What exactly went wrong?

What exactly went wrong?

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Nothing, no matter how much you bitch and cry.

We won.

They made another under powered gimmick console and the controller looks like a dog.

Lack of systems produced before launch.

My personal problems with it:
Expensive peripherals
Awful online (soon to be paid)
Expensive games

Sup Forums is nintendo autism zone so yk

Unless you are an investor in the company or work for the company "you" didn't win anything. These companies don't personally care about you; stop making it personal.

On topic: The joy-cons are kind of shoddy in quality and there's not a hell of a lot to play on it at the moment.

pretty much shit 3rd party stuff until hollow knight launches on it

last time I checked ps4 outsold switch in may. I'm afraid the switch is an utter flop. Nintendo is already pushing out half baked shovelware. Even the WiiU was a bigger success.

Sony was supposed to win

It was her turn, bros

if you are an investor then its actually even worse, switch sales are droping after 2 months.
shit sale = shit playerbase size = no 3rd party support = dead console


>Sup Forums
It's time for you to go back


>We won.

How much you got paid? :^)

>selling extremely well to the point where it's sold out everywhere
>one of the best first years in terms of games for a new system in a long while
>the option to let you play any game on tv or portably
>it's only been out for 3 months
Literally nothing went wrong. Prove to me RIGHT NOW that the switch will fail. You can't.

>it's only been out for 3 months
and its actually selling worse than 4yo console

They got cucked by Apple,

Nintendo Switch is projected to be a landslide success, except for the fact that Nintendo's profit is capped by a lack of components.

Investors will soon realize this and dump their stocks, leaving us with Wii-U 2 to play this Christmas - well those of us lucky to get one at least.

I'm so mad at the mexican price of this thing. I would have one of these right now. Guess I'm just buying one of those ipads minis

>Expensive games
They are the same as Xbox and Ps4 unless you are A FUCKING LEAF
>Awful online
works perfectly for me with MK8 and ARMS but that may just differ for each person
>Expensive peripherals
This is actually bullshit. Still bought those sweet yellow Joy Cons

The 4yo console is selling worse than a 17yo console too


sales were "down" because it continues to be supply constrained

also Nintendo doesn't need to "beat" Sony to be successful

They've actually been consistent for months and each new shipment sells out. And yes, the stuff being scooped up by scalpers is moving.


no games

They made yet another underpowered gimmick device. This thing would have been great for road trips, but that's the only time I care about mobile gaming. And they just won't give up on their waggle sticks. Fucking stop.

Every time that fucking tablet ball rolling minigame pops up in BotW I want to shoot myself in the head.

stop projecting

I won an amazing gaming experience. Also the Joycons have great quality


why should I buy a switch ?


to play puyo puyo tetris ofc

to play zelda, that's literally it.

When will Octopath traveller come out? That game looks dope

For Nintendo games. If you don't like them then why the fuck are you even thinking about buying a Switch.

Typical artificial Nintendo scarcity.
They've been releasing the exact same first-party games for the best part of 25 years, just with better graphics.
No games lmao.
Shitty wifi.
Dock is a cheap, overpriced POS that scratches the screen.
32gb on-board storage.
No way to transfer save data.
720p screen.
shit battery life.
overpriced joycons and accessories.
barely any third-party games.

But there's plenty of games out for it and coming out for it soon :)

It's on every system out there

>coming out for it soon

soon is the keyword here

>For nintendo games
it doesn't even have those

>if you are an investor then its actually worse

And there are tons out for it now, as I said :)

1 major Nintendo game coming out every month until 2018. Seems pretty good to me.

>Every time that fucking tablet ball rolling minigame pops up in BotW I want to shoot myself in the head.
I fucking love my switch, but jesus christ, those puzzles, especially when you have to ramp balls or something that requires precise timing.

Disgaea 5 lying in bed while listening to podcasts is max comfy.

Right now? Zelda and Mariokart.

mk8 and zelda are wii u ports and rest of these are not even nintendo exclusive,

>works for me
>doesn't actually scratch screen, if your scared there's a $4 fix
>32GB is fine
>was put a patch for wii U and 3ds
>nothing is wrong with 720p
>battery is okay, you are not going to bing bing wahoo for an entire day
>actual complaint
>actual complaint x2
>a video game that happens to be on the system can't mark it.

nothing really, it's been pretty good so far.

>1 major Nintendo game coming out every month until 2018


WiiU's a dead system, MK8D has additional content and Graceful Explosion Machine literally is an exclusive, eat shit.

Oh I get it now, you're a shitposter. Got it

also, portability :)

Rabbids isn't a first party title

doent matter, hats dlc wont make this a new game, its a port

But it's still a Nintendo game. It features Nintendo IP's and is exclusive to the Nintendo Switch

Your birth

I'm just not that obsessed with Mario and I hate Pokemon and buying the Switch only for Botw is not worth it.
I wish they would use their creativity to make some new interesting IP's.

>I don't have an argument so I'm just gonna make up my own


shortages everywhere

Well they made ARMS and Splatoon within the past 2 years so at least they are trying.

i bet you think disgaa on switch is not a port too

Did you make that? It's really cute. Not even trying to make a passive aggressive statement I actually like it.

Jesus christ, why does the switch make the sony ponies this upset?

it makes us laf at you nintards, its just comedy gold how you spin things around just to justify your purchase

>Paying $40 for Street Fighter fucking II.
>That snake game being more expensive.
Enjoy your Nintendo tax.

I grew up with nintendo but after wii and ds I was sick and tired of gimmicks and stopped playing since. Also these are kid games. I'm in my late 20s and it's made for my 8 year old niece.

I didn't buy those games though. I only have BOTW MK8 and ARMS

Are you new?

You nigger


Yup. Just graduated from Reddit University today! ;^)

>nothings is wrong with 720p

>it's a sonygro tries to pretend anything was as bad as the PS3 episode


>its a ninbaby pretending wii u and wii u 2.0 dont exists episode

but why are you this upset tho. Seriously, do you resent people playing videogames you can't play THAT much?

that doesn't even make sense.

i bet you were shitposting about the new mario game being mario '06 when the first trailer came out

For me: It does not feel like a great advance from the WiiU, in fact it feels like a WiiU 2.0 that can't play WiiU games.

And stock issues. Some major countries have no stock, got little stock to begin with and looks like Nintendo do not have a good solution on the horizon. This is killing the early good momentum.

*lies in Ninten-drone*


Why does anyone even respond to these threads? You know exactly what is going to happen every hour its posted.

>implying sonygers don't do this everyday
>implying Nintendo didn't also btfo Sony this year at E3... with a fucking logo nonetheless, and other good games too.

stop being fucking full of yourselves
I would spare telling you I play PC and PS4, but you know it makes a point. One company fucked up and another didn't, accept that and move on. If you can't deal with it, buy another console.
>yes I'm implying your a Sony fanboy, as this is a typical post for a Sony shitposter.

Personally only mario odyssey appeals to me from june to 2018 so I guess I won't be getting a switch for a while unless it's for that. The others are meh at best.


ow yeah, nintendo btfo sony at e3, i bet switch will outsell ps4 in june now. sony is finished. and yeah we do this every day because every day there are a buch of nintards that make as laff as much as every other day

>"you" didn't win anything
"I" won 500 hours of entertainment so far.

No monster hunter= no buy from me. Unless world is shitty as fuck and the spinoff(not XX) their working on is good then i'll get one.

fighting one type of a monster for 500 hours sure sounds like an autism


They forgot that they had to share manufacturing parts with Apple.

Lmao you're so upset about the Switch's success.

what success? switch is predicted to get like 3.5m sales after 3 months, thats barely better than wii u

From a business point of view, nothing. The console is doing suspiciously well despite its flaws. I guess the world just has more and more drones willing to shill out for something because of the brand.

That being said, I'll go through my own complaints.
>Peripherals cost a ton, mainly considering that it's meant to be a portable console (which, frankly, seems like a stretch; you CAN take it with you, but I couldn't imagine using it in any situation besides "I'm going to be sitting in one spot outside of my house for several hours with nothing to do")
>Joy-Cons/the non-"pro" controller are poorly designed; fucking tiny, flimsy, poor connectionm asymmetrical, no D-pad, etc.
>Buying an ACTUAL controller is pretty much mandatory
>Same old god-awful Nintendo online services, but this time you have to pay for them, for no reason beyond Nintendo wanting to make extra money
>Also you have to use your smart phone to use online features because having to use a separate device to access features on another device is somehow meant to streamline the process
>Most of the library is composed of ports; the few games that aren't just aren't very interesting
And before anyone says anything, no, I don't like the PS4 or the Xbox either.

>all hype
>no new games

>having a shortage that will continue through 2017 and well into 2018
There's your problem.

I will say that I was willing to buy it because of the concept. Not the brand. But Nintendo fucked that up when they made it:
>didn't come with a standard controller in the package... AGAIN
>Joycons are overpriced pieces of dog shit with shitty sticks.
>Can't charge the joycons while playing on TV without an overpriced piece of plastic that comes with the switch... but for no fucking reason has NO CHARGE PORT... so you have to buy ANOTHER COPY of the shitty piece of plastic that comes with a charge port.

no no no. Nintendo is SOLELY to blame for this fuck up. It's another one of their "nintendo moves". Just like new3ds not coming with a charge plug because "well anyone who might want one CLEARLY bought a 3ds before". Nintendo is too stupid to continue to exist in this market. I'll be waiting for another console to make their own better version of a hybrid console, someone with a fucking brain this time.

Seems to be doing pretty well despite the shortage

The second this thing gets Pokemon it's going to outsell the Xbox One

I'd love to see the angry, bloated red face of the person who made this bait image

AAA console quality games and gameplay in a handled, to play anywhere.
Can you name any other device that do it today?