Monkeys Paw thread


>Made by Next Level Games.

i wish for bethesda to make a new elder scrolls game instead of releasing skyrim on everything imaginable

>I wish mass effect 2 gets a larger budget
Oh... It did


>They're getting censored in development

>next level makes one mediocre game and suddenly everyone forgets how great the two Strikers games and Punch Out were

I wish Sup Forums wasn't filled with faggots.
>but now it is filled with tasteless idiots

Things can't be "censored" in development you fucking clod.

>America and Europe telling Japan to tone down on the tits and pantyshots because of western puritans that don't even buy the games isn't censorship

We have this thread every day retard

I wish for a Fatal Frame that uses the WiiU gamepad as the camera

>EVERYTHING about FF5's American localization

Still played it, still loved it.

>Wii U exclusive

I wish for OP to not be a faggot
>granted, but now OP is a retard

stay fucking jelly neofag

I wish for a working, stable PS4 emulator that works with current existing PC rigs.

Monkey Paw! It only works on OSX.

>Made by Next Level Games.

That wouldn't be entirely so bad. Outside of FF, NLG does have a good track record under Nintendo's wing, as seen with the Mario Strikers games, Luigi's Mansion and Punch-Out!! on Wii.

Do you think BurningHunter kicked that Dolphin yet?

I wish for a fun game that involves my waifu in it.

They release their latest iteration... on the same engine.


>it's also on xbox

But you still get to play it

I wish that videogame companies could only ever make $40 gross profit from all DLC for any given videogame.

I want REmake 2!

>Made by the staff of Resident Evil 6

I wish for there to be another game in a beloved franchise

>the series creator from 30+ years ago is directing it

Holy fuck you're stupid.

I wish for a game where you play as a monster that hunt, stalks and grows as you play

More like
>I want MonHun for PS4!
>It's a casualized MonHun targeted towards Western casual gamers

And it will be great cry more sonybro

I wish most Nintendo first party games were multiplat. Really, exclusive in general suck. You have to buy a PS4 and a nintendo switch to get the most out of gaming, and then a PC to finally complete that for emulation purpose and the internet in general. So it's already over a thousands because you want a good quality PC along with an expensive nintendo switch and a ps4.

Exclusive suck, and as much as we love to meme about xbox, they're doing the right thing and doesn't force gamers to buy a console to enjoy their games.
and it's what is going to kill them, sadly, because the fucking normie and consolewar cuckie eat their bullshit and BLAME them for opening gaming to something else than console.
>inb4 "mad pcbro"

>I want a monopoly

I can't enjoy a non exclusive you cuck.

>implying MonHun wasn't already casual

Wish granted

>back then most games were made for 1 platform (ported by other developers later after release)
>working on 1 platform gave then more time and resources to make a polish game and refine content
>with a smaller budget it gave them a lot of creative freedom to make wacky weird games
>7th gen more and more developers going multiplatform
>working on multiple platforms meant requiring a lot more money and developers
>a lot more money meant less creative risk and developers pushing DLC and microtransactions to recoup the costs
>making a game for a larger audience went you had to dumb down and streamline mechanics for a majority of people to understand

Multiplatform killed gaming

I wish for Dragons dogma 2
>get an MMO

I-I Wish for PSO2....
>Get an MMO

O-okay....well can we atleast have them in the wes-

>localization never

>Punch-Out!! on Wii.
Really wish they would do another one with all new boxers.

I wish Ubisoft would finally announce Beyond Good and Evil 2

> Prequel

> Multiplayer

> Potentially no closure to the cliff hanger ending of the first

No, fuck you. Last time I played in this thread I wished for a Starfox game that was true to it's hayday in SNES/64. You should have seen my face that E3 followed by Starfox 0's release.

At least the remaster might do well and we could get a real sequel to Dragon's Dogma.

I wish Undertale would be ported to a handheld so I could play it anywhere

>Ported to the worst handheld available

>x is my favorite game but I won't buy y to play the sequel
This shit is so fucking old. Stop acting like you give a fuck if you're gonna let something like console exclusivity hold you back. I'd fund a sequel to my favorite game my goddamn self if I had the money, you better believe I'd buy a console for it.

But it's the best handheld avaliable


Oh fuck me really? The prequel shit was bad, I was like finally I get to see what happens to Jade but noooooo

Also I never found the last specimen to photograph, I had every single creature but one

i wish for a new mario strikers game

>The AI is fixed so the amazing metagame from strikers charged is forever gone.

Not really. It'd powerful, sure, but now that the Switch is out and eclipses it that isn't necessarily a reason to buy it. The 3DS also has a much larger library, and a longer battery by a wide margin. The Vita doesn't excel in any particular region. I only even bought it for Persona 4 and MGS 2 HD. In terms of audience, I'd rather UT go onto the 3DS or Switch instead of the Vita, if only because the market is so much bigger, especially in Japan which is apparently why this even came about; Japanese localization.

you mean boo: the team featuring waluigi?

I wish for FF7 remake

You mean Dry Bones, right? Boos were only used for Shot teams.

oh right i forgot about that trick you could do with dry bones' dodge to get easy goals
fuck that

Literally the most inefficient way of scoring with them. I'm talking shit like bugsplats and wall bouncing.

I agree one bad game shouldn't define a dev, but apparently a lot of people left after Fed Force. I genuinely don't know how much of the talent is still there.

i'm sick of replaying dmc4, i want a new dmc

Have this pachinko dmc

It will be made by Ninja Theory

>Wished for a crossover with Fire Emblem/Shin Megami

>It's Persona with Idolshit

Is it too much to ask to have a Fire Emblem game with SMT characters?

No no i already did this and regret it. I wished for breath of fire 6, nobody responded to me then but my wish was heard and we know how that turned out.

You're dealing with some dark forces here guys.

>wahhh i cant get my dick wet

do americans really care this much about fake titties to beat off to?

I want Halo 3A


>It's a Matt & Pat playthrough with signature old man memory loss

>It's Persona with Idolshit
Wow sounds like my type of game
>America and Europe telling Japan to tone down on the tits and pantyshots because of western puritans that don't even buy the games isn't censorship

These people have no interest and will never buy weeb games. Why even cater to them?

We won't get a new Punch Out game for a while because of ARMS

I wish that they promised everything but only delivered some.

Why would you wish for that?

I wish for Half-Life 3!

The developers have never played HL1 or 2 and have a completely ignorant and assumed idea of what they were like

I wish for a fast paced FPS with realistic damage AND gunplay.

It's made by the Andromeda team

>Unplayable without mods

I hope we get good games at E3 next year.

>mods change gameplay drastically
>"quirky" jokes and self inserts
>Community becomes cancer

If half life 3 ever happens its going to be called HALF LIFE, and it will be a reboot without normal freeman and the twist is that you are the alien all along


I wish for RE7 to NOT be like re6
>its VR fps

>i wish playing games is looked favorably by the society
>all those fucking LPers

>we get like 5 good games shown, rest is trash
>none of the good games are ever released

i wish that switch got a monster hunter game
>its XX AND never getting localized
double whammy

>Thief 2 was great I wish there was another
>Get Thief 3
>Thief 3 sucks but it couldn't get worse right? I wish fror another
>Get Thiaf
And I refuse to use the paw ever again

I wish for the localization of both versions of Dragon Quest XI.

>wish for more Dark Souls
>get Dark Souls II
>wish for another Dark Souls by Miyazaki
>poise removed

i wish for the turks to release bannerlord or give an approximate release date so i can stop postponing my god damn suicide


fuck off, retard


>it's cheap, 2.5D Mighty No.9 looking trash
>only for the outdated 3DS

All good games run out of funding midway

I wish for a non-OT or Nu-trilogy Star Wars game made by a company that's not owned or associated with the antichrist of gaming EA.

half life 3
>PC exclusive