Party member betrays you

>party member betrays you

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so did this dude whisper the dog into being a good pup or what. No one ever posts shit besides this and the one where it bites his arm and he freaks out and kicks it

Not if I betrey them first!

who was in the wrong here

You sound like my ex

Owners got rid of the dog. Caesar took it in.

is there a male more alpha in existence?
Reminder that he turned that baby killing beast into a lovable pup licking his face

theyre like best friends a few months later
some times real life produces happy things
this is one of them

Imagine some faggot trying to get into your personal space while you are eating. Suddenly you are the traitor.


The owner for letting a lab turn into a monster. Labs are the most gentle dogs out there. You have to be a pretty shit owner to turn them into aggressive beasts.

That's a lot better than I thought. Thanks anons.

It had to be put down

What kind of awful upbringing do you have to give to a fucking labrador of all breeds to make it such an aggressive piece of shit in the first place? Kind of funny how the dude became best friends with it a couple months later.

>lying on the internet

>fucking with an animal while they eat
anyone who blames the dog is an idiot

You sound like a whiny bitch.

If your dog does anything except for walk away and lie down when you try to grab at it's food, then you have a serious issue that needs training.

He's right, watch that episode holly was a hopeless case. He tried for months and she still was biting hands(fake human hands, but still). The owners accepted and moved on.

>eating my food all comfy
>some mexican tries to take away my food
>i defend my turf like a good dog
>he attacks me and does a crab stance
>mfw my owners asked for this



MGR memes are still fresh as a daisy

You sound like the type of faggot that puts their dog in a stroller, and cooks it's food yourself.

extreme outliers exist in anything and everything



>not posting the full video

He gets bit and starts kicking the dog like a little bitch

I keked

This. 100%.

It's ok, all was forgiven.

I'd like to see how you react to a good hard fucking dog bite

that shit is fucking painful.

>Oh shit this dog is biting me now
>Wait I know! I'll make this hyper-agressive dog peaceful again by not showing him who's stronger
>Because dogs don't have an alpha-mentality

Please, off yourself, and NEVER get a dog. Because I'm pretty sure yours is gonna end up exactly like that one.

What is it about this stance that every creature on Earths knows not to fuck with it?

Well no shit, but I also don't go barging between random dogs and their food

>no food nearby now

Serves him right for sucker punching doggo in the neck. Hope he lethe his lesson.

>i didnt see that coming

A wider stance means more stability and makes you look larger. Bigger things are scary. It's not super complicated.

goddamn that power stance is so cool

Does it work on more than just dogs?

Holy shit never realized that this is where it came from

Hippos will eat yo when you do such a stance and a lot of other animals too, fucking idiot

If you kick your dog, it wins.

>party member steals you're waifu

>"you can see how calm he is"
>gets fucking bit

Why do people criticize Cesar for what he did?
The dog would have easily been put diwn and yet there she is living a comfy life with the "subhuman spic". How dare he?

not the same dog, what a fucking scam artist

*punches your dog in the throat while its peacefully trying to eat*

heh, now what? nuthin personnel

Doggo was not trained well. Was on the owners for never setting up what the hierarchy in the household was like. Dog thought it was the alpha and if anyone came near the food dog would turn aggressive. Few months of training later and the dog was well behaved because there was a structured system for the dog to take it's role as the non alpha.

People get all fucking butt hurt about the webm but they never worked with dogs who were trained into poor behavior. I assume the lot of them are some cuddle everything types and would get mauled by a working dog.

>not making your pet's food yourself
What are you, a faggot?

>boss is a party member in the sequel

>If you kick a hyper-agressive dog, it wins because all dogs are good of heart and the environment they're subjected to doesn't change them at all!

No you fucking retard.


It snarled and tried to strike him first. A good dog will let you take its food because dogs are meant to be subservient to man. The dog thought it was in charge and needed to be taught its place.

"Pack leader" shit like what Caesar does is completely debunked garbage.
Whatever though keep abusing your dog and thinking you're some kind of genius because it's scared of you. Someday it will get you or someone close to you.

dogs need to know who the alpha is. you need to do things that might seem borderline abusive or degrading to a dog when it is young. if it never has been dominated it will always be uncomfortable and will act accordingly. it is in the best interest of the animal to be dominated and know its station.

people let their dogs walk in front of them. people let their dogs eat with them. people let their dogs sit on their furniture and run around indoors. these dogs are actually suffering like that

he didnt grab the food, he fucking hit the dog in the throat

Baby steps, user.

>not treating your pet like a holy transcendent being who is superior to you in every way
I make a daily cat sacrifice to appease my dog.
May his benevolence shine on me.

What are some video games with power stances?

Hippos don't need a reason to fuck you up

Doggo was just growling when he invades its space. Only attempted to bite when jabbed in the head.

he was joking user, go outside for a walk and cool off

He was paid to rehabilitate the dog so the dog is anything but random. He did in the end. People bitch about Cesar but he has amazing success despite having a rough life and people fucking him over every step of the way. The owners and dogs are luck they even got this man's help. Hell, he's only had like 2 maybe 3 bad cases in his career where he got hurt.

Saw this cucks name slapped on some dog toys or some shit, could not help but think about that scene and laugh.

how in the fuck is "pack leader shit" debunked when it's literally been happening for centuries with every pack animal ever?

You're the only one to refer to him as spic. Are you painting your own grievances in an unrelated scenario? Were you teased in school? Would you like to talk about it, buddy?

Wild wolves (dogs ancestors) communicate on a pack leader / alpha dog hierarchy. There's no reason to think modern dogs don't still understand that mentality.

>dog is barking or being a rough cunt
>make a sharp high pitched sound with my tongue and teeth
>immediately shuts the fuck up

Caeser is a pussy

>visiting friend's house
>his dog shrine is smaller than yours

absolutely pathetic, unfriended him on facebook

Just because your father punched you in the throat when you refused to blow him doesn't mean everyone else needs to learn that way faggot

Has never happened and I've owned 9 dogs in the entirety of my life. One of which was a rescue who was abused. You can fuck right off with your touchy feely bullshit. Dogs respect calm owners who maintain discipline you fucking ignorant cunt. Treat them well when they act well, they act aggressive they get punishment. I bet when you raise kids they're going to be subhuman pieces of shit in juvie because you're too afraid of curbing bad behavior.



You don't have to be a bad person to make doggo go aggressive.

If you are a cuck, dog will assume alpha position.

>*blocks your path*

>he literally does this all the time and fixes the dogs and tells the owner how not to fuck up
>there are literal dog packs with alpha leaders in detroit roaming around and fucking people up
Show me proof of it being debunked and I'll show you proof of Cesar's methods working.

What kind of pet companion do you want in vidya?

liberals raise their dogs this way

>mfw discovering you can out-hiss pond geese, so they fuck off
Thank God no one was there to see it. Rural life has its perks.

Not true at all. My childhood dog bit everyone in my family except me and i never acted aggressively towards her. She just didn't like stranger or people who fucked with her shit. There's nothing wrong with that.

Did you quote the wrong person or what dude

A bird of prey would be useful, like a hawk or an eagle

dumb dog

get that dog on a good natural raw meat diet and it will calm down

>NPC tries to rob you

People give Cesar shit all the time because of where he's from. If you never heard people call him a spic when he gets brought up then I'm actually surprised. Not even a racist Sup Forums thing but people tend to really fucking hate Cesar, especially people on the left. People just aren't used to being aggressive with animals.

>Implying hippos aren't gonna fuck you up regardless of your stance

>people act like Cesar was a cunt
>if a small child came over to the dog while it was eating the dog would maul them
Yea totally okay for the dog to behave that way because it's hurts the dogs fee fees if they aren't in charge and we can't have that.

wolves and dogs diverged from a common ancestor


Yeh, my bad lad. Meant to reply to this cunt

But if you kick it you'll just make it a martyr and radicalize even more dogs. They want us to be afraid.

this gave me boner

who was in the wrong here?

Well, Sup Forums is like half spic, so it would make even less sense to bring them up.
I agree with you on the later, though. Dogs are used to playing and responding to how rough you can be, they're not giant fuzzy babies.

Is that the former CEO from EA?

good anecdote bro. sure your memory as a child was good and you were aware of how the dog was raised. i did not say anything about being aggressive. i said borderline abuse or degrading. this would mean making the animal watch you eat, for example. using a choke chain if necessary to make sure it never walks in front of you. im not saying beat your dog, and what i said is 100% true and the best way to treat a dog to ensure it behaves well and is happy and at peace


Standing here/10

same with their kids, then they grow up having had no boundaries and feel justified to riot in city centers and set cars on fire because their shitty career criminal politician didn't win

The kangaroo that could easily disembowel you or the dog in a single swipe.


>kicking the dog while eating so it'll be even more aggressive and fuck up a small child anyway
kill yourself immediatly