Why aren't you playing the GotY?

Why aren't you playing the GotY?

played it on the free weekend and wasn't impressed

Because THE goty is highly subjective and the piece of shit you posted certainly isn't THE goty for me.

that's just like your opinion man

Go home GI

Please stop shitposting this meme image.
Also this game sucks, Its just boring and the gunplay is shitty.

Because i knew they would end up nerfing shit why do people have to spoil everything and then not even play then damn game whilst everyone left has to suffer.

back to player unknown's shitty dayz rip off with you then :^)

My game stutters like hell, it's barely playable. It'll run real smooth then as I turn a corner and spot an enemy it will just freeze up then unfreeze to me lying face down

Saw a bunch of people are having the same problem

Because it was already topped by both games before it

i don''t have this issue but the frame rate varies way too much i have dips in he 40 all the fucking time and from a 100 it's pretty noticeable

I am but the server list and shitty commanders are making me stop after every match.

Only ever seem to win if I take pathfinder/scout and play like it's CoD

It's the textures, even if you put them on lowest they still eat up all your VRAM. It's because they're compressed like utter shit, or not compressed at all.

WarZ Unknowns is garbage aswell, such a shame half these developers cant even make fairly good gunplay.

She's already dead, Jim.

>servers have a cap of 64 players*
Go back to League then.

>mfw the game doesnt even look 1/4 this good
god of bullshots right here especially the shadows even on ultra they're blurry shit

Get a better gfx card

Is there a singleplayer option or campaign?

its on a 10 year old engine i can max it easily with my 970 but it looks nowhere near as good as that pic

>he thinks 3878 is dead

My game looks pretty similar and I put this PC together in 2012. Stop playing on laptops.

Its not that great.

>he doesn't force graphics settings thru nvidia control panel and uses custom edits to the game's files

Game is pretty nice for what it is

But I'm just so fucking tired of brown and grey and green be sneaky and flank the enemy whoops got spotted you're dead shooters

Give everyone super speed and projectile weapons that explode on impact and make it take 3-4 shots to kill or something, just fuck this shit

>has to fix the game himself to make it look as advertised


1.1 dropped a few hours ago. anyone play it yet?

All these anons mentioning stuttering and the game not looking good. Get a better PC faggot. This game runs at 120fps and 1440 and I have no stuttering. It doesn't have AAA grafix but it looks better than and is completely acceptable for 20 burgerbux

But there's enough players to play just like said!

So I guess that settles it, Battleborn and RS2 are objectively shit.

Eerie, it's like looking into RS2's very near future.

Five maps lmao

>So I guess that settles it, Battleborn and RS2 are objectively shit.

>spend 30 minutes in queue for battleborn because its shit

>spend 3 seconds connecting to a active 64 player rs2 server

fuck off autist

Because I just got home. Fuck.

>Five maps
That's odd. I just played 8 yesterday. 9 if you count that community map.

RO2 came out in 2011 while Squad is still in development

I doubt it will go this low, rs2 is more accessible and less niche than RO2

What has Squad got to do with anything?

Why are Tripdrones suddenly insecure about that shitty game?

it's just false flagging my dude

Why are squad shitters in every fucking RO/RS thread?

because they know their game plays worse and their community cannot grow

while RS2 can grow when it gets more content updates and steam sales

RS2 is much more slower paced than RO2, I think that makes it less accessible

RS2 already lost 85% of its playerbase in just 3 weeks my dude. Squad is even worse.


whatever about the pace but the fact that everyone has automatic weapons plus the supremacy gamemode I think makes it more accessible

>muh shitty game vs another shitty game

Classic Tripwire deflection. It's always comical because they're threatened by the most bizarre games

>Classic tripwire
Why are you in this thread if you don't like the game? How far on the spectrum are you kid?

Because there's no new maps, and all the "old" maps are lame.

how is this game for someone who's never played hardcore shooters before?
The hardest I've played is csgo, IDK how hard that is considered to be.

Squad is objectively better though, from the size and amount of maps, the FOB and respawn mechanics, amount of factions, playercount, sound and effect design, land vehicles, with tanks and helicopters coming too, the varying scenarios in eastern european taiga, to afghan rural areas and iraqi cities, the voip system, it's on map artillery, basebuilding and pretty much everything else.


>Squad is objectively better
Then go make your own thread.

OP literally asked me why I wasn't playing this trash. That sounds like an invitation.

Perhaps you're the autistic OP who asks me why I'm not playing trash and then throws a fit when he gets answers lmao.

This is actually true. Squad is a sim where as RS is just a casual wannabe sim that makes NEETs think they're vietnam vets for playing a dead game.

which ones?

i assume whatever i try doing like that will just cause problems more often than not, if not do nothing at all

>when you're reloading and all of the sudden you hear from the jungle "Why you fight a white man's war?"

Whats the best way to earn XP?

automatic weapon is meaningless cause you want them on semi 90% of the time and supremacy is a mess and much harder to play than territories.

>RS2 already lost 85% of its playerbase

that's because poorfags love to abuse steam refunds

Care to elaborate? I'm very interested in how this delusional thinking works.

>That sounds like an invitation
Get the fuck out if you don't like the game you goddamn autist.

This thread is for discussing why we aren't playing RS2.

Go make a general for you and the other 10 people who play this game if this thread hurts your fee fees.

Get the fuck out you fucking autist.

>with tanks and helicopters coming too

How long have they been saying this?
Squad is shit because it emphasizes realistic combat in large levels yet it doesn't even have tanks or helicopters.

Might as well buy ARMA 3.

>he willingly pays both money and time to do the work of the developer

too many whiny kids on the mic. might load it up again after the summer.

fuck off squad fag

your game is just as dead as battleborn despite the devs paying youtubers and streamers to market it

>not being a NEET

I'm sorry about your dead game, Tripwire. Sup Forums has some advertising slots that may be more useful for selling your game than attacking people on the internet.

>Autist is still shitposting in a thread for a game he doesn't like
Is this the point where it's reportable yet?

if you tell us all to cap a point and then drop napalm on that point i hope you go fuck a cactus

That's sort of what I thought. It didn't make sense to me, either.

I'm now seeing that I'm dealing with someone who actually has mental illness. My apologies, can I speak with your mother?

>tfw 8gb of vram
>tfw game runs smoothly
heh...3.5gb cucks fucked again...

Napalm and arty can fly wildly off target.

>2,000 active players a few weeks after launch
>falling for the shitwire meme and in 2017


Don't the Tripwire devs have similar meltdowns on their forums?

This is what I'm sayin'.

How many times can these retarded children fall for the same shit?

Thanks for helping bump the thread, Lee.

played throughout the alpha and beta
waiting on first content pack to buy it

>fire a gun at a dead body at main because my SL never approved a Vehicle and left me and 5 guys behind
>only fire like 5 shots at most
>get kicked by admin
>Reason: No shooting your gun at main

main problem with military sims is that realistic military combat isn't particularly exciting.

apart from larp aspect, ARMA and Squad, just like irl combat mostly rely on trekking for miles on end to reach a spot where you'll do a standoff against dudes who can't spot you and vice versa. most of the matches are crouching/prone in bushes and firing potshots in the general direction of your enemy

Mental illness is spamming about squad in every Rising Storm 2 thread when it's a shit game that is essentially poor man's arma.

I bet you buy the new Battlefield and CoD everywhere you hypocrite.

Your post was literally the first post to mention Squad

that wasn't my post

Be honest, do you even know what a hypocrite is?

Nice try, Tripwire.

Someone who holds others to a principle or standard and then does something contradictory to the principle or standard they believe in.

You believe others shouldn't fall for Tripwire's supposed bullshit yet I am willing to bet you fall for Activision/EA's bullshit every year with the new niggerfield and call of cock.

Anyone else remember the good old days?

The days when Tripwire actually made surprisingly GOOD games, like Red Orchestra Ostfront 41-45, one of my favorite games ever.

It's sad to see how they've let themselves loose, and started to release incomplete and boring games such as Red Orchestra 2, Rising Storm, Killing Floor 2 and, you've guessed it...

Rising Storm 2: Vietnam!

5 maps, a massive amount of bugs, an old engine, repetitive gameplay, unrealistic sounds, etc.

Tell me...

How can they even release such a game without having the "early-access" warning in the Steam store? This is simply ILLEGAL.

Why should we pay to play a game that looks worse than an indie pre-alpha game on kickstarter!

Why should I wait two years for the community to create some maps? I paid Tripwire for this piece of crap, it's THEIR fucking responsibility to deliver maps and content.

Fuck this.

I'll just stick with Squad. At least their devs were honest, and marked their game as early-access...

And, to be honest, I could pay over $70 for Squad, because it already has plenty of huge maps, plenty of factions, plenty of content... and, it works great on the Unreal engine 4 with over 100 players on the map. It's simply an amazing game, that delivers on its promises, unlike Rising Shit 2...

>And, to be honest, I could pay over $70 for Squad, because it already has plenty of huge maps, plenty of factions, plenty of content
if only it had good gameplay

>implying I didnt get 200 hrs out of RO2 + RS1 and only paid 30ish dollars

Say whatever the fuck you want man: Tripwire has the best value. Any other jew company would try and charge 49/59 but they always charge less.

Well, it's a pretty niche genre... but still way way more fun than some more complex simulation like ArmA III.

Definitely not for Call of Duty, Battlefield, Rising Storm 2, or Halo fans.

>reddit spacing
Post discarded.

>paying $70 for shit thats already been done and surpassed in PR
>t. Squad jew shill

Shit ton of bugs but still playable. It's a 7/10 for me right now.


5 M A P S

Liking or disliking the red orchestra series separates the pros from the shitters. This is an objective fact. If you don't like this series youre a fucking filthy casual.

Tripwire can charge less, because they release unfinished games. And then they let the community create the best maps.

Plus, they literally keep using some 10 years old engine... and still give us a game filled with bugs.

Do you realize that Rising Storm 2 is pretty much a mod. They could have released it for free.

Remember the Half-Life 2 mod called Insurgency? It was a full conversion, with classes, different guns, over 15 maps, etc. And guess what, it was FREE.

None charged a cent for it, despite the fact that it was worth a legit 60 bucks.

Meanwhile, you get a poor Vietnam mod for Rising Storm 1... and you even have to pay for it!

Best value?

I don't think so. Nor does any sane person.

I exited a match and the game shows I'm not logged in and I can't connect to any servers. I've relaunched the game three times now and each time it's the same thing (zero progress, no servers populating list). The fuck is wrong with this shit?

I just got done with a few matches. I'm fucking love it. It's so god damn fun to play as Charlie with my shotgun and booby trap American pig GIs. GO HOME GI.

I do wish more people could play as each class, though.

Redditor Entitlement: The Post

I play Day of Infamy all the time, and it has like 700 max. I still find plenty of near full servers in both to join. Why would you want a bigger (aka, more cancerous) fanbase?