How do we fix Sup Forums shit taste?
How do we fix Sup Forums shit taste?
you leave
Remove Biosock Shitfinite, Near A Tomato and Reddittale and youve got a list of some of the best games.
Your favorite """game"" on that list? Too bad.
I love it! No doubt inspired by this great troll image, eh?
and spec ops too
This. Good taste user.
Nobody actually likes Bioshock Infinite.
It's a le contrarian troll post every time someone claims otherwise.
Remove Ps3 and Ps4 / xboc one and xboc 360 games.
Yeah, should be replaced with 2.
No, although I do like one of them. you probably don't like video games at all, hence your shit taste
Actual undisputed list of overrated garbage here.
Infinite is shit, no one here actually likes it, MGS2 is decent, Nier A Tomato is decent, Spec Ops The Line is fucking trash, TW3 is meh, Dark Souls is good, Undertale is memeshit, SotC is decent.
Add New Vegas, VTMB, Gothic 2, Deus Ex and Bloodborne.
fuck you asshole
Why don't you post some video games for people with good taste?
Where the hell did you get the idea that Sup Forums likes Infinite? It's always being made fun of.
You had me too you suggested that SOTC was anything but the logical conclusion to videogames
hey don't talk shit about my wifi
or else..
Your wifi is trash.
But no Sup Forumsirgin worth their salt likes any of these except SotC and DS1 you fucking spanner. Bait:3/10 Must Try Harder.
Normies (aka the silent majority of gamers) do.
But which version of Tetris is the best version?
This is actually surprisingly really accurate. I agree with every single one except Dark Souls, and even then I agree in the senae that DkS is the overrated meme pick that is the worst in the series, but the overall series (DeS, BB, and DkS3 in particular) is great.
Her body is just 2B's but a bit worse.
user, you just posted the overrated meme picks
I wonder who is behind this post
she can kill you
It's never was about the body, and besides, her body is bettah anyway
also my wifi killed your wifi
TW3 is nowhere near pretentious as TW1
Dank souls, mgs2, and sotc are actually amazing games tho family
What if my favorite game is your favorite game?
>Bioshock Infinite
This list has to be ironic
You're missing Silent Hill (1, 2 or 3 doesn't matter, they're all pretentious bullshit)
This is the state of ""/v"". Where did it all went so wrong?
PS2 Ace Combats