When did video game reviewers become hacks?

When did video game reviewers become hacks?

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I legitimately feel sorry for Adam Sessler. His career is so shit now that he has to fuck trannies for chump change.

When they became lefty SJW cucks.

Videogames are right leaning form of art. Which is why most games are rated R, while the movies are going PG-13. Therefore when you have lefty retards reviewing games the industry self-destructs.

The american ones always were.
They were puppets who got fed lines by publishers.

There was a great magazine in my country made by competent people who actually liked vidya, but it was kill as soon as internet sites got big.

When Sony took control of the video game industry again. So pretty much when PS4 launched.

His career was always shit, he just had good writers during his "prime"

how far gone do you have to be to actually get offended when someone says "punch nazis'



Here's a clue: history is written by the winners. Nazis wanted to pull their county out of despondency and become a great nation. They were no better or worse than any other army ever.

how far gone do you have to be to actually get offended when someone says "punch nazis'

I found it ironic how people use Wolfenstein as a shining example of a video game where you murder Nazis instead of empathising with them, yet the reboot has several wonderful scenes that humanise the guards before you kill them. The scenes show that they're being exploited by their own leadership, have reservations about what they're doing, and have families back at home that they're absolutely heartsick over.

Killing video game Nazis is fun. Outside of video games and in physical reality, painting people with so thick a brush that you'd justify violence against them based on their ideology is potentially dangerous. It doesn't matter if someone is labeled as a radical leftist, a Nazi, or a fundamentalist Muslim. Killing people just because of their radical beliefs is a really dangerous slippery slope if they're not already involved in physical violence.

They've always have been

Like the swastika the triforce was adopted by Nintendo and used for zelda. Don't be dumb.

The Triforce symbol has a long history outside The Legend of Zelda series. The Austrian ski maker Fischer Sports, the power equipment corporation Delta Machinery,[7] British Army division 3rd Division and the Japanese Energy company Mitsuuroko (三つ鱗, three scales) use the logo, as did the Late Hōjō clan for its emblem (mon). The American Academy of Actuaries' logo is also a triforce. The American company Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care's logo is a triforce.
Many say the inspiration for the idea of using the Triforce in the Zelda series came from the Hōjō clan, and the incorporation of the symbol was similar to how Western games used crossed swords.[8] Another theory holds that the Triforce was based on Gunpei Yokoi's family crest.[9] Another conspicuous use (in equilateral form) is as the symbol for Zeni-arai Benten (銭洗弁天?, coin-washing Benzaiten), which has about a dozen shrines in Kantō (Eastern Japan), notably at Kamakura (head shrine) and Inokashira Park in western Tokyo.

Would Sessler beat McGreggor?

At fisticuffs or a coke-off?

Because they were given an ultimatum to conform to communism and social justice or be destroyed.

I dunno, I think people don't like being called a Nazi cause you've got different beliefs from them. Then being told that its okay to punch you doesn't help either.

Where is the Line?

truly the paradox of tolerance.

The line is judging actions, not ideology. I don't understand how this is difficult for people to grasp.

There's a significant difference between a man who shouts violently racist threats and a man who actually tries to go through with them.

Since always. If they had any talent, they'd have real jobs.

It's the implication. Anyone against non-
white immigration into white countries=Jew Hating, KZ loving Nazi with secret plans to take over the world and gassing all non-whites.


The disturbing part is that they call everything they dislike nazism
>You don't think every made up gender deserve it's own seperate bathroom?
>You must be a nazi!
>I get to punch you because you are a nazi!

When they started taking themselves way to seriously plus the sjw infection tumor.


You deserve it though for encroaching on their freedom of expression

Germany is a nation of perpetual losers, they deserved to be mocked.

I would say around the time normies got into vidya. About 2007 and onwards, I would say

I honestly believe it all started with the Driver 3 review scandal. This video sums up everything that I remember from when I was a kid that most people today have forgotten.


ah but is it okay to punch someone because their ideals are so abhorrent to the standard? why stop at a punch? why not kill, eradicate, salt their earth?

These views are dangerous to our way of life. Surely it's okay to kill someone if they are racist. It solves the problem doesn't it?

Why are the police reactionary even? they should be preventative. Think of all the crimes that could be stopped before they happen.

We can only tolerate their intolerance for so long, if they don't subscribe to our way of thinking over night with no effort on our half to talk to them to try understand their point of view, we should eradicate their kind in the most brutal manner to show what happens when you harbour intolerant views.

That's where the line is.

Are people obligated to acknowledge people expressions as legitimate?

I understand that you're just trying to make a point, but I still stand behind the post that you responded to.

I did not know about that. In theory, if this could happen, how much could have happened without the consumers knowing?

People will say dumb shit like le SJWs or le feminists are responsible but really it's the incestuous nature between the game companies and their critics. Movie reviewers don't get flown to the studio of the movie they're reviewing to get a grand tour of the set and a $1000 gift package. How can one then reasonably expect reviewers to be disinterested and objective when they're getting luxury treatment by the very people they're expected to criticize!

Well that's precisely why people got so upset over it. It was clearly only the tip of the iceberg and we still don't know how prevalent this kind of borderline-bribery was among different companies at the time (it's just an open secret today). There's another video on his channel that goes into even earlier examples of this.


Oh, of course. It's not just video game companies that try to hide behind social issues to deflect against deeper problems. "Pinkwashing" and "greenwashing" have been around for decades, used by corporations trying to deflect scandal over labour abuses or pollution by hiding behind shallow gestures.

Thank you for understanding. I agree with you that's where the line should be in a civilised society. unfortunately "The Line" can be moved on a societal scale when enough people agree it's okay to punch defenceless people for the unconventional views.

There's your own personal line/moral compass.

And then there's society's line


It also seems funny how it's an xbox exclusive magazine and a Playstation exclusive magazine that took part it in.
>Playstation mag tells game is good
>People buy it
>Sony makes money
I might be overthinking here though

Hitler did nothing wrong

lmao someone actually made this image

Back to kiwi-lead.com

it's from reddit

Forcing people to mix modern social issues with games is so anti-creative. Makes creative works generic and boring.

Nazis = literally anyone that I dislike or has a different political opinion than me

When they became older and realized the new generation of teens doesn' t need their old fuck faces

This honestly.