JUST share my wife up fam

>different skin colour
>noses don't match
>different eye colour
>and hair colour as well
>nu-male beard

What was Sony thinking?
Oh right, about their audience

Why are Nintendo fans such cancerous, obnoxious fucks?

Niggers and cucks what do yo expect really.


>different skin color
>Kratos has never been seen without his full-body tattoo

>nu-male beard
what the fuck is this meme

>muh nintenduh

The fear of NTR runs deep in GoW fans it seems.

kratos will not have sex with any women in this game because he is gentleman

t. bearded nu-male

>children share same hair eye color as their dad
>your nose is 1 shape and size your whole life

>Someone said something bad about a sony game
>I better say something about Nintendo!!!

Why is Sup Forums so shit


lol, OP is a fucking retard.

Bitch do you know how genes work

Do you even genetics?

Boys look like the mother girls look like the father.

It is just simple mathematics.

what did you expect it's set in sweden now.

Looks like the kid from me3

I don't quite get it either. I think they gave Kratos a beard to show his older age and wisdom, not to pander to the nu-male demographic.

t. Hairless weenie

t. mulattos

Its not his son, wow you are such a genius. Its told in some E3 demo, where a woman is telling Kratos to take care of the kid.


>Surely people wouldn't lie on twitter :^)



Kratos' skin is pale from the ashes of his wife and child who he was tricked into killing by Ares which is the premise of the first game.

What reason would there be to lie about it

>different skin colour

Because Kratos is permanently covered in ash, that's not his real skin color.

He's lying. Cucklying. I know it, I'm a cuckressor of Cucklied Cuckology from Alt-Right Tech.

Cuck cuck cuck.

>different skin colour
Are you actually a fucking retard?

shut the fuck up I'm tired of seeing this stupid shit everyday

The nu-male progressive leftist jewish SJW cuck nigger agenda out to genocide every well-meaning proud white patriotic American God-fearing alt-right citizen.

>all this Nintendolard salt

>devs and journalists lying so the end twist of him not being your actual son hits even harder

Don't even own a PS4 but why does this get game targeted for this? Autistic console war shitposters? I never see anyone making cuck meme's about Geralt raising Ciri in The Witcher.

t. someone who didn't played the firs GoW

its the same retards over and over

>Cuck user at it again
Nobody fucking cares, kys you dirty cuck

More like Sup Forums's obsession with a stupid meme runs deep

OP can't fap to this game now.

Geralt nor Yennefer cant have children so they somehow adopted Ciri. Ciri even calls Yennefer mommy

Because people reply to threads like this

So is the chick his wife or not?