If LISA is so good and Undertale is so bad, why has the former been virtually forgotten while the latter is still being routinely talked about?
If LISA is so good and Undertale is so bad...
can't wait for ninja tears
any new infos about it?
just secret club faggots with an underdog mentality making them believe they're automatically better
Agreed, love the fuck out of Lisa.
it's going to be a game about a race war, and dingaling has cuck opinions on race
The quality of a product is inversely proportional to its popularity.
undertale was good too, I don't know what you're talking about
I personally enjoy LISA way more but different strokes
Because popularity means absolutely nothing in in terms of quality.
This is what contrarian faggots actually believe.
>unpublished scribbles that not even the artist likes confirmed absolute peak of high art
What the fuck
It's pretty obvious why Undertale would be more popular. It's more light hearted, has wacky tumblr-like humor, a unique battle system, and furry characters.
Meanwhile LISA as a whole is very strange and darker, not everyone would really be into that.
because undertale is tumblr's favorite fandom and has the exact same fanbase homestuck did
Lisa is darker and not as accessible as Undertale. It's also, imo, a lot less creative, even though I respect Lisa's sense of humor more than the cutesy humor of Undertale. Undertale's battle system is far more unique compared to Lisa's, as are the different endings and such.
Because LISA's gameplay is garbage.
>a shitty furry version of earthbound with LELEL SKELLIES RATTLE ME BONES
Learn to read, retard
Was going to post this
Both are fine
Austin had a mental breakdown, while Toby just carried on while sense-fully avoiding anything politics-related.
I enjoyed both LISA and Undertale
Undertale just has an Autistic furry fanbase that clings to the characters and draws a bunch of porn or whatever
Reddit is that ways
Neither are good.
This. Both are pretty good experiences. I liked Lisa a bit more though.
easier to shitpost with