What are some FPS games with good singleplayer campaigns?
What are some FPS games with good singleplayer campaigns?
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Not doom
Metro series.
STALKER series.
Doom (Ultimate, II, Final, Doom 4)
Duke 3D
Shadow Warrior (original)
Half Life
There you go, greatest SP campaigns the genre has to offer.
I enjoyed max payne
I liked fc2 and crysis 2, but many people doesn't.
prey (original)
sin episodes
But Far Cry 3 didn't have too terrible of a campaign
Fallout New Vegas (Not memeing)
Wolfenstien New Order/Old Blood
Deus Ex Original/Human Revolution
Aliens vs Predator (any)
If you're not looking gor balls to the wall and something a bit more 'mellow' then Resident Evil 7 was awesome FPS
Titanfall 2
>New Vegas
Pick neither
Doom 3. Fuck you, it was good.
Dying Light
Not an FPS.
Black Mesa redux
The new Hitman is so awesome.
The new Deus Ex was good "i torrented it" and I still cannot bring myself to buy it until its like $30
The Metro / 2033 series is a lot of fun.
>First person
>You can shoot guns
>"Not an FPS"
Fallout 3/4 is the same but you don't see people calling those FPS, also Dying Light does have guns but they're the worst kind of weapon in the game and are usually worse than most melee weapons., not to mention ammo is extremely scarce so it's not like you'll be using guns most of the time anyway.
Jesus Christ how the fuck did I forget Quake. disgusting.
>lists nu-Wolfenstein instead of based RtCW
Return to castle wolfenstien is GOAT, it has nazis, zomboes, lab experiments and you should get it NOWm also it was slightly spooky when i played it on the xbox
>No Soldier of Fortune.
>No Delta Force.
>No Operation Flashpoint
>No Medal of Honor
>No Call of Duty
>No Quake
>No Chex Quest
Shit taste.
>>No Operation Flashpoint
I played Dragon Rising and it was absolute trash.
>Chex quest
Like I said, shit taste.
>>No Soldier of Fortune.
>>No Delta Force.
>>No Operation Flashpoint
>>No Medal of Honor
>>No Call of Duty
>>No Chex Quest
Yup, that literally all sucks dicks.
Best single player campaign since '97.
>>No Quake
Slipped my mind You're a '90s babby raised on AIDS and your taste is all fucked up.
Holy shit kill yourself.
Whatever helps you guys sleep at night
Gunman Chronicles
Right you got shit taste
You played the wrong one newfag. I'm talking the OG Operation Flashpoint.
>soldier of fortune 1 & 2
CANT FIND THEM anywhere!
Its all the same damn game. Kick doors and shoot Nazis. Although RtCW did do it better, nu-Wolfenstein held up with it
>OG MoH and CoH campaigns
Mind explaining why faggot?
Also how are those 20~ monsters max in Nu-Doom faggot? And NO FUCKING MONSTERS CLOSETS.
>shitting on Chex Quest
Unironically kill yourself.
These are the faggots that populate the board now. Sup Forums is ded.
Someone needs to post the Douk and Doomguy vs Chexman comics cause I'm phone posting.
>>OG MoH and CoH campaigns
Truthfully they're not bad, but they're not all time greats in rank with the games I listed. No fucking way. Allied Assault was pretty sweet when it came out 'cause it was fresh but ultimately it was the first cinematic COD game that lead to the cancer we're at now. Linear scripted setpiece military FPS crap, 'FOLLOW THIS GUY' bullshit.
SoF was okay, Double Helix in particular, but again nothing special, and a far fucking cry to those games I listed.
Fuck your stupid cereal box game.
Nu Doom was great. Binged the entire campaign in one fucking sitting, literally can't remember the last I did that for an FPS. Again the best campaign I've experienced since '97. Eat a gigantic bag of dicks kid.
>all these people hating on Doom 4
Proof that Sup Forums hates anything that gets too popular.
>I'm phone posting
You're not doing much better
Painkiller Black
bump for truth
Trust me.
Hows the new Blood source port? BloodGDX?
>Would never know what he used to post with had he never said something
Resident Evil 7 :^)
I wish more FPS games were like that :^(
i dont speak poverty and famine, i cant even see the download button, also malware
Loved RE7. Shame the autists will be here any moment to tell yiu its shitty
>Not one map with over 20 monsters at once.
>Kill shit so fast I have to fucking wait for Satan to drop more niggers for me to shoot.
It's a 6-7/10 at best the guns and music are cool monster design was alright (like the hell Knight Doom 3 homage and Baron of Hell design). Revenants are the weakest fucking monster in the game with shitty rockets and the boss fights were shitty jump over the glowy beams shit.
Seems to be shaping up quite nicely, but there are still some pretty nasty glitches here and there, for example you can't look down from a room above to a room below yet without getting some nasty shit. it's still in beta stage though and the guy making it is making remarkable progress and very quickly. Give it a year at the very most, maybe even six months, should be fantastic by then.
I'd rather wait for BloodEX.
Really got in the mood to play again but I'll probably just hold off in this case then. Thanks user.
Oldgames.ru is a respectable site. And you can translate entire pages with google translate. Protip: "Cкaчaть фaйл" stands for "Download a file".
Also I'm dumb and the site actually has an English version, just click the British flag in the top right corner. Doesn't seem to translate everything but what can you do. If you worry about malware, scan the files.
No. Don't do this. BloodEX is going to be horribly inaccurate to the real game and a total piece of shit. This faggot has no idea what he's talking about and is probably one of those butthurt BloodCM faggots that keeps getting BTFO'd on /vr/.
Also forgot to add that I half agree with you about the CoD paving the way for casualized shit but that didn't really start till two and MW. UO and 1 were great campaigns that were different from the games that were coming out. AA's Omaha Beach level took me an entire day to complete as a kid.
RtCW and Wolfenstein 2009 but only me and about 10 other people liked that game got what Wolfenstein is about; shooting cool guns at Nazis who are messing with otherworldly things they shouldn't be.
TNO had no cool guns, a plot that couldn't decide if it wasn't to be over the top silly, or this 'serious' character driven thing. TOB was better, so I was hoping they learned from it. And the new one will probably prove me wrong
>doubting Kaiser
dumb phoneposter
PAINKILLER original and Hell and Damnation. The expansions are utter trash except for Overdose
One Whole Unit Blood on dosbox with some tiny fixes is the best way to go. No source port is accurate yet
Well Wolf2: TNC already has a much better arsenal than TNO.
>beam gun
>rocket launcher
>TNO had no cool guns
TNO had double-barreled automatic shotgun machineguns that can fire ricochetting shrapnel.
>wolf 2009
MY FUCKING BRO, game was really good,had a great mix of supernatural and technology. shame about the turret section
call of juarez is pretty good, also has an arcade mode that's pretty addicting, outlaws is also really good
>AA's Omaha Beach level took me an entire day to complete as a kid.
lel I immediately figured out that you just had to hide behind those faggot beach structures for a few seconds before you'd be able to move again. rinse and repeat.
he admitted it wasn't going to be accurate several times on /vr/ due to the engine he's using, and that a lot of his shit would also be based on estimation. not to mention if PowerslaveEX is anything to go by you know BloodEX is going to be an even more inaccurate piece of shit.
BloodGDX is the one with real potential, and it's actually accurate to Blood's gameplay. Fuck Kaiser.
Sin if you don't mind the clunkiness, the expansion is better really nice 3d level design the way it should be with no fucking feminist bloom
Playing through this now, holds up well
Explain why its good
Loved the shootouts in this game but I only played the first then saw they tried to do a shitty modern take when modern shooters were the craze.
>Having to bring your reticle down and up to draw.
Breddy immersive mane.
but if nazis won (and exterminated the jews) there would be no uzi
>One Whole Unit Blood on dosbox with some tiny fixes is the best way to go. No source port is accurate yet
I agree. I'd recommend DOSBox over the rest, but if these kids REALLY can't stand it, then wait for GDX to iron its shit out (which is happening very quickly, I gotta give it to him, he's already implemented voxels for example) and use that when it's at 1.0. personally I too will just stick to Blood on dosbox though.
I actually spent at least an hour trying to just snipe the gunners before I realized that they will keep respawning.
Deus Ex still has a great story if you can get past the gameplay, personally the music and level design is very cozy, I love Unreal engine games
I see. whatever I love you.
I just hate how everything is a Goddamn bullet sponge. Also I don't wanna see the end ;_;
>Deus Ex
Wolf 2009 did get bad rap undeservingly. Was fun and def out there. Having game a little open ended worked well too.
But TNO was good too. It did have interesting weapons. Im pretty sure it was meant to be over the top. I.e. waking up from decades long coma and just jumping up to kill Nazis without muscle atrophy or whatever. Not to mention the sex scenes
T-thanks. Hopefully Nu-Doom 2 has more areas like hell and a fixed engine and some Goddamn monster closets
I still need to play this since I played thru SS2 and fucking loved it. DE definitely feels less polished though.
Pretty much everything by Monolith and Raven (RIPIP)
Not my favorite Doom game ever but I grew up watching my dad play it and I love horror stuff now. I'm 20
Played through it last summer. Basically a love letter to Evil Dead, the soundtrack is great, the weapons are really satisfying, and the game is so bloody it looks like a Doom mod. Also shout out to that level made entirely out of flesh and teeth
Well nowadays you can mod it to have good FPS mechanics..
In System Shock 2, I remember that if you picked the wrong skills you could flat out get yourself stuck right? Deus Ex always has multiple options of approaching something
Not everything, mostly just the Supers and the spider tanks
half life
duke 3d
chex quest
far cry 2 nigger hunter
rage is severely underrated
deus ex
I miss the dungeon crawler vibe I got from Classic Doom and Quake levels. Then Serious Sam came and started the "classic FPSs were nothing but shooting" meme, and the level design suffered as a result.
Not to say Serious Sam, Painkiller, Wolf TNO/TOB, or Doom 2016 werent fun. I do enjoy them. I just like the feeling of being lost in a labyrinth, and I never really get that in those games.
I can't think of anything else that hasn't been mentioned.
Considering the trailer for Wolf 2:TNC, I'd say we're in for the most over the top story out of the Machine Games Wolf entries.
I fucking hate Titanfall 2 for ruining what made the first game great but the campaign was absolutely amazing
the early Call of Duty 1 & 2. Medal of Honor as well. Also these
Doom 64
Few months ago I played ofp campaign mod for arma 2, nice thing.
Most people hated Dragon Rising, but I really enjoyed it for what it was.
Was better than Red River.
>Titanfall 2
came here to post this
>old.ru is trusted guise
wtf is this??? they wont resolve either are they even that bad? game is soldier of fortune
Shit well, I dunno, I downloaded stuff from them before without issues. If you google the names of that stuff it's not trojans or anything, just some adware and stuff that integrates into IE (lol). Maybe try installing it and look what the problematic exes are, hopefully they aren't necessary for playing the game. It's your PC though, better safe than sorry.
I had a shit ton of ammo like midway, and the rifle will pretty much kill anything quickly.
You forgot Heretic.
4th for Redditfall 2