Dorf thread

Dorf thread

Post forts or adventuring characters

Also who's hyped for the update, scheduled to come out next month? Are you ready to be a medieval Indiana Jones?

This meme need to die.


I want to get into dwarf fortress but the graphics/gameplay always overwhelms me and I don't feel like playing a game for 50 hours before I know how to play is very fun.

Git gud.

valid advice ty

No problem. The game can seem overwhelming, but as long as you understand that losing is fun you can have a lot of fun with it. /dfg/ says losing is fun much like Sup Forums says install Gentoo, but they do it for very valid reasons

Try adventure mode first, its easier to get a handle on.

Haven't played in a while, what is coming next update? Or previous update for that matter, I think the last time I played I was waiting for dwarf therapist to update for the build which added taverns.

This update added the stuff in the pic. The next update adds:

>NPC adventuring parties that will go on quests
>Artifact items will be guarded by civs and entities, they can be stolen, traded, fought over, ect.
>NPCs and the player can disguise themselves and invent false identities for various purposes.
>Player can send squads out into the world in Fort mode.
>Proper Kobold sites

probably more.

>Player can send squads out into the world in Fort mode.
Alright, I'm excited now.

Stop being a bitch. The basics of the game are very easy, it'll take you an hour tops. Just follow the quickstart guide and use the wiki for shit you don't understand. DF has probably the best vidya wiki out there.

For the graphics just use a tileset until you get used to that, then try a square ascii set down the line.

It's a world/story simulator more than it's a building/management game. Read the "Boatmurdered" LP.

Wasn't he adding magical properties to artifacts?

I don/t play DF enough, but I play games that have been inspired by DF, and for that, I thank them.

>Wasn't he adding magical properties to artifacts?

that's after the next update

It looks so fucking impossible the first few plays but after a few embarks it'll get a lot less scary. Look at the quickstart guide for reference but you should take small steps with each embark. You could focus on just getting a stockpile then setting up a few workshops for your first embark then maybe go a little further with more industries when you feel more confident. Dwarf Fortress is really a game that's only as complex as you make it to be. Just don't be afraid to experiment and start over and you'll be fine. Good luck, user.

>Alright, I'm excited now.
its gonna be so cool

>Send out a squad of fully geared legendary warriors
>Come back with elves purged and truckloads of goblminium.
I cannot wait


Sex when

waifus when

marriage when

Marriage has been in the game for years

I mean in adventure mode aka the better mode


>trips of Truth
Forgive me, for I have sinned. I think both are funny ways to describe those walking ore veins