So what's the best AVGN episode of all time?

So what's the best AVGN episode of all time?

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Ninja Gaiden

The old episodes are truly kino

Plumber's Don't Wear Ties is a good one

Dr. Jenkyll & Mr. Hyde

Careful where you stick that thing

It was a great lesson in drug usage and protected sex

That's probably my pick


Doublevision Part 2 easily

Swordquest, Virtual Boy, Double VIsion, CD-i trilogy

For me, it's Mike's top 10 GTA V deaths

>"But in the end, nothing can top killing yourself."

Metroid other M.

If he did it

Probably Silver Surfer or Action 52, but my favourites are those where he talks about obscure consoles.

So, like that user said, Doublevision is a save pick. or the CDi one.

As an honourable mention, the recent Power Ranger episode was realyl good.

Pong Consoles

Holy shit, everything that guy does is total fucking cringe. It's fascinating how unlikable one single person can be


basically just a guy that won the friend lottery.

also something about him posting a dick pic

my favorite is virtual boy because it's the first one I watched

Metal Gear

>nothing can top killing yourself
I want this on a motivational poster.

Action 52

ROB episode was neat

>but my favourites are those where he talks about obscure consoles

This. Any kind of episode where he talks about consoles, accessories or video game history are comfy as fuck.

Atari Porn

Plumber's don't Wear Ties


Swordquest, Batman and Cheetahmen.

Hello how is life in Japan

Those are the top 2 videos on Nico.

NES Accessories. Comfiest fucking vidya-related youtube video in existence.

I'd say the Nintendo Power one is even comfier.

Oh shit really?

I admit though, watching AVGN on Niconico is the most cozy thing to do

Makes me wonder, was James ever in Japan? Is he aware how popular he is over there?

>that fist pump in Pong Consoles when he has the massive controller and says YOU get the shitty little one.

Can someone post the racist comics that Mike Matei made before hiring a lawyer to erase them from the internet archive?

It's a tough call. The one involving the rarer consoles are great, but I think I have to go with the Wizard / Super Mario Bros. 3 episode.

They remind me of the VIZ comics.

Jesus, the latest James and Mike Monday episode was pure shit.
They did not even cared about the game and spent all the time mashing buttons, casting random spells and talking about unrelated and boring things.
I can understand James, game's too complex for his 8bit mind but Mike knows the game and he played like it was some sort of snes beat em up.

He doesn't do good games Sup Forums likes to pretend are bad for (You)s.

I miss Bootsy.

I do too

He doesn't really do Wii stuff except for small cameos and connections to old games. It doesn't matter what you thought of Other M, it's just an unlikely candidate outright.

I wish James would just get rid of Ryan the greasy fatass and Mike the unfunny faggot. All I need is Bootsy and James.


I'm better than you are, so I should do the review.

I wish he'd go back to Board James, though it just wouldn't be the same without Bootsy

Who the fuck is even Ryan? I wonder why they dropped Bootsy and kept him.

Swordquest is a good one

Ryan owns cinemassacres parent company. He shoves himself into videos and has a bunch of bots down vote his hate. Everyone hates him.

I also heard they post fake comments complimenting him, then pin those comments immediately.

those are totally real comments bro. Ryan is so entertaining and charismatic

I don't understand. What kind of mouthbreathing moron would actually sign their name to this type of thing?

I got early to a video once and it already had a pinned comment praising Ryan.

Really, his complaints he'd have for it would likely be about all the cutscenes and cutscenes and moving watching, and less Sup Forums's "bawwww Samus is ruined"

fuck off bootsy, I know you're always hanging around these threads posting your anti-mike propaganda

fel really bad for james.
he is pretty much vintage shit already, his work is amazing and the start of a whole era, he is following his dreams and trying to make movies and new projects while still paying attention to the fans that made all this possible.

yet he is stock with these retards drinking their own cum in fron of the camera.

his humor isnt even that great, and his opinion on games is shit overall.

hope he gets better, still waiting.
always will.

its been proven Mike posts anti-bootsy stuff and pro mike/ryan stuff
so im guessing you are mike

Has there been any solid info on why they dropped Bootsy? All I've seen is Mike saying something about "moving in different directions".

I liked the Atari porn or the Atari sports ones.

I dont have a source since i just saw someone post it here but something something politics, bootsy said some stupid shit on a stream about the election, mike convinced james to kick them off the channel and ghost him entirely for over a month.

Not like you could have talked to him about avoiding political stuff on a game channel

>scrappy doo likes to self promote
Wow would have never thought the worst character would try and force himself.

Even poochie the dog is better than this turd
my fave, complaining about boxes. Not really an "episode" I guess

Love those videos.

Best AVGN? I loved Zelda 2 and Game Glitch.
Best James & Mikes? Metroid.
Best review he has made? Halloween & Friday the 13th.

Ninja Gaiden

>new playlist junkie
>james mentions how good it is when axel says fuck
>literally couldnt even put in a sample from each song which would probably be a second at most