FFXIV Stormblood


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Why is that Lyse so CUTE?

Following last thread's discussion, if I opened with Shifu, would the opener look like this?

Hakaze > Shifu > Kasha
Hakaze > Jinpu > (Hagakure) Higanbana
Hakaze > Yukikaze
(Meikyo Shisui) Gekkou > Kasha > (Hagakure) Midare > Gekkou/Kasha since they take the longest to get to
Yaten > Enpi > Gyoten


Just fucking pay up goy. What are you, poor?




I cant clear susano in pf and my static isnt ready to run it yet fuuuuuuuuuck

Wait, don't you get it through MSQ?

I got it from the MSQ desu

>listening to what yoship thinks

Heres what scholar got:
>fairy nerf, embrace with the weaker fairy stats was like a 220 pot hot on target that stayed forever assuming the sch worked for it and costs a huge mp loss if lost, now it got nerfed further, for comparisons sake, whm an asts hot is now more powerful
>whispering dawn was their only medica option, it was powered thru rouse and fey illumination but it was strictly on a 1min cd for rouse and 2min for illumination for slightly more power, illumination nerfed to 10% despite this heal already being really limited, but hey at least you got larguesse
>physick heals for less than cure and benefic on a sch who is similarly geared with a better weapon and on a higher level than the other two. Tested this, my schs physick healing for 5600 at lv 64 with an anima weapon, my asts benefic with nocturnal was healing 6300 at 60 with a sophic weapon
>nocturnal sect blows your shields completely out of the water, ast basically has critlo now for the same cheap mp cost and instant. To make matters worse schs adloquim now costs like 15% of their mp bar
>the dps nerf, oh my god not only did this make healers massively boring to play, it inmmensely neutered sch's bane to the point were it could be a dps loss
>schs single target healing without ogcds is actually worse than red mages, red mage can pull 700 potency heal in one gcd, sch can't break 600 without spamming ogcds and resource
>the aetherflow nerf admittedly wouldnt be bad thanks to lucid dreaming but its bad because they upped the mp cost of schs main spell, giving them massive mp issues if they try to cast it more than 5 times in a fight
>selenes entire toolkit is still worthless, i dont see how they think silent dusk and fey wind are useful, meanwhile fey caress is good in odin synced, fucking stupid

The only thing they have now is critlo deployment tactics and chain stratagem both in huge cd the former is rng reliant and weaker than noct helios if no crit

So did I

>queue up for pvp as samurai
>the moment I try to get into melee range the firing squad opens up on my ass
>if I try to run they chase me while dropping nukes from a mile away
>every fight on the frozen tome map is a giant blob of ranged dps fighting a giant blob of ranged dps with no tanks or melee daring to initiate on anything but random stagglers
pvp reform was a mistake, ranged dps were potent but after their initial burst they weren't so bad.

>the dps nerf, oh my god not only did this make healers
WHM now has to dps so much it feels like a dps

You get an eastern bow from the MSQ you neanderthal

>Add no new tanks/healers
>To make up for this, they fuck up 2/3 of each role


So when will ACT work again or will it stay dead for a while. Really curious to see how dps is now compared to before SB also it's such a great tool to improve yourself with.

>Make Khloe's shit have more rewards
>They are all literally fucking garbage
Why do people even bother doing WT anymore?

Because it's inconsequential to do stuff that you'd do anyway then just reroll with second chance.

The entirety of their new toolkit is either pointless or bad.

Exco definetley needs a rework because right now its basically just lustrate with 50 more potency on a cd.

Aetherpact disables your fairy for a hot that is only "slightly" more powerful than what embrace spam used to be and it uses a "meter".

Chhain stratagem is alright but its no balance, it should have been a vuln up.

>Hakaze > Jinpu > (Hagakure) Higanbana
Aren't you missing a step? Hagakure converts Sen into Kenki. How are you using Higanbana after Hagakure without using Gekko?

I cant help feeling like a detriment to my group as a scholar sigh why did they do this to my favorite job.


>just finished MSQ

What should I do next?

>physick heals for less than cure and benefic on a sch who is similarly geared with a better weapon and on a higher level than the other two. Tested this, my schs physick healing for 5600 at lv 64 with an anima weapon, my asts benefic with nocturnal was healing 6300 at 60 with a sophic weapon
Where is your fairy of free healing?

>the aetherflow nerf admittedly wouldnt be bad thanks to lucid dreaming but its bad because they upped the mp cost of schs main spell, giving them massive mp issues if they try to cast it more than 5 times in a fight
Then just physick more and adlo less. Adlo is only at its best when deploy is also up anyway. It's most likely there to prevent you from fishing for crits

I almost want to try SCH after this. People frequently complained that "healing in FFXIV is too good", now you get an apparently shit healer

They'd be worse off if they had no healer, you know.
But you're right, you should be playing a different healer if you want to do a good job. Pick up AST!

Sorry, I meant Kaiten before all the big dick Iaijutsu skills. Fucking 日本語, man

wait what happened to SCH dps? it was the easiest job to solo potd with

Unlock the level 70 dungeons (at Rhalgr's Reach and Kugane) then go grind for tomestone gear so you're ready for Ultima in two weeks.

I hope you realize that Kaiten doesn't work on Higanbana's DoT. It only works on weaponskills, it doesn't boost their additional effects.

Isn't this expansion lacking in new mounts? Only the primal dogs and MSQ bird. Not even a new GS mount.

Thanks kind user. I was thinking of levelling AST from 60 to 70 because holy fuck was I wrong when I said "but SCH is still playable"

>Had this shit preordered since day one
>Never got my early access
>Never got my preorder bonuses
>Play on PS4 and they absolutely fucked the UI all to hell and now I can't see shit
>Tried to do the 140% UI with 90% everything else but it still makes names and popups fucking huge
>All of that "Lyse" bullshit in the beginning absolutely fucking up everything about Yda's character

I'm a little upset

Stop spreading misinformation retard, it takes 20seconds to see that it affects the DoT.

War is fucking weird and definitely not top dog anymore but i still like it more then pld.

Drk got fucking guted but seems good aft pvp now

It really baffles the mind the thought process between fairy tether. Not only is it poorly coded, but they decide to use SCH's signature level 70 on an enhanced embrace that chugs down in no time at all. Like out of the dozens of better ideas there are out there, what the fuck made SCH's designer think a shitty regen would be good. Meanwhile AST literally gets everything fucking buffed, it's ridiculous that they don't think it's imbalanced at all.

>wants me to pay for base game, an outdated expansion, and the new expansion
>then pay a sub
>if I dont want to suffer through 100s of hours of boring, dull, forced story content including hours of outdated dungeons no one does, I have to pay again
>if I dont want to kill myself instead of going through one of the most boring leveling processes EVER in an mmo (POTD), I have to pay again

Why the fuck is Sup Forums shilling this again?

>Play on PS4
It's no wonder you have issues.

Favorite SB songs?


All of them except the fucking Ruby sea day theme. It's a mistake and needs to be nuked

>increases the power of next weaponskill by 50%
>doesn't say anything about enhancing additional effects either

>Then just physick more and adlo less. Adlo is only at its best when deploy is also up anyway.

Then why run a SCH in the first place when AST can put out pretty much critlos with any non-crit heal in Noct at half the MP rate?

Bane was buried under the cuck shed.


>being poor

And they still got your money.


New favorite Primal theme tbqh.

>hours of outdated dungeons no one does
This is where you're wrong
Story dungeons are ALWAYS run because they show up on the roulette. On the contrary """"""""current, relevant"""""""" content like high end trials and raids don't have jack shit queuing for them because they're too hard for this playerbase and once people have done them they don't want to do them again.

>all these people confirming it affects the DoT
>nah bro the tooltip says nothing on it???
>DRK tooltip says souleater provides a portion of damage converted into HP
>converts 100% of damage into HP
You are the reason combat was made easier.

>Couldn't play much of EA due to work
>Couldn't play much due to MSQ fuck ups when I could
>Couldn't play finally when MSQ was fixed because of new 90k errors I've never had before

>Now maintenance 3 hours before I get home from work
Yeah fuck you too Yoshi, faggot hack.

go to a dummy and test it out
it affects the dot portion

>Never got my early access
>Never got my preorder bonuses
How, when you logged in it asked you to just select the ps4 option and confirm your early access and pre-order shit went out yesterday through the mail moogle

I can't believe Karasu died again(not). At least the rogue guild is still relevant to the ninja story unlike most guilds who fuck off

Total noob, wanting to dive in. If WAR and DRK are meh, and PLD is ass, what isn't trash to play as a tank?

Also like to point out that Rouse, Fey Illumination, Convalescence, and Largesse all do not affect the overall healing of fairy tether. Literally Rouse is pretty much just as good as it, without locking you from Fairy abilities.

I'm just waiting for a change in either souleater's tooltip or a change in the amount of HP it restores
Good job SE

>Check out Mogstation
>They're legit selling story/leveling skip items


And people 8 months ago told me they'd never fucking do it!

Are you literally retarded

PLD is the best tank with SB, but fucking BORING until mid 50's
Warrior had its utility removed and feels awkward to play right now, DRK got gutted but feels more consistent. It's really up to you since knowing yoshi's hate for tanks PLD will be nerfed to make it more in line with the other mediocre tanks.

Rog/Nin best combo, I love the stupid plan in the 63 quest

Ok ill count the fairy on that if you count yor far superior hot that costs almost no MP.

People seem to forget the fairy is only comparable to a hot in a single person with the aoe hot having no initial heal and being on a big cd, on top of being nerfed.

The fairy is not overpowered, it does however have nothing to compete with, so they solved it by overbuffing ast.

>Hey, we should probably address the entirety of pre-HW content being boring, slow, and generally a fucking slog
>Or, we could not fix a damn thing and charge people to skip it

I can't believe people are actually defending this


>Remember them talking about leveling/story skip potions
>Think they'd never be that Jewish
>Check mog station
>They fucking did it

Wow, I'm really glad I stopped playing 3 months ago.

>wonder why BRDs have their reputation
>the job itself is at least relatively complex and...
>get matched with another one for the first time
>uses abilities randomly, presumably right when they're off cooldown including random silences, buffs at the end of pulls, random roots etc.
>has no idea how song mechanics work
>dots maybe one out of five targets that he's attacking, usually only uses one (he was at least 50)
>stands in all AoE that isn't glowing and yellow
Jesus Christ, I think it was some south American shitter who didn't understand tooltips

They could reduce ARR and HW to a 15 minute puppet show and people would still say it takes too long. There's no point in cutting down story content when it gets finished in a week anyways, less if you skip cutscenes.

>Hey, we sohuld probably address the entirety of pre-HW content being boring, slow, and generally a fucking slog
>yfw FFXIV: Cataclysmspit

Is there a better place than the INN to read about ARR and HW story?

How do I level to get to the next part of the MSQ without losing my sanity in sidequest hell?

>do Sephirot for the first time in forever
>aw yeah hype
>get hilariously easily knocked off by the first pushback
Oh boy I can't wait to do Titan and Ravana every day for the next 2 weeks again

Same. People lap up Yoshi's shit and waste all their money when this game will be more dead than City of Heroes in a year or two. It's fucking amazing.

Reminder to kick anyone wearing full shire with 1 filibuster ring, that's the gear they give you when you buy a level jump potion
Also if someone buys a story jump potion they will keep their sprout in stormblood, don't tell them how to turn it off

how the FUCK do people make out the words in it

>Hey, maybe make it so people who have finished the MSQ on at least one character be able to skip the story requirements on other characters?
>But how would that make us money?
>You're right, hahahaha

>It's okay for video games to be boring
Wow, how far we've come

I imagine if you listen to it enough and loud enough with good earphones you can start working words out.

>Omega will not be voice acted

I didn't see the second phase ost coming, I was wondering what it would be used for.

The least they could have done is give us one for free for starting a character on the new worlds. I really want to play with my friends but they're all split on different servers and I'm not spending 50bucks to play with them.

Silence is free dps. If there's nothing that explicitly needs to be silenced, you use it off cd
The WHM will like it if they get a MP song at the end of the pull
What the fuck, that skill is still in the game?

Oh only a week of boring fetch quests that has little if anything to do with any story? That makes it better
>lol just skip it
Okay so I'm wasting weeks on boring fetch quests and now I don't get a [very poorly told] story out of it.

The fact is the story could easily be condensed into a 10th of the quests but then retards who played this instead of an actual rpg whine about having nothing to do because they played an MMO and don't want to do group pve content

When I first heard it in the launch trailer I was hoping it would be the Shinryu theme, so you can imagine the grin on my stupid face when the second phase kicked in.

>mfw doing HW rank A hunts at 70
I don't think I'll ever see an ARR rank S again seeing as they'll likely die within 5 GCDs

Ranged dps has a cross role bind, I'm guessing that's what he means

This is why you shouldn't raid, since 90% of the scant budget is invested in the leveling experience and main story.

The silence lost its potency with the rework

>sam actually fun and the only reason I came back
>dps queues make me want to kill myself
>bored to hell by my 60 war and pld
I'll just quit and start playing Secret World Legends in 2 days

How do I get into the final fantasy series?

Why didnt Shinryu just blow up the platform?

I'm glad WAR and SCH are suffering for once


Funding SE's other projects

In Minstrel's Ballad the WoL will imagine he did

>secret world re-releases specifically to fix shitty combat
>they specifically didn't change the combat in any meaningful way due to engine limitations

SB PLD quest are literally just a Gladiator tournament


>decide to not afk in pvp this time around for drk
>pulling people in with unleash
>stunning them
>silencing them
>resets on your jump
>can play like a nut because you get a free shield every 15 seconds

Wow this is pretty fun. But now I hate pvp even more now because afk's


>like playing WHM since launch as my healer class
>WHM gutted with everything shoved into the job system or just removed
>not enough job slots to get those abilities back
>realize I probably wont be touching a healing class this entire expansion

>MFW Garo Glamour
>MFW Blocking Susano's sword with nothing but my arm

That means you only have to sit through one hour calm down

>my crippling ADHD is preventing me from playing video games

I would feel sorry for you but I don't.