Developers intend for you complete an objective a certain way

>Developers intend for you complete an objective a certain way
>Figure out a roundabout way of doing it instead
Is there a greater feeling in Vidya?

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>mfw Shrine of Storms 4-1
the best part of that shitty godforsaken level is you can just skip like 90% of it with a clever ledge jump.

>Developers intend for you complete an objective a certain way
>they get mad and patch it and tell it wasn't the way they intended you to do it

>get outside the map
>the devs leave an easter egg for you and a fun OP weapon

I miss old bungie

>Portal 1
>Devs intend people to shoot a portal near a vent for the player to climb high enough to reach it.
>Instead, 90% of players immediately fall back to half-life 2 and start stacking random objects to climb that high.

>unintended solution is easier than the dev solution

They weren't thinking with portals on that map

>FFXI Online
>Absolute Virtue
>Toughest MMO Mega-boss to date
>Was implemented for months before people even saw it
>Took years for people to get well geared and good enough to even attempt it
>It could use any job's 2-hour super abilities in sets of three, for combos like "Hundred Fists, Mighty Strikes, Invincible"
>Including White mage's "Benediction" which fully heals it
>Can use these unlimited times per fight

>At first players found a way to get it stuck on the terrain, a glitch they called the "Wall of Justice"
>GMs banned players for it
>4 more years pass, a few groups conducting SCIENCE on it to try and figure out the trick to beating it
>Square Enix just keeps giving lame, vague hints when it's biggest problem was it's Regen
>Groups start a tactic on other bosses using an 8-hit club with lots of Dark Knights super buffed for attack speed and damage
>AV is killable for a week this way
>Economy and E-peen goes nuts because the items are tradable
>AV get's changed to make it resistant to the Dark Knight's main ability

>Square Enix releases a shitty video that, instead of showing the players what's going on in the fight they keep zooming in on the chat log instead
>Players basically give up on it and another 1-2 years pass

>The level cap eventually goes from lv75 up to 99.
>Square Enix announces that you're supposed to lock it's 2 hour abilities by using 2 hour abilities of people in the alliance fighting it
>After 8 years no-one cares anymore
>Level cap has gone up so the gear it drops is useless anyway

A boss like that deserved a better fate.

>break the game
>this was intended from the start and allows you to get access to even more content and easter eggs

>What is Gears of War 2 Title updates 2-6

This thing right here is why I love older games more than newer ones. Modern games are so fucking railroaded, it doesn't make you feel free. For example, in Human Revolution, you're supposed to find a terminal to hack to open a gate. I didn't feel like looking for it, so I found a bunch of items, stacked them, and make a makeshift ladder to jump over it.

The opposite of that would be when you think you CAN do an alternative solution, but the game restricts you from doing it. Such as all the QUALITY in the first Watch_Dogs, you can't drive a bus to a wall, jump on it, and climb over the fence, you have to actually hack the door to open it to get inside.

The most infuriating thing about modern railroading is that they could easily justify "issues" like the one in Watch_Dogs by just making the fence higher. It's so much easier to just scale assets up these days and yet they still can't be bothered to do it, so the railroading just feels more insulting and lazy.

Railroading shouldn't exist at all. That's the sign of an incompetently made game.

>devs realise glitch
>dont fix it because why remove fun

That feel when something is hard as fuck and you realize you have been doing it wrong the whole time.

>devs acknowledge glitch
>make it a feature in the next game

Wait you aren't just supposed to grab a chair for that?

I miss Megas XLR.
Please tell me someone on Sup Forums has seen Downtown

>there will never be a Megas game
feels bad

I'm an ex-FFXI player and this post was great.

I remember playing Breath of Fire II with something like that.

At some point of the game, you can't progress unless you do one of two options.

The first option was to pay an unrealistically large amount of money. The second option I can't remember, you either had to battle, or you had to go on a fetch quest for an item.

I used a GameShark unlimited money cheatcode, and chose to pay my way through. It worked.

I'm actually surprised that it did; once again, the NPC was asking for a ridiculous sum, so anyone playing the game normally would've chosen the other option. But the developers actually bothered to program the money option, even though it would be normally impossible/improbable.

>Might and Magic 7
>in the tutorial level there's a cave where you have to get an item
>it's guarded by a super powerful dragon with ridiculous health that can one shot your level 1 party
>you're supposed to sneak, get the item and run
>instead spend 40 minutes fighting the damn thing by abusing bows and save scumming
>barely get five levels for killing it, but it was worth it

>same tutorial has a peasant that sell you a wand
>instead of that you can shoot a dragonfly and guide the angry swarm of flies into town to slaughter all the villagers without you getting the blame
>loot all their corpses including the wand

> Lego Batman 2
> Sandbox is littered with golden bricks and character tokens to find for 100% completion
> fly around and see a token
> it's behind a box
> you follow the cables of the box to find out where to open it
> it either requires a Robin or Batman costume ability which means you have to go along the course backwards and then do it again with the correct costume
> or if you are lucky it requires something like the sonic cannon to break glass or a bomb so you can just change to Man-Bat or Penguin because they share those abilities and break the piece keeping you from getting the token

Lego Marvel was funny because they kept the courses but gve the ability to change to any character anywhere you want making most of them pointless.

It's always a good feeling. I'm hoping one of the new Metroid games allow for sequence breaking, and more unlikely, secret worlds.

Even then you're wrong; the solution was to drestroy the tubes to get a cube

>devs intend for you to go forward through a certain path
>they also include another path that's 10 times as long and you can't know that unless you actually go that way

can you do that to buy the bike in pokemon?

Fucking EYE.

No OP weapons, but one of the level designers for DN3D put secret messages (Levellord) for places you could usually no clip to. The ones off my head were the shrink blaster in The Fault, the area where the helicopter was in E3, and the part of the next level at the end of E3's first that you could see through a crack. Noclipping there had the message behind a building.

The bike costs 1.000.000 but you can only carry 999.999.

You could probably overflow the money counter if you know what you're doing, the same way missingno sets your sixth item slot quantity over the normal maximum of 99. I don't think it'd work though, since one million is an actual unobtainable amount instead of just something really high but still possible within game rules.

Considering how crudely programmed gen 1 is, even if you could carry all that money you probably wouldn't be able to buy it.

On the same note, the Slowpoke tail is also given a price of one million Pokebucks, but this value holds the distinction of being rendered with commas, unlike any purchasable item. Contrast from the bike where it is rendered as one million without commas.

It's been tried. The game will just display the same message as if you didn't have enough money.