Dad comes home from work

>dad comes home from work
>that look on his face when he sees you still playing video games

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i know that feel, user. Ive gotten into the habit of alt-tabbing to some website to save myself from judgement.

Just a little longer and then I'm moving out.

>dad then immediately lays down in bed watching tv until the morning
fuck you too

Get a job and move out faggot.

Maybe you should concentrate on not being a living leech and make something of your youth!

Say to your dad.

What in his life is he doing that will be remembered decades or centuries later?

Tell him your video game save files will live on forever long after you're gone as a record of your deeds, and that you will have your save files stored away in your coffin or a time capsule, so that archaelogists centuries from now who happen upon such strange hardware from a forgotten age will access your files and remember your name. You could make it into the history books as an ice man of sorts.

I found the le merchant.

>don't be a leech
>become one of our work slaves
>be productive

The whole work ethic nonsense out there was created by Jewish bankers to shame people into working for them for longer hours and for less pay.

>dad comes home

>archaelogists access to your files
>save data corrupted

Sup Forums was a mistake.

That's why you make multiple copies of your save files. Don't tell me you only save once?

How is a young man who is;

a). Spoilt by rich parents
b). Unattractive and unintelligent
c). Bad at video games

supposed to live his life?

Please help me god

>Frogposter wakes up again, unfortunately
>decides to start a garbage thread, yet again
gas the frogs when?


>come home from work
>the look on my Face when i see my father still playing video games

should have stayed on reddit then

>go to school full time
>work +20 hours a week part time
>on track for a stable life and career
>still feel like my parents become disappointed whenever they see me spending whatever spare time I have playing vidya

>doing something with your life is bad

listen to your self, get some help.

>Remember those legendary summer days of playing games for long stretches of time.
>Kind feel that way when NEETing at 20
>Get to a point where GF sees im a sack of shit and leaves
>NEEting no longer feels 'right'. Can't play games without feeling guilty.

I got a job and its been the best thing that has happened to me. Now i have 0 guilt, money in my pocket and games on my shelf

t. r/the_donald

I'm sorry dad, i know you deserve better.

My dad is retired and plays Civ V all day.

It's because you're not out bro'ing it up with Chad and fucking Stacies instead

get a job

can I friend your dad on Steam?

>tfw my 43 year old dad plays rocket league and cs:go for hours and binges anime.

My dad is human garbage so I don't care about disappointing him.

>tfw your dad is a permavirgin.

I don't get it. No matter how much I work or how well I do in school. The only time I don't feel like the lowest of the low is when I play some online game that requires teamwork. Lately that's been my only satisfaction in life.

What if I have a job and live with my parents?

check mate athiests.

He earned that time by working

My dad plays Ark all day every fucking day.His job and Ark,that's his life.

My father did this a lot when I was a young teen playing vidya instead of having a social life. Too bad he is a bigot that spent most of his college years playing kings quest and roleplaying in AOL chat rooms.




My dad is a NEET, IAMA

>what are jokes?


>that disappointed feeling when I've spent my whole day off playing video games again
I don't think it's wrong. But my subconscious mind seems to disagree because it makes me feel bad.

My dad is retired and spends most of his time playing ages of empire 3.

>I suck dicks: the post

>you will never pummel your dad to within an inch of his life

why live, bros?

Buy happiness with money?

You would have to be extremely fucked up to not be able to just pay money to fix it.

Why so condescending?

>clan/guild leader spectates your match
>the look on his face when you completely demolish a scrub/noob

why is he crying?

>live life
You don't user you end it when nothing can help you just end it.

Because he's playing sonic with a fucking stick.

You take the Iron pill, and transcend into the next world.

>help out dad's parents with some physical work on friday
>look for work on wednesday
>do his laundry on monday since he works at a dry dock
>rest of the days are spent playing vidya or arriving for job applications/interviews, nothing better to do
>no friends
>dad says "at least he isn't a criminal or addict"
>it still isn't enough
Oh well time to shoot aliens in Egypt.

i played vidya and still got a free ride to a good uni, my dad doesnt give a shit what i do anymore

He is old enough to die actually.

You mentioned working first, you leech.

What movie is this? Reverse search for the thumbnail and googling "movie with man crying at sonic" didn't yield anything

>play some games
>parents walk in
>"man your always doing nothing and shit on the computer, get a job your an adult now"
>practice C++ and work on my projects
>do have a part time job but don't work long enough
>make some money online on the side
>parents walk in
>"man your always doing nothing and shit on the computer, get a job your an adult now"
You just can't win.

y tho

It's my dad's fault for procreating when he's ugly as fuck. Fuck that guy.

>have a job
>"get a job"
Story of my life.

It's just a generational thing, he probably thinks throwing a ball and hitting it with a stick is time well spent.

He just doesn't understand it and sticks to what he grew up with. Just tell him he's showing his age and women, or men if he gay, won't find him as appealing for acting like William Hickey.

I'm almost 26 and about to lose my federal health insurance provided by my dad. I'll have to provide that for myself and with the current political climate regarding health insurance in America excuse me for not wanting to live on the street.

What exactly do you mean by "doing something"?


you just stop worrying and live
go running, you'll feel better

>dad is a casual
>he got me a job where he works
>constantly asks me ifngames are worth getting
>never listens to me

im the disappointed one here

Just play casual games with your dad. He might appreciate it.

>Yeah man! I got a job as a burgerflipper, I'm doing something with my life! Now I have money to spend on a new phone, new computer, new car and new clothes! I'm living the dream!!!

>tfw you own your own home

Why does your dad live with you?

How's that looming mortgage feel?

>implying my dad works
>implying he didn't retire 13 years ago after almost 43 years of working
>implying I wasn't born when he was 41
>implying I was planned

>implying he gives a shit

I'm not sure it's any better.

Be happy you are rich.
I'm b and c, atleast you got money.

>Get a day off
>Either relax or work on other stuff all day
>Play vidya for a bit
>They get home and just assume you were playing all day

Do you enjoy your job?
I used to get this when i felt my job was going nowhere.

If he works all day, then he has a right to do as he pleases afterward.

what's your plan for moving out user?
I have the motivation I just need inspiration

Fatass here, whats a good type of exercise I can make into a routine without giving up instantly?

I just wanna be consistent, something I can do daily or at least every other day

My parents bought me the house straight up for $13,000

>mfw poorfags

A house.

For thirteen grand.

>My dad died in 2006. too...

You don't get skinny from exercise.

You can lose 50 pounds never leaving the couch.

It's all about your diet.

>For a house
Where I live that might get you a shoe box surrounded by Sudanese gangsters.

>being 16
>mother and sister left because they go shopping for the entire day
>they leave when im playing games
>an hour later i get bored and go to do other stuff
>6 hours later i feel to play games again
>go sit down and turn on game
>3 minutes later mother come home

I got given my house by my Grandfather post mortem

All I have to worry about is the frigging 1,500$ in taxes on the property every year.

$13,000? Is it a cardboard box on a lawn?

Not the same user but i want to move out soon. Time for me isn't an issue so I want to get as close to $10,000 as possible in savings, have all bills paid off, find a cozy apartment, and start from scratch. That's when I'll have to rely on my own survival skills.

To be honest, yeah.

Contribute by paying for groceries you like and paying the internet bill, and your pretty much set. Once you have a decent $600 computer, it'll let you socialize and work and play games.

What else do you really need besides God at that point?

I usually go to work two hours before he gets home so we only see each other on the weekends.

Wait so, I'm confused

>Sup Forums openly hates leeches, stands for sticking for yourself, doesnt want global healthcare and less stuff like food stamps
>doesn't want to work because of the jew menace



My dad doesn't care because I work and pay my bills and rent


I'e been told exercise makes you feel better about shit though, endorphin release or whatever

You still owe me a high school gf and friend group from when I was doing everything correctly with my life, I'll put some effort in when I see evidence it actually works.


Based, I know this feel.

Go for a walk. 20-30 minutes, even if it is just to the store to buy groceries and such. The disconnect usually helps with my vidya when I come back.

that sounds like a good plan but I can't do that
my problem is that I work for my dad and he doesn't actually pay me directly, but I get housing food etc. so I can't really save up
honestly I've fucked myself over by not giving a shit earlier in life. I'm not that old (23) but I don't even have a drivers license and to be quite honest I don't even really know how to live on my own or what the steps to actually being an adult is
I am fully aware that the only person responsible for my current situation is me, I just don't know how to proceed because I definitely don't want to be here forever

Depends what you want.
Weights are pretty good. I use them while reading. You can also get a pull up bar that fits on your door, thats pretty fun.

Depending on how fat you are, you might just want to eat less and go for 20 min walks, and build on that till you hit being able to walk 1.5hours without being absolutely exhausted.

Eating less is the real way to lose fat, you don't even have to eat healthily. Go online an see how many calories someone of your height should be consuming a day. Eat 500 calories less than that, and when that becomes comfortable half the calories.
I live off a diet of chocolate, crisp, and chips. But i'm in good shape.
Oh and stay away from carbonated sugar drinks they should come with a health warning like smokes do.

>I'll excuse the fact that I'm a lazy, good for nothing bum by pointing fingers an an imaginary boogeyman!