Who can beat Maxwell?

Who can beat Maxwell?

Anyone stealthy enough to get him unawares because he's a normal person.

If they didn't catch him off guard, however, he could just write "nonexistent" as a prefix and defeat pretty much anything.


Weirdest/most obscure object you were able to create. GO

Hard mode


His father with his belt.

idk, but I used to add every objective to max that I could to make him OP.

@ and $ objects in unlimited, no contest.

>Nonexistent Saitama

Basically any other reality warper,

Or anything fast enough to get to him before he can scribble in his notebook

implying he would not be DELETED

spawned one and it killed the little fag and another guy

i dont know why i have this game

Consider that he could just write himself as being omniscient

>TFW summoning a nuke or tidal wave

I like the portal that summons randomized monsters.
Or invincible/ invulnerable

bragonb&e :DD korby :DDDDDD

Who else would just steal the notebook from Evil Max and just see what kind of weird shit it would spawn?

that was one of the coolest things to do. sometimes I would have to identify the object to see what it was. summoning him and letting him steal your notebook or creating a living notebook would spawn some crazy shit.

If we're talking pre-SNU, then Death, a tsunami, or a nuke should work.
But post-SNU, the little fucker can survive anything with the Invincible prefix.

why does making Max omnipotent make him bigger??

A black hole.

>Game lets you eat babies
>Can't kill nuns

what if you try to eat the nun?

Douk Nouk Kem. Always bet on him.

Why did this amazing series die bros

we'll never get a new one with updated features that let us do crazy shit.

It wasm#t actia;;y very fim

Anything with enough speed to kill him before he could write something down or become aware of their existence, plus with enough power to kill a child. Plenty of things can beat him. If the Flash weren't famous he could probably do it.

Imagine a 3d one

>no new scribblenauts
>no new drawn to life

maybe, but if max already starts off with adjectives on himself then speed aint nothing.

3d with objects that actually have detailed functionality. driving around vehicles and spawning stuff would be cool. new movement options as well.

If he was aware enough to have already applied defensive adjectives to himself you would have already nulled the condition of him being aware. Adjectives don't matter in the presumed situation, where he doesn't know someone is trying to kill him. He'd need time to jot some down.

Maybe someone can buy off 5th cell and bring us this

>mfw his time stop ability is cannon
True evil comes in many forms.

what time stop ability?

whenever he writes something in his notebook time stops allowing the player to write without any interruptions

ok that's what I thought you meant. that would make max op as fuck

What if someone with time stop stopped time before he wrote anything?

>time stops for a second
>Max continues writing in stopped time

>Max continues writing in stopped time
That's unbeatable