What am i in for?
Literally just bought this
I don't know, I still need to play it. I'd probably just emulate it though.
Not as good as Super or Zero Mission but still breddy good.
play it and find out, why are you asking us if you've bought the game and it's right in front of you
An amazing game. Not sure why would you start with the last game in the chronology, though.
Best Metroid plot wise, decent gameplay wise but definitely on the short side.
Great game. A tad more railroaded than some other 2D Metroids, but a solid entry all the same.
Who says OP's starting?
10 mins in. This is a bit too spooky actually.
Just wait until you find her.
Atmosphere/music-wise my favorite 2D Metroid, although a bit too linear.
Late enemies will still kick your ass so be ready.
Great game
Actually pretty decent and gripping story. The twist near the end is one of my favorite in vidya history.
Amazing action.
Disappointingly linear. You might not even find this disappointing if you've never played Metroid though.
a good time, user
i hope you're ready for the hardest 2D metroid game (well besides the first one, i guess)
Some great shit that will be creepier than you expected.
finally another metroid thread. things are looking up. here's your daily reminder that sylux is actually the good guy.
The only 2D game that ever scared me.
Hi OP,
Because asking
>what am I in for?
on a 15 year old game is pretty fucking stupid.
>a gba game
>didn't hack your 3ds to play it
Stop posting spoilers you fucking retard god damn.
Pretty sure there are ''what am I in for?'' threads daily, that still doesn't mean it's the first game in a series they're playing.
I wanted to support metroid. Simple as that.
And dude. The AI just told me that the X parasites mimic their host and the thing that escaped was probably my suite, right? Fuck me you kinda ruined it.
There was a zombie right here btw.
Don't worry, there are plenty more great moments in Fusion
Great 2D Metroid with a map layout that won't require as much exploration as Super or ZM.
I literally almost lost vs the very first mini boss in the game.
This will be good.
Anyway im out. Gonna play this through the night. If the thread is still up later, that would be cool.
What the fuck did you expect? These threads are fucking retarded, play the game and then try to have a discussion about it, not the other way around it.
No joke, I hope Sakamoto eventually makes a 'Fusion 2' type game. Traditional Metroid is cool and all but Fusion's layout allowed it to have a ton of twists and jarring moments (which I won't bring up for OP's sake).
If Dread came out and it was like like fusion I think I would be more than happy.
Really nice sprite work.
Find who?
is this on your Wii U?
pretty sure you literally see SA-X within the first 10 minutes of the game
>caring about metroid spoilers
the series is 30 goddamn years old if you havent been spoiled by what happens in the games I'm actually surprised.
>buys game
>instead of playing he makes a thread on Sup Forums
Does anyone on this shit fucking board actually play videogames?
but he is playing it
the best 2D Metroid game
hes not playing Super though
Excellent 2D action adventure in its own right but not the best representation of Metroid as a whole - for a series that prides itself on the exploration of alien worlds Fusion is surprisingly linear, not to mention Samus's inner monologues take off here. In that light, it basically sets the stage in terms of design choices for Other M to shit all over the room. Still, incredible game despite all that.
Anyone got any PS4 Metroid clone recs? Just finished Shadow Complex and had a lot of fun.
Fusion is Other M done right. I didn't hate Other M until I realized it took everything Fusion did and shat on it.
What are you playing it on? Wii U?
seems that way
This game is moving fast. This is non-stop action.
Your computer is an imprint of your former CO who Samus had a weird attachment to. Most of his choices are based on the preservation of Samus' life and she spends 90% of the game busting his balls over it
>Hey guys I just bought this game. I'm going to take a picture of it and ask some faggots on the internet what they think of it before I play it
I really hope this is some advanced form of falseflagging by now.
>want to replay the Metroid franchise
>PC is shot and Virtual Console is nowhere to be seen
End my suffering.
Early adopters never learn.
better than Twitter threads
>Samus acknowledges she's so freakishly powerful that if this creature who copied her understood how freakishly powerful it had become that it would threaten the universe
Good shit. I loved it when Samus talked in Fusion. She was straight and to the point and it only happens like 5 times throughout the game.
Play it on 3DS or Wii U then?
>Famicom, SNES, Gamecube with Gameboy Player, Wii and Wii U all hooked up to my TV
>tfw Other M ruined Fusion for me
When I first heard "One of them will understand. One of them must." I thought it was just a vague cool-sounding reference, but after playing Other M I know he's talking about that nigger I didn't care about. I imagined Adam as a Metroid version of HAL 9000, now I just imagine that asshole from Other M ordering me around again. Somehow I'm glad that Fusion in particular didn't get a sequel, I feel like it would've been a complete shitshow.
You can post the screens from the internet browser instead of taking pictures of your TV.
I literally killed the boss and then died due to the exploding head. Been a while since i got a double K.O at a boss fight
>Samus, you shouldn't have done that. You ignored your orders
My personal favorite plot twist in videogames. The entire conversaion that follows is great too.
How? I got my wii u just for breath of the wild and didnt touch it ever since. In fact this was the first game i bought through the eshop.
Is it an authentic copy? Im trying to get my hands on a few gba titles but I'm being very cautious.
That's because Sakamoto didn't have the technology to make her every monologue a badly voiced 5 minute long cutscene.
A very linear Metroid game, but one that makes the absolute most its linearity.
Try not to miss any upgrades as you go along because it could be a long time before you're allowed to go back for them.
Don't listen to him, posting from the WiiU browser sucks dick.
All bosses turn into a Core X upon "death", you have to fight that too.
Authentic? It was 6.99 at the nintendo wii u eshop.
her ;)
Yep. Forgot. I would've lost anyway. Speed booster upgrade.
Is he? Please explain I need to know.
>playing sprite games on a modern tv
Absolutely disgusting
>Not using a CRT
The most cryptic, boring, tedious, clunky overrated metroid? Yeah said the best 2d metroid game.
post YFW at least 10
>buy 2DS for $60 bucks
>hack it
>Play every mainline metroid on your system for free
Fusion has the best story. Combined with Super's mother/baby-issues, I feel like they have a lot of potential for samus as a character.
You're a dumbass.
[angry screeching]
I have the physical cart of this. Should I play it on a GB player via GC or get a Retron that plays it? I have a GBA but I kind of like the idea of playing on a big screen.
an extremely linear metroid game that is still really good
Metroid is a stale franchise and it'll become Star Fox before you know it. Get with the times, grandpa.
>cryptic is bad
w e w
>modest selling franchise with a whooping 2 good games and notorious issues with writing
It already is.