How is this not considered racist?

How is this not considered racist?

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This is just a monkey.

Why would you consider this racist, OP?

Because he looks and sounds like a person of colour.

Person of colour? A cockney monkey?

That's mean YOU'RE the racist sonnyjim

Because Monkeys exist.

It's not the monkeys fault that black people act like them

No he doesn't? He sounds like a british chav. I think you have no idea what a black person is like because you've lived in the rural mid west your entire life

>black women so ugly they have to have sex with chimps

sounds about right

He reminds of this guy for some reason. Also, if the first thing you see in a monkey is a black person then you are a huge racist, not the devs.

spotted the niggers

Because that's an african american ideal.

the white guy is a pig tho so it cancels out

>woah stop using logic here. I just wanted a thread to circlejerk my Sup Forumsness
kys famalamjam

He sounds like a random annoying teen though

>teeth rotten as fuck to hell and back
>tongue perfectly pink and clean

How does your character design get so close yet drop the fucking ball

he sounds like every black brit what are you on about

It is kind of weird to see someones racism make them this fucking delusional. It absolutely has to qualify as a mental disorder.

>this game is racist because I think black people look like monkeys

He sounds like every white chav what are you talking about

The pig is Chinese.
Whole game is actually racist if you think about it. According to Ancel and that SJW chick, India and China created those hybrids to later enslave them on remote harsh planets because they can survive there and they need resources.

chavs and poor black brits sound the same

Only a racist would think it's racist


It's not racism when lib sjws do it.

sounds like /ourgame/ desu

"Hybrid Power"
This game will be fucking shit.

No, really. Let's get this out of the fucking way right now.

OP's pic is not considered racist
Pic IS considered racist by wide margins of people

Nightmare mode: No consulting your provided JIDF Handbook.

Because he looks and sounds like a person of colour.

people are used to monkeys and them being slightly racists

Apes, not known for brushing their teeth, have surprisingly clean tongues.

How the fuck is jar jar considered racist? lmao.

wtf I love apes now

>villain is DRUMPF


It's racist because a Black guy willfully put the costume on and played the character? It's not like George Lucas forced him.

Only if you want to.

I cant get over at how ugly this motherfucker is.

It's not racist because it wasn't made by a white conservative republican in America.

Actual villain.

Just because you're a racist doesn't mean everything is racist.

brazilians are monkeys, I don't see whats racist about that.



As an actual ape I consider this character offensive as it reinforces monkey stereotypes and monkeyphobia. Check my YouTube channel where I go in detail into these issues Videogame Tropes versus Monkeys

The ape in the game probably has the same diet as humans tho.

do you guys poo in the loo?

a christian shaman?
Now that's a scary hybrid.


>Only black cast of characters
>Monkey hangs out with them and acts and talks like a black person




are you telling me blacks cant have monkey friends?

fucking racist.

>Calling someone racist on the internet
Found the baby

He's the cheeky chavvy urban nog trope incarnate, fuck off la.

>only black cast of characters
there's literally 1

Do you have a patreon, bro?

>>Only black cast of characters

>person of color

Just call him a dirty nigger user, you aren't on Reddit anymore.

He talks like a chav. More likely white than black.

That pic doesn't look real at all. It looks like a concept art piece. Where's the chick in the trailer? Where's the monkey? I'm calling bullshit.

>All black people are chavs
It's abundantly clear that 99% of Sup Forums has never interacted with a black person on any level other than getting picked on in high school

Go back to r/oobanana you attention whoring ape

>americans not knowing that associating people from the UK with monkeys is an old european slur against them

I actually like the Monkey not even kidding but this video describes Sup Forums and sjws.

>Says the person who has clearly never delt with black people before
Now you're gonna lie and say you totally have, right?

but you're still in high school

Have you considered that maybe there are people that wants to be racist and might want to role play as some one that denigrates and insults subhuman scum?

You have to respect their rights to do so because democracy bitch.

Now that's racist.

>everyone talking about the monkey and black characters
>not a single comment about the asian lady with giggly tits


>giggly tits

The irony here is it's only racist if you say it's racist. If you say it's wrong for a person of color to voice a monkey, you're basically saying they should be voiced only by white people because some people associate colored people and monkeys. If there was a commercial for Wonderbread that had a cartoon piece of bread and black people protested because many of them think white bread is a stereotype of white people, my first reaction is fuck you.

For the record, his voice wasn't chosen because black = monkey. It's specifically chosen because it goes with his character and it works. The fact the game studio choose to partner him up with a black woman shows they weren't even THINKING this could be viewed as racist. And if that's not proof of progress, I don't know what is.

Cool, but those might just be the villain line up or something similar to that because you can clearly see the pig and fat titted lady from the trailer in their, and you see none of the "hero" characters in it.



>and you see none of the "hero" characters in it.
They are not "hero" characters. Michel Ancel confirmed they were just some of the characters you can add in your crew and were chosen for the trailer at the last minute.

Actually it's proof that black people look and act like chimps. You think it was coincidence that a black person was the perfect voice actor for him? AHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA

>black male character is literally a monkey
I thought Sup Forumsv/ would be all about this game.

So you're saying that a person of color is always supposed to look and sound that way.

I think you're the racist here. I'm black and just to let you know I don't like the term "PoC". Just to let you also know, many of my friends don't like it either. We also don't all act that way. I'm quite nerdy and get high marks in my class (who woulda thunk). Meanwhile I know dumbass niggers who are still dumb, but they do not behave in that way.

You are rude and racist and I hope that Trump, who I voted for, throws you in prison for causing racial tensions.

the monkey isnt even black, he sounds like some south american monkey.



>making up shit on the internet

But I do agree, this game is extremely problematic.

He's voiced by a black actor.

>Monkey hangs out with them and acts and talks like a black person

You've got that backwards

>south American
You haven't traveled much have you user?

>Not posting the superior version

What do you mean? I'm not making up, I am actually smart - why are you so racist user?

>"ghetto monkey" tricks some fat chinese(?) pig
>fucking fuck me fuck fuck fuck fucking fuckeroo
>his partner is a black woman with an afro
>they flee from the police while "ethnic" music plays
>m-muh true freedomâ„¢
What did they mean by this?


those are side characters
the main characters are all monkeys

>still trying
You're being too obvious now. You can't jump to the "ur racist" bit so fast, it gave you away.


That's just how niggers look.

they have stated that your character we'll be up to your creation, so I suppose you could play as a monkey if that is your thing

Doesn't look like a native american to me, user.

This is like when people accused the movie Sing of being racist cause the gorillas were criminals.

>all black people are the same and act the same. Wiggers do not exist nor do other poor people in the uk.
user if you just wanted to be racist just say nigger.