Now that the dust has settled can we all agree this was a 7/10 at best?
>Empty world
>Shitty combat
>No dungeons
>Terrible music
>Korok seed for scaling k2
Horizon was ten times better
Now that the dust has settled can we all agree this was a 7/10 at best?
>Empty world
>Shitty combat
>No dungeons
>Terrible music
>Korok seed for scaling k2
Horizon was ten times better
Other urls found in this thread:
1. No, we cannot.
2. Try putting effort into your bait next time.
>Horizon was ten times better
>You can set water on fire
I would say it's a 7/10, it doesn't particularly do anything new but what it does it does well
BotW is a once in a generation game. It's best that you get over that fact sooner rather than later.
Music was good, actually. You're objectively in every other way, though maybe horizon isn't that better. It's on par with botw i guess.
t. a fucking idiot who bought a switch just because of nintendo shills on Sup Forums
ah, i deleted the objectively right by incident
how do i kill myself?
v/ will never get over Breath Of The Wild.
The ass sting will reverberate for the ages.
I will always remember the past 12 months on this board. Watching the same people who devoted so much time and energy to discrediting the switch and Breath Of The Wild - from spreading lies to cherry-picking screenshots - doing everything within their ability to make the console and the game seem bad.
Only to watch their jaws drop in absolute fucking horror as the Switch burst out the gate as a massive overnight success and BotW turned out to be, not just Game Of The Year, but one of the best games ever made.
Fucking glorious. Almost 4 months later and I am still sore with laughter.
Shame they'll never get over it.
I beat it and had a lot of fun buuuuuut:
-They desperately needed more areas like Hyrule Castle, large thematically consistent puzzle/combat areas that are separate from the overworld. The shrines and beasts, while decent enough just didn't cut it. They all basically look the same and doing one puzzle (albeit large relatively complicated ones in the beasts) just aren't as satisfying as working your way through a classic dungeon.
-Bosses sucked, all kind of looked the same and the fights felt the same too. I guess a consequence of not having dungeon items anymore but I like having them be puzzle based or completely different from each other (this one swims, this one flys, you need to throw bombs in this ones stomach before you can attack, etc.)
-Music wasn't there.
-Side quests didn't provide enough interesting benefits. Food, rupees, weapons and other crap like that just blend into the background. May as well have found them while wandering around. In the other games you usually got something substantial (Majora's masks, dungeon items, bottles, whatever).
-Weapon degradation was so quick. You pick up a sword and one mob later you're already chucking it for something new. I don't mind a ton of weapons but maybe have them actually last a while and allow you to repair them so you can get used to some and have some favorites.
Honestly this game has made me realize that I'm not so sure Zelda needs to be open world. Majora is still my favorite and that game benefited immensly from everything being nice and concentrated. Wasn't enormous but was so much more detailed and you really got a feel for each individual area and the people in it because you were wandering around them so much.
this is a pretty good blog post, have a link to more? (tumblr, twitter, etc)
My apologizes for trying to discuss video games on a video game board. I'll be more careful next time and keep it to short pithy comments about other posters sexuality and their lack of intelligence compared to my own.
I'm not massively far in so I be not got a rating down, but here's my opinion anyway:
>Occasional pockets of Zelda worlds and characters are a nice reminder if what I used to like
>Looks good at night
>Combat is mediocre, I'm really hoping I've got something more to learn
>Clues to shrines are super vague, and gives no direction as to where they are
>Contents of the shrines are getting better but really boring (do you get a set one each time e.g. go to shrine number 31 and its puzzle 31, or go to shrine 31 first and get puzzle 1, got to 60 second and get puzzle 2, etc.)
>lighting during daytime is horrific
>travel times are dreadful
>basically uses the Ubisoft school of game design
>discuss video games
have you tried neogaf? or (my favorite) Reddit?
It's okay. Horizon was a good game too. You don't have to try to tear down BotW to compensate. It makes you look insecure.
The shrine puzzles are set, shrine 31 will always have puzzle 31, etc.
Oh look, it's THIS thread again.
That image made me laff. Holy shit.
Yes, at least 6 times a day. Every fucking day. For over 100 days now.
>Cherrypicking, the video
That's not true.
More like 5/10. Still better than Horizon's 1/10. I cant understand how anyone can like Horizon, its pure liquid dogshit.
The fuck are you talking about? Every shrine is unique. The 'content' of the shrines doesn't move around.
Have you ever considered it might be YOU who has the problem?
It's THIS thread again.
>Empty world
Could've been a bit more dense, but it's still packed with plenty to do
>Shitty Combat
Obvious bait. the combat, emergent gameplay, and physics are its strongest elements.
>No dungeons
While they're not concentrated like they were in the past what are divine beasts and the 120 mini dungeons (shrines)?
>Terrible music
Sparce and underwhelming music*
>Korok seed for scaling k2\
There have been worse collectathons. At least these require a good eye and some form of puzzle solving to get.
>tfw the BotW hate threads encouraged me to pick up the game again
>it's still fun
Thanks sony-bros for reminding me of all the good games you can't play :'^)
Oh, I thought you meant there was a set order of the shrines.
I agree with everything you said; the game has it's flaws but I'm having fun anyway (I'm not that far in tho, just got past Vah Medoh or whatever its name was)
Also I never played any other Zelda other than Minish cap, a remake of the original Nes zelda and Wind waker, I keep hearing how OoT and Majoras mask are so good , what are the best platforms to play them on?
N64, GCN (only for OoT), Wii or 3DS, although the 3DS remaster of MM might not be recommended for a first timer, because it was changed too much, and not really for the better.
Ugh, answering this will collapse the thread into a quagmire of shit.
Purists will say play the N64 versions, if you have a wii handy then simply hack it and download the gamecube ports (they're a little gimped compared to the native N64 versions but nothing to affect your enjoyment unless you are a complete autist) and then there's arguably the definitive versions on 3DS (again purists will baulk at cosmetic changes but the minor tweeks to gameplay and improved graphics and framerate vastly outweight the nitpicks).
>emergent gameplay
Explain it instead of using meaningless buzzwords.
>Game has better graphics so it must be the better game.
Sup Forums is actually just like Sup Forums, except instead of knowing nothing about television it knows nothing about video games.
he claims that botw is 7/10, so he does know something about videogames
BotW is doing next-level stuff. The kind of stuff which soon become common place in game. There's no going back.
It's pretty self-explanatory.
There are plenty of ways to deal with enemies via the environment, runes or a combination of both.
Just look up all the creative ways people have manipulated the games' systems.
Have a webm too.
Not that same guy, but maybe "organic" might be a better word? In that you have some more flexibility fighting enemies and approaching in this game compared to previous zeldas.
7 to 8 out of 10 sounds about right. It was a fun game but there are things it could have done better. Anyone who says it's GOTY or that it's shit are biased.
well, I only have my PC and a dustfilled old wii from a friend that probably wont start anymore (will buy a 2DS XL when it comes out) so i'll start with the originals and emulate if theres no substantial difference other than the handheld versions
Thanks for the input anons
Did you know that no one does shit like this outside of le fane utub vides?
Far Cry games offer a similar level of ways to deal with enemies using the environment and the multitude of tools at your disposal.
Surely people don't hail BotW as the first game to do this?
If you plan on playing on PC you might have more stability the gamecube ports on dolphin. Search for the gamecube zelda collection iso's.
>No one
Nice argument, m8.
Whenever I see some sort of environmental element I can exploit to take enemies out without traditional combat, I do it.
It's more fun that way.
I liked BotW, but honestly despite it's massive size I still felt like it was short. There were huge spans of land between each Divine Beast, but really anything aside from the Beasts and Hyrule Castle is unnecessary unless you choose to. I thought Shrines were a neat way to implement pseudo-pieces of heart, but they got so boring so quickly that late-game it barely felt like content.
>le 7 outta 10 at best
I just hope you understand how unoriginal that statement is.
Found it and getting it now
>Surely people don't hail BotW as the first game to do this?
They aren't. People are just saying that they like that about the game.
At least I hope so.
Only if ffXV gets 5/10, am I right?
what the fuck man, does every statement have to be original or what?
You should have learned by now from the zillion other ass blasted sonybros that the answer is no.
horizon wasn't better, but BOTW wasn't a 10.
it was too easy. If they made saving points instead of save anywhere, made it so you didn't have infinite space for healing items/food, make it very easy to get healing, it would've been much better.
The sequel to this game should be more traditional zelda. Combine this with BOTW overworld, with more enemy variety, and you got a 10/10 game.
This game had me feeling like I did with South Park: The Stick of Truth. So close to being a perfect 10/10 game, but just not there.
with statements like these, Sup Forums made me buy a switch and be ashamed of buying horizon.
45 hrs in zelda i realised that it feels and plays just like cartoonish horizon. fuck you and fuck Sup Forums
>45 hrs in zelda i realised that it feels and plays just like cartoonish horizon.
>Far Cry games offer a similar level of ways to deal with enemies using the environment
Do they though? Other than fire, animals and hiding in foliage it doesn't really matter what environment you find enemies in or under what circumstances, you're almost always going at them with guns/explosives and there's not much you can do about it.
Yeah it's super bor8ng. 7/10 indeed. I've been saying this from the start.
>45 hrs in zelda i realised that it feels and plays just like cartoonish horizon.
You run.
You kill enemies.
You farm ingredients to craft and upgrade shit.
You complete shitty fetch sidequests.
You get fucking bored.
(imo zelda is better just cause i fucking hate planes and it stopped me from hanging myself in a plane toilet)
I never thought of using the balloons like this.
>You run.
Fuck, I guess Zelda is a track & field game then?
w-why? why would someone do this?
all it takes is a couple of parries and this thing fucking kills itself!
a full frontal assault with the master sword works real nice too!
why do this?
it's fun
This game is only good because it is called Zelda
I wish doing stuff like this actually payed off. Any normal person would just avoid it like you do with 90% of fights in this game because it's just not worth it.
Same thread different day
So, how many times is this thread going to show up in the archive?
>Now that the dust has settled can we all agree this was a 7/10 at best?
>>Empty world
>>Shitty combat
>>No dungeons
>>Terrible music
>>Korok seed for scaling k2
Yeah, that all sounds about right
>Horizon was ten times better
Oh, this is a shitposting thread.
Do NOT shitpost with Kawakami images, you bastard.
The issue for me was that they were so close in a lot of it. overhaul the weapon system, add some interesting sidequests and rewards, make the music more consistent (parts of it stand out, like Hyrule Castle and the dragon encounters, IE when it's not aimless piano ditherings)