Ok Sup Forums chooses what I play

ok Sup Forums chooses what I play
9 decides

EYE Divine Cybermancy

My Summer Car

Assassins creed syndicate

The game of life.


here we go

Age of Empires 2

ps : most of the games you have are terrible pls replace risen 3 by the 1st at least


Nu Men Sky

Shadow warrior 2




Or get ClaDun



a shelf that was attached to the wall literally just fell apart behind me while I was typing this post, I'm so fucking done

If 9, you grab Thief gold version and finish it.

Shadow Tactics

kek nice

Fallout 4, of course!

Euro Truck Simulator

Russian roulette


No man's sky

well game is over but u can roll for urself if u want
or suggest me good games to add to my pirate list that i may not have completed

Singularity, boss.

Fuck off you got your (You)'s now forget this shitty thread and neck yourself.

why did i never hear of this before
looks fun

i only go (OP)s

It's my favorite game, no one brings it up though. It's not the beast at anything, but the gunplay is solid and the time controls are where things get fun. Neat story too.