So How is it?

So How is it?

shit like every fucking cave story remake
just play the original

Kill yourself

>buying the paid version of a free game that's worse than the free original

can you be anymore of a cuck?

Alright let's get this started

God tier:
Spur, Lvl 2 Sword, snake

Good tier:
Machine gun, fireball, Bubbler

Okay tier:
Missile Launcher, Lvl 1 sword

Shit tier:

ABSOLUTE MADMAN or didn't know about trading Tier:
Polar Star

Shouldn't the Lvl 3 Sword be in God Tier instead?

Lvl 3 sword is okay, fire rate is slow though, and Lvl 2 sword can put out more damage at close range and if you mash the button.

m-muh king

King was a dumbass who never once thought of throwing his sword, hence why he got his shit pushed in at the first sign of actual conflict. Quote has the right idea.

Cave Story+ is alright

>who never once thought of throwing his sword
>throw sword
>no longer have sword

Quote seems to be able to throw the sword infinitely, and he's just a robot, what's King's excuse?


I actually really like the Nemesis because of its' unique mechancs.

I'm not big on it personally, the two shot limit and smoke particles everywhere bug the shit out of me.


shi, buy Spelunky instead

>that secret message at the back of the manual
>all dat nice artwork strewn about the pages
>dat little soundtrack CD

Glad I got this shit.

what? when was this announced?

>just a robot
how is that supposed to make him inferior?
for all we know, Quote has high-tech weapon teleporter in his hand.
and I was explaining why King wouldn't THINK to throw his sword, it's because it would be retarded in normal circumstances

>secret message


months ago

How many times can you rerelease a free game?

what did they mean by this

>was never released on any Sony console

Quote and Curly Amiibo.
YOu better preorder before the sclapers do.

The last page of the manual has one half of the explanation for how to get the True Ending on one side, and the other half on the other. It goes 1 word on one side, the other word (printed backwards) on the other, so you have to shine a light on the back of the page to see the full explanation.

It's really neat, and something they didn't HAVE to do, but really makes the whole manual seem all the more special.

This was my 4th or 5th time buying Cave Story.

Cave Story is good but overrated.
Nothing about the platforming gameplay really stood out like in Metroid, Castlevania or Ori. The story/style reminded me of Undertale which is a bad thing.


DSi, 3DS, PC, 3DS again, PC again because I got a new steam account, switch.

yes, (you) know it's true.

The only thing that makes Cave Story special is the fact it was made by one guy.


>not in its own God tier
It makes the game so easy it's incredible.

Info in that Fighting game that has Umihara Kawase and Curly maybe?

In what way?

>In what way?
Cave Story fans act like it's this gem in gaming history that every one needs to experience.
It's just a platformer with sidescrolling shooter combat elements. Most of the game you just putter around with a jet pack picking off the enemies so you can get through.

It's good but only slightly better then Shantae and not as good as Ori (Which people rarely talk about).

>muh fanbase
that doesn't answer my question

>the fact it was made by one guy

Not the same user but this just further
proves how bullshit kickstarters are.

But the Missile Launcher upgrade lets you kill Ballos form 3 in like two seconds.

But it doesn't make you a man. At least with the Spur you have to charge it or you play like me and just jackhammer the fire button

>PC indie gets a console port
>to prepare for the prestigious console market, it gets completely revamped, graphically and mechanically
>PC, the platform that made the game popular in the first place, doesn't get the enhanced version

I thought it was a meme when they said "Japan hates PC", but holy shit. That's like cheating on the guy who gave you a house for your homeless ass.

For a literally free game. Pottery.

shh no one tell him

>those hips and thighs

Artist is kekitopu. Knock yourself out.

Holy shit.

Hope you have fun.

The original is a PC freeware game retard

I actually had one of his pics saved already and I didn't even realize it, but hey, actually being aware of an artist is always good.

Fuck me they actually fixed this

And I commissioned him around half a dozen times, maybe a bit more. I thought he was a Jap artist for the longest time.

>Sue Amiibo

So I just remembered that the Switch is region free.

Looks like I'm importing myself a physical copy.

Wait, thats a thing now? fucking sold

This might actually be an improvement, it's one of the few things I'll admit was a flaw from the very first version of the game. At the very least, it made replaying though it unfun. Backtracking always felt like shit in Cave Story, even though retards call it a Metroidvania. It's a masterpiece of a linear game.

I never played the original Cave Story. What's worse about this version compared to the original?

Most complaints I see are that they prefer the original translation done by Aeon Genesis, and that the game runs at 60fps instead of the original 50fps.
That means different timings and tweaks to the engine that aren't exact to the original.
I think the original translation had better character and style to the writing, but it's not a deal breaker.

>got curly key chain

>Explain why this mediocre game isn't special.
Buy another copy. Go for it.

There is a homebrew port for PSP

Quote is able to throw his sword because it is possessed by the vengeful ghost of King.

Holy fuckmuffins, purchase worth
The game didn't need that kind of padding; it's ok to be a short, but good game

You lucky nignog, I got the fucking soap bar

sequel when


>get to Chako's house
>have to pause to masturbate

Should I go for the normal ending first, or just go straight for the true ending?

Normal ending, and use all of the weapons you wouldn't normally
That means swap with Curly

Up to you, if you've never played the game before, play it without a guide and see what happens.
You aren't expected to get the true ending on your first run. The first run is supposed to make you think about your choices.

>ypu can carry two jars of jelly
H-Has this always been the case?

Is Curly Story in the version?

Is there a list of changes they made to this version? I know about the portrait animations, eventual co-op and , but not much else.

I saw for descriptions of the game that they actually added in a 4th ending now, but I also wanna know what else they added

The portraits now face in the direction the character is facing.

>4th ending
user, are you sure that's not the 'mask' ending

I kind of want to pick this up even though it's totally not worth the price. I just really like this game.

It could be, all I've seen is this:
>Cave Story+ is scheduled to launch on June 20, complete with enhanced visuals, seven play modes, over 20 boss battles, 15 levels, 10 unique weapons and four different endings.

Cave Story 2, art by Noill


No, fuck that overrated hack.

why isn't it on the european eshop bros??

It is the original, though.

Everybody knows. You can calm down now.

Europe and Japan are TBA.

I prefer + over the original, but + isn't the original.

what did we do to them
It's not like they ever translated the game anyway, why bother now?

>B-B-BUT SONY!!!!!

every time on /nintendogaf/ without provocation.

Yeah but it was made over the course of a really long time, more than just a couple years that most kickstarters with teams promise. It's not specifically hard for one person to make a good game, it just takes time that people aren't willing to wait.

My bad. I assumed you could switch to the original graphics and all that jazz in this. Literally just booted my copy.

Luckily you can still go with the original ost.

Top tier physical release, even better than Isaac Switch. As far as the game itself goes, it's great if you're not autistic about only playing the freeware version like 90% of the CS fanbase on Sup Forums. More content than any other.

>tfw my joycons literally just started getting the sync issue
It's making it fucking impossible to play on hard, I'm getting wrecked in the second Balrog encounter. Really don't want to send my joycons out for a week either, partially because I have games to play and partially because I don't wanna fuck with shipping. God damn it Nintendo.

Damn. I got Quote.

Reminder that Switch is region free.

Here's a heads up, if you have a Pokken controller that will work, along with any GC controller adapter too now.

Noills Curly art has made me unable to play the game again due to constantly having to stop and go jack off.

Shame noill went full patreon cancer

Nicalis is a shitty publisher. That's all there is to it.

Is it just the left joycon? If so, you can probably fix it yourself if you have the right screwdrivers and a small piece of conductive foam, which is what Nintendo's repair service uses to fix the left joycons that get sent in.

Can you play this game with one joycon?

>Two boss battles before the final boss
>Final boss has two people helping them
>Get to Hell afterwards
>No place to save so you have to do it in one go
>Have to conserve as much health as possible through the three toughest stages in the game with an easy boss at the end
>Then you have to fight through four forms of the real final boss before you win

It was tough but man did it feel rewarding finally beating it

No, it's the right one actually. Maybe it's not the same issue, but it's started dropping inputs or lagging when I hold it in certain positions.

Yeah, it's just not very comfortable for me.

Really? I looked it up and it looks like you have to use the Mayflash PC one and it only works for certain games. Guess I'll give it a try in a bit.

In that case it's definitely something else, the left joycon issue seems to be universal across all of them sold in March and is an issue of the signal being too weak. Right joycons should have no problem keeping sync from a reasonable distance, it's probably a manufacturing error.

My left joycon has never had sync issues, and I bought my Switch on launch.