving for the umpteenth time that they have absolutely no understanding of the crowdsourcing model and are only pushed into it by western companies who tell them how magical it is.
Wahetever I guess, I never actually liked parappa the rapper to begin with and I played it on my PS1 when I was a kid, I mean I understand the appeal but it certainly didn't appeal to me.
F. You were too good for this world
>His game will never be real
>The doujins will never come
it hurts
>wanting doujins of something this ugly
>Six levels
Okay, but which one involved the rabbit taking a shit?
Nips don't want furshit, they want loli waifu pandering.
Who gives a god damn fucking shit
Rhythm games were a horrible plague on the industry and I'm glad they will never come back
Nips have their priorities straight.
C'mon guys don't pretend that those strech goals have any bearing on the price of the goal in question. It's literally never been that way since this whole Kickstarting thing began.
Developers put the base pitch at a ridiculously low amount (here not even a million dollars) to make sure they get anything at all, then rely on stretch goals to actually get a realistic budget.
Otherwise they'd be asking for multiple millions and everyone would laugh at them for being greedy shitheads.
Don't act like these stretch goals are anything out of the ordinary, it's the same for even successes like PoE2, whose goals are filled with things they absolutely were going to do anyway.
You don't have to like it, but it's how the system works.
Thanks assholes
>Developers put the base pitch at a ridiculously low amount (here not even a million dollars) to make sure they get anything at all, then rely on stretch goals to actually get a realistic budget.
So what happens if they get the base money but no stretch goals? Just grab the money and hide?
What are some loli waifu games I can donate to on kickstarter?
>Developers put the base pitch at a ridiculously low amount (here not even a million dollars)
Hope for the best, get outsider funding, basically everything the indivisible Devs are currently doing.
just because you were a creative director for a game or two doesn't mean you're rich enough to fund something like this. you need investors or you need crowdfunders, only idiots or the super rich use their own cash to finance something like this.
Am I the only one who heard nothing about this until yesterday
>rhythm game with 6 songs in 2017
fuck off
>biggest stretch goal is a switch port
This shit looks way to japanese. Kind of cringe really.
More than that, the kickstarter meme is now finally dead. Good riddance.
>a single level costs more than the entire game
And this makes sense to you.
>Kind of cringe really.
Songs created by a computer program and no real talent you fucking autist weeb.
>the onion masters rap takes more talent to make than summer idol
you wish fag
And thank fucking god, rythm games are what gave birth to qte
Come on user, you know very well this is fuelled more by greed than passion.
maybe too, underage retard?
>Thanks assholes
Thinking you're entitled to someone's money.
Come on dude.
>Project Rap Rabbit Funding Unsuccessful
I'm glad people are finally fucking learning from their mistakes.
How would you make a rhythm rapping game Sup Forums?
>mfw they wanted a million dollars
That is asking for a lot