What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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It all started with Ara, then it goes downhill from there.
Also this


eve was the turning point for me, those bm vs rs matches back in 2012 were the highlights for me

>Thinking it took this long for things to go wrong
You innocent thing

It wasn't Grand Chase.

Thank god.

How improve my Aralicius?

Void weapon

>Playing Void

Can't even pass the fist mob from this dungeon. My damage is so low.

might as well ask, on void after hitting something around 80 what should I be running to get exp and what weapons should I aim for?

You Keep going and then get a SD set

Try make a Henir D4. Is easy now.

Secret dungeon then Henir set then Heroic set then Void weapon

Shitty pvp


>charging for second skill bar

Do heroics or SDs give more money on void?
Also, any guild alive?
Being alone sucks.

KoG tried to compensate for everyone feeling underpowered by having more events at the expense of not realizing everyone is wiling to check the game constantly. It also limited what you can get in IM, fucked it's own economy, and last made characters horribly unbalanced through poor nerf choices.

EE is fucking useless now for absolutely no reason. Thanks KoG.

What's the max value on maximize stat using Enhanced magic stone?

The only reason to play is to dress up Eve.

>Not Lu

>less costumes
>can only look at her half the time when playing to gather more funds for outfits
No, Lu is second place. Also even Eve's weapons are cute.


Season 1 and 2 Grand Chase are the best things KoG will ever be able to create


They didn't call it 'Elesis'.

What's wrong with it?

>I will never lick noblesse clit all day
This kills me everyday.
DK is the best Elesis.
>captcha elwood sold

Crimson Avenger has the best cutins though

Its a damn Sin for a robot to have those wide ass hips

>get one combod by freyja with shadows descent, dark IV and machine pistols
>never even reached 100mp

Do you enjoy living life being wrong?


Trash personified

That isn't a skill cutin though. Noblesse's SC is kind of mediocre as far as Lu's go, Chiliarch's is infinitely better.

Don't fight both are cute.

DK had a great prerelease accessory. My Eve still wears it with her casual autumn outift.

*Perfection personified

thumbnail personified

Don't worry I'm killing myself right now

Elesis is miles above every other girl in the game. Rena comes kinda of close though.

Post stats and how much money you've spent getting them.

My stats are dogshit, spent nothing on them.
Have a +9 older SD wep.
Play mostly for dressup.

Dressup made me spend 500 bucks on this game. It's something I'm very ashamed about.

I spent a bit (not that much) during black friday sales and I'm still somewhat ashamed. My Eve looks adorable in her custom fall outfit with a big hat though.

the gameplay is interesting but it looks like a clusterfuck

>mfw seeing this for the first time
>those fucking hips
good lord

I feel like Eve's concept is "how many traits of worst girl can we fit in one character?"

This shit is the main reason I stopped playing

t. Evangelion fan

She's fine as a character, none of the Elsword cast really has strong characterization. Inoffensive and cute appearance that partners well with the artstyle. The Elsword girls look a bit too samey all around regardless though, including Elesis and Eve.

I like Aisha

As bad as Grand Chase was, I really liked this game.

I tried to play Elsword, but simply... it is not the same feeling.

>he says while posting recycled character from an older game

Pay 2 win.

And a refusal to fix older classes.


Gonna dump some Aisha I guess


What's a good private server for Elsword?


>Gonna dump some Aisha
>Already over


I played this game up until it was forcing me to replay the same level six times just to complete a quest.


DW aways makes my dick hard.


Elesis pleases old men for money

Anyone remember /elg/?

>you will never go back to grand chase
>you will never farm the same dungeon 100 times just to unlock the new broken character of the week
>you will never laugh at the Dio who didn't run Infernal Spear
>you will never kick that one guy who brought a starter character to the raid
>you will never hear Ronan scream HIGHLANDER ASSAULT ever again

You're a man of good taste.

>tfw make new account late in the game's life to play Lime (best girl)

Also here
In portuguese for a lot of it but the better of the two.
Not as good but all in english.

with eve she use a res stone and brought ded game back

Can only last so long though. She did give their game a revival but they didn't do much with it.

Aisha more like AiSHIT

Eh I'm not trusting some BRBRBRBR HUEHUEHUE niggers to not package some malware and a botnet in their installer. Even if I do install it I have to actually play with the monkeys.

I might look into that GC:R, probably will have the same problems as the other one though.

It was hard enough trying to find people to run the dungeons on the main game before it died, a private server version would be absolute cancer. Not to mention all that grinding for characters and jobs and unlocks, yeah fuck that.

Give me the official game again, give me a new game that's good, or I'm not interested.

Is possible craft a +9 scroll on void? I think a +9 weapon will solve my problem.

stats on costumes and a p2w cash shop
I liked the game otherwise, its been awhile. worth coming back too? or should i even care?

They're both fine, but the difference aside from language is that the BRBRBRBR one has all new content updates while GCR stays with what the game had when it died in two versions. Apparently from people who have played both, the community in the BR one is actually ok, and while the one in GCR is also good, the mods are way too banhappy in GCR.

Yes, it won't though. The power creep is too much.

a +10 is barely passable after void dungeon happened.

>10 years and still alive
>went wrong


What's the appeal of this? Looked it up.. a sidescrolling MMO?

Imbalanced pvp

It was doomed from the start, it tried to copy a superior game (DFO) and failed

No hard content/real raid coop content killed it. I've played since Korean beta up till about 2016. They fucked with the skills too much also.

The big thing is actual difficult content, you are grinding like hell but there's nowhere to really wave your dick around. I've been doing SDs and Henir spam for 7-8 years

Other stuff
>Paying for more skill slots
>Paying for more item slots
>PVP was fun in season 1 and season 2 but hasn't been fun beyond that
>Paying for pets/pet pickup (If you aren't playing with pet pickup expect to be poor)
>+10 went from extremely rare to extremely common
>Huge gaps between +7 and +10
>Dumb balance changes
>Constant power creeping

If they actually introduce some hard content team/guild and solo then fix up PvP it should revive some life into the game. Koreans are basically begging for hard content every year and KoG excuse is that it's a middle schooler game

The waifus, which I'll start to dump.

Seriously, I don't see any other appeal for the game than the girls themselves. They are all fucking god tier.

>playing pvp

>playing DFO

The official servers had tons of events recently that gave FREE shit like B slots and stuff. The private one gives all of that shit for free as well.

The raids they did have weren't incredibly coop (although I tried to be that nice Eve who activates auras when people gather on the edges), but they were fun. I wish they'd bring it back.
PvP always was dogshit though.

>have to pay for extra lives
>have to pay to gain access to high level gear for a limited time
>have to pay to play for more stamina
>have to pay for more moves
>have to pay to switch classes
>have to pay to raise level cap
>have to pay to keep armor from corroding
>strongest items in the game required the rarest ingredients to keep stable and to acess the dungeon for em, you have to pay
who knew Korea were such jews?

Yeah but I mean back in the early days, I'd introduce people and having to buy a B-slot to access more skills was a instant turnoff. It should just be a grindy quest in game at this point. All my characters on Korea have B-Slots purely through events and I have 5-6 extra B-slots just sitting around in case I ever want to make new characters

I agree for some, but pets were given out pretty often for a while (i.e. a few months ago) and fetch aura isn't going to make you rich. If you want to gain enough money to buy anything on the board without cashing you have to craft and sell shit. I made a lot from special magic stones before they made them shitty and useless.

>not playing pvp

They're asian, are you surprised? I'm a half chink and I'm a stingy person too.
You can't pay for more stamina and a bunch of that stuff is free though.

There were two different type of raids, the EltrionMK1/Drakabi one and the Perkisas/EltrionMK2. The first one was just LMAO ICE DRAGON SPAM while the second limited a lot of stuff and actually make it challenging and so to get high scores and get more rewards.

>have to pay to play for more stamina
>have to pay to gain access to high level gear for a limited time
>have to pay to raise level cap


While it's true Korea threates their player base much better than the international servers (NA fucking themselves for 4 straight years, EU with the massive lack of updates), the recent change of KoG taking directly the status of the server has helping it a lot.

>playing PvP

They've been getting better with NA (e.g. the free full Ice Burner costume required less than a quarter of what KR's did) but not to the "here have free everything" that KR has.

I don't know about NA but fetch aura+quest leveling gave you about 70-80mil from 1-70 on KR which is a lot to start playing the market with how cheap everything usually worse. I don't remember how much you got from 1 to 85

You can easily take the 80m and turn it into 300m in a few days. With dressup being cheap as fuck you can buy entire IB sets or materials if you needed

>The official servers had tons of events recently that gave FREE shit like B slots
You mean KR right? NA doesn't do shit like that, even the free +9 amulet they gave for free expires in a month


Eh before that event they also gave tons of free shit between 2015-2016. B slots, etc.

The KR market is flexible and a paradise. Too bad the server itself is the fucking test server for KoG.

You can give it a start but it'll be slow and each dungeon doesn't start giving much ED until around Velder. It's really only useful if you're a titlerunner, e.g. 1000 runs of lategame dungeons.

Yes they did. Can't remember if it was when LuCiel released on NA or after it. It was quite a godsend for the players after the massive economy problems that the server had for a long time. Not the +9, but all the B slots, pet pick ups, free pets, for free. My old NA account still has a permanent pet with a pick up attached and a B slot, on 3 characters.

I honestly think that grinding THAT MUCH for a title is a downside. People had legit to use the x2 title run events and so to get them, and those who got it without it were complete autists.

It was the Goodbye Grand Chase event and then one about a year after that. Also yeah not even Reaper was worth that much grind, way too much. Hell, 100 is too much.

Also why is Lu the best girl?