Im about to play this for the first time, what am i getting myself into?

im about to play this for the first time, what am i getting myself into?

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Smiles and tears.

da best prosecutor

a games never made me cry, but im eager to see if this will.

The best game in the series.

It's better than the first one

if its actually better then one im gonna be super glad, cause one is actually a 10/10 story to me.

I like the first one too but you don't hold a popular opinion, most people here hate it.

Then this will be at least a 100/10. Seriously, there is no contest.

ive only played one, so educate me (to me one is good because there was no bad parts, sure there was filler but the points that stick out are amazing, that might be the nostalgia fag speaking in me tho)

besides the filler one is great, there was only one time i was like "this shits retarded" or "what does this have to do with the plot" but the edgeworth is by far my favorite character only tied with phoenix and gumshoe (i only like gumshoe cause hes a big meme)

T Here's really not much to say without spoiling but there's a reason why it's considered one of the best game in the series. Some even consider it THE best.

Honestly, is the best case in the series.

Great characters, great music, great writing with no supernatural horseshit, all cases are relevant to the overall story (no filler), villains are smart as fuck (the first one will blow you away in comparison to how stupid/incompetent they normally are in these games)...

It has no courtroom parts, yes, but I fail to see how that doesn't make it easily the best experience the series has to offer.

what are the best ace attorney games because i want to play them all eventually and is this game any good because bum phoenix is best boy and i heard its either great or dogshit.

Best defense attorney and sadness that all of these characters will literally never show up ever again.

Trials and tribulations, the one in the OP picture, the first game, spirit of justice and dual destinies are the best games in no particular order.

Unironically the best game in the series.

>spirit of justice and dual destinies

Literally wrong. SoJ is good, and DD is alright, but the original trilogy + both investigations games are the best ace attorney games. It's especially sinful to call Dual Destinies one of the best games. It's easily one of the weakest for an AA game, which means it's still alright to play.

AJ feels weird to play if you play all the games back-to-back, it feels like it takes a dump on the prior 3 games even if you don't consider that it was released years later as a soft reboot of sorts. Personally I don't recommend it as a starting point though, just start at AA1 and play in release order.

AJ tries a few different things, succeeds at some of those things but fails at a lot of it too. The new protag is like AA1 Phoenix except instead of Mia occasionally butting in to help him out he has almost every main character constantly butting in to do the heavy thinking for him.

Uh you should play them all in release order. Not chronological because the Investigations games have references to things in Apollo Justice.

OP already posted it

Everything after AAI2 will feel like a slight disappointment, it just hits every single right note

That's a visual novel... right?

>best game in the series
>Capcom still hasn't released it in the West,

Fuck capcom! Investigations 1 was fantastic!

Unironically no. Ace Attorney plays very differently from visual novels and is much, much more gameplay oriented. It'd be more akin to a point-and-click.

one of the few visual novels that actually has gameplay in it.

no you play as an attorney at law

lol i am the op

so i should play 2 next instead of the prosecutors path?

JFA is terrible though.

DD is top 5 for sure.

>JFA is terrible though.

Literally fucking what. 2-4 is one of the best cases in the franchise and Big Top isn't as terrible as the memes made it out to be. What the hell makes JFA "terrible"? And the original trilogy + the two investigation games blow DD out of the water, and I'd argue that SoJ edges it out and it holds up the bottom with AJ.

You should play AA1 -> 2 -> 3 -> AAI 1 -> 2 -> AJ -> DD -> SoJ
Unless I am missing something in there somewhere.

DD is not good. Terrible villain, overarching plot is a rehash of DL-6, and the cases are all boring.

An excellent game but case 2 & 3 are too long and have shit pacing though. The payoff is worth it though

No he should play AJ before the Investigations games. He would not get all the reference to AJ that are littered in those games.

ok ill download those as soon as i can, and i heard 2 or 3 is pretty bad.

They're all good nigger, just play them in release order.

>2-4 is one of the best cases
Great case, but is incredible overrated because is basically the only one were your client is the culprit. Dai Gyakuten Saiban does the twist much better.

> What the hell makes JFA "terrible"?
Every other case.

> And the original trilogy + the two investigation games blow DD out of the wáter
Personally, DD is my third favorite game after AAI2 and T&T, so I disagree.

> Terrible villain, overarching plot is a rehash of DL-6, and the cases are all boring
That's a well thought out opinión.

I disagree, 5-1, 5-3, 5-4+5-5 and 5-DLC were tons of fun.

You heard fucking dead wrong. I'd rank the games like this:

>AAI 2
>AAI 1

But yeah, they're all fucking good and they take, what, 10 hours to beat? Just fucking play them all dude.

It won't, but it's a decent ace attorney game.

lmao why didn't someone just post this to begin with, that pic is just summarizes the whole thread

thats the plan

Fuck off with DGS spoilers, barely anybody here has played the game.

The Investigations games have AA4 references in them, no reason to play them before. Release order is always the best.

> 10 hours to beat?
i hope you mean 10 hours per game because there is no way you can play all of them in 10 hours unless you beat it and just skip everything

tl;dr : get a hacked 3ds with flashcart
whole AA library, whole layton library
shit is cash as fuck

A bit overrated with no epic cases like 2-4 and 3-5 but very good overall. And long.

Is mediocre either way.

That case is the only worth giving a shit and the rest of the game is a snooze fest with tons of cliffhangers and sequel bait unfinished plot points.

Doesn't matter, don't fucking spoil shit regardless.

>not buying AA5 and AA6 from the eShop to support the series

T&T > AAI2 > AA > SoJ > DD > JFA > AAI > AJ

Butthurt people like you are why I never get bored of spoiling stuff.

i did buy AA5 though, but fuck capcom for being a jew about digital only and still charge full price desu

i cried at mother 3 when i was like 20

>see box art
>didn't notice DS
>get excited
>clicked on it
>official fan translation

My heart.

daddy issues: The game

why is the OST of the series so good bro?

>actively ruining other's experiences is cool!

play the original trilogy in order.

how is the fan translation?

it seemed pretty good.

Fan translation seems pretty good to me. I don't read moon runes so have only tried that one, but it's definitely keeping in the style of the other games.

Shocking twists

>That MLP reference forcibly put in the fan translation

>how is the fan translation?
For the most part it's pretty professional.

Gripping plot.


This game still has the best twist in the entire series. DD tried to replicate it but it honestly didn't suceed as well as this one.

Which one's that?

Simon Keyes being the mastermind all along

Yeah, it was pretty damn good. I still prefer Matt Engarde holding Maya hostage.
I've never been so involved in a vidja before

That one wasn't as impactful for me because the whole way too cheerful and positive attitude kind of gave him away, and when you realized it wasn't his assistant it really only left him. Plus the twist with Simon Keyes ties every single case in the game together which I thought was just insane.

It really was an amazing moment, I can see why you prefer it. It was less of the fact that Matt was guilty and more the lengths he went to try and get off scot-free. The whole sequence of Phoenix and Edgeworth teaming up at the end was amazing as well.

It was still an amazing moment. Don't think the series ever had an ethical dilemma as big that case.

Thought it was the stuff going on around it as opposed to the twist itself that was nice personally. Phoenix & Pearl were investigating for hours and were at their wits end, we see a side of Phoenix we hadn't seen yet at the time, stuff like that.


How good is the fan translation?


So, how many people here know about 2-2 and the stream?

on point with the rest of the series
the best Ace Attorney game, I don't remember getting bored once, and every cased ended up being relevant as fuck, but it only struck me during the last case, fucking loved it

also, best girl

Also the tension throughout the whole case, though the villain was obvious in hindsight.

whats the dynamic between justine and franzizka in bed

>Ray fucking shot franzizka in the back right in front of larry's eyes while painting

was not ready for that savage

Daddy issues. Lots and lots of daddy issues.
Not even kidding, the whole game's theme is the relationship between father and son

did you mean DEBESTE?

Yeah, it's ridiculous how many characters with daddy issues there are.
Although I think they went a little overboard with most dads being total assholes.

Like, there are two characters specifically that have like no redeeming qualities, and even though I like them, I think it's a bit extreme.

Investigations 3 when?
I fucking loved the Logic Chess gimmick even though some of it was pretty easy

Objectionable content.

I can't believe Ray was the mastermind

it was a given when Ray piledroped kay into her fathers' grave

Don't you see?
I have you cornered!

It's one of the best in the series. Looking back, every case had a great mystery and the main plot knocks it out of the park.

Miles games are the best because it has nothing of that DUDE GHOSTS LMAO

The AAI2 fan translation is at about the same level as the official AAI translation. Professional tier, but not amazing. The presentation is done perfectly, but the text doesn't sparkle in the twilight the way AA1 and AJ's scripts do.

It feels like an official game. They even kept Japanifornia.

I fucking hate this meme

Most cases don't have dude ghosts lmao though. Hell the cases in the mainline series have somehow gotten even more nonsensical after the Feys retired from the main plot anyway, it's more of a writer thing than anything else.

We still haven't gone full dude ghosts anyway, where the hell is my Ace Attorney x Ghost Trick crossover?


there was an mlp reference? i only noticed the attack on titan one.

Probably the most fucked up villain in the series, and it's not even the final boss.

Need to finish Investigations 1

how do you download DLC cases in DD and SoJ? Do you have to complete the first case in each one to do so?

I never noticed any reference, so you had to dig hard.