From one of the members of the team

>people still play this dead game


Friendly reminder that no one will use the YER anyway, even if you think it got buffed. Pyro update soon, clutch that spycicle.

What's your favorite TF2 weapon and what changes would you like made to it if any?

Is it just me or are all of these changes really arbitrary, half-assed "fixes" to community's general complaints about the state of the game? The problem is there's too many gimmicky weapons that are either too good in any situation (escape plan, uber saw, etc.), completely worthless (sun on a stick, fan o war, kunai, etc.), or some weird middle-ground that is hard to balance and annoying to play against (natascha, sandman, etc.). All they can do is continue to weirdly nerf or buff these things every now and then to keep things interesting.

I don't know why, I really like the Panic Attack, but I'm happy with the changes they've made to it, so.


>bring back piercing damage

Predict Pyro's changes based on the nature of these listed ones.

Loch 'n' Load.
Change it back to how it was before the nerf.


user, please.

just leave it alone

They really shot themselves in the foot with the Bison nerf, I second this.

Loose Canon. I'd love for it to get reverted back to double-donking launching people 5000 feet in the air, and for it to one-shot medics again if you hit the donk. That shit felt good.

And if we're dreaming, I'd love for Demoknight to get reverted back to when he was good. Like those three days after he got buffed to where you could equpip the PP and fucking wavedash to keep up with the scouts was the tightest shit.

I'm still fucking mad about the Sandman and Guillotine

>about o get the biggest update it ever had

probably an overmemer butthurt that he still hasn't gotten le doomfist

I dont give a fuck about the Sandman


and i'm still gonna ruin it by using lmaobox

>Goodbye to you my trusted friend

I hope the Vita Saw's changes get adjusted before the update comes out, it is literally "Ubersaw BUT NOW IT WORKS ON DEATH!"

The bonk nerf is bananas, and i don't even play scout

>be shitter
>encounter scout with sandman and flying guillotine
>don't know what to do so i shit the bed instead of shooting the scout and get killed
Reminder, the same people who complain about this combo think Demoman, Soldier, and Pyro are overpowered

I really only like the Guillotine nerf because now it makes more sense, considering the weapon is just a cleaver.

>Dead Ringer is finally nerfed
>Heavy nerf is finally removed and GRU are made useful
>Engineer is still the same
>No Soldier nerfs
>No Scout nerfs
>No Demo nerfs

>rockets can now properly aim
>but do as much damage as a pistol
>only the 3rd rocket can obtain random crits
>lower max ammo

Honestly no idea

But what I HOPE they do is

A). Fix the fucking flamethrower hitbox

B). Rather than try to make pyro into one specific role, keep the weapons mechanics relatively the same but change their stats so they all encourage even more a different playstyle. IE) Stock is best all around, Degreaser is for weapon combos, backburner is for flanking, phlog is for burning the shit out of people (though personally this thing needs a complete overhaul), and make 1 new flamethrower based on supporting teammates

I unironically play Mini Sentry Engi. I try to provide a small frontline with a dispenser and teles.

Make the Buff Banner and Battalion's Backup charge faster, to be on par with how fast the Concheror charges. They're so good and so underused it makes me want to fucking kill myself when I play a not-soldier and see my shitters using it.
And maybe fucking make a loading screen tip to tell newfags to use buff on defense and backup on offense, that'd be great.

>No Scout nerfs
are you just predicting what the balance changes are before reading them?


>tfw you used a festivizer on your Sandman

>random crits still exist

>do as much damage as a pistol

>No Scout nerfs
Did you read the whole thing? Scout got JUST'd even more than Spy.

>In that last thread.
>an idiot tries to tell good spies the amby nerf doesn't make it worthless.

Show yourself you fucking idiot because its clear you dont understand the situations spies are usually in even with that weapon.

apparently 6's players consider it one of the most broken things in the game, it's just kinda average in pubs

>be beggars faggot
>suck in three rockets as i round a corner
>sneeze them all out
>instagib the entire room
>put ISIS attacks to shame
of all weapons it needs a nerf

>engie and scout
>not nerfed
Here is your (you)

>>Engineer is still the same
>Rescue Ranger nerf

No, I'm just worried that some of the shit the community requested the most isn't in there. I know it's not final but still. I don't give a shit either way. The Heavy is no longer useless.

It doesn't even get as much uber either. I don't get what they were thinking.

>apparently 6's players consider it one of the most broken things in the game
I must be pretty high level if I never see a pub average combo in my 6s games

>not wearing the executioner's hood and having an Taliban spray

Engi needed buffed, not nerfed. Not seeing Engi BUFFS is what worries me.

you're only fucking over the two most powerful classes in the game by using them. since the nerf i don't think anyone cares

It's just fun to rocket jump with man

New Flamethrower that supports a Defensive / Pybro setup somehow. Maybe one with a lower airblast cooldown to better reflect projectiles aimed at sentries?


Stop being the worst 66% of players.

These changes are all good.

>people still play it
>it's dead

>bonk changes

fucking stupid

Okay, I quit playing months before the matchmakimg system was introduced, played a bit and quit again, will the update be worth reinstalling or should I just quit amd not cpme back? I mostly played stock scout, bit of engie and black box flavor buff soldier.

i don't understand your post? i don't believe bonk has ever been whitelisted or even considered for whitelisting

I overpaid for a Strange Sandman the day it came out, I could stun sniper from the other side of the map while shooting people in front of me, but shitters gotta shit I guess.

I-Is it my turn to shine yet ?

>Winger is still terrible


Not yet son, not just yet.

beggars is actually in a really good place now. Engineers shit all over them with decent positioning and you basically need to be in people's faces to land all the rockets. Maybe some encouragement for hoarding 3 rockets and discouraging rocket spam?

>hate the cleaver nerf
>hate the amby nerf
>am meh on the DR nerf, since shitters will just use the Le'tranger to get their cloak fix
>no demoknight buffs
>solly gets his hand held once again, when there are other classes that could use shit more
>vitasaw concept is retarded and pointless when ubersaw exists
>Bonk change seems fucking shit

Good on the Heavies and their buff at least. We can all be happy for that.

Nothing is worthless if you're skilled, but kunai is pretty much a handicap for the most part.

It's good though, you can juke the shit out of everyone if you know how to use it

>Engi needed buffed,
not if they never introduce class limits

Soldier needs a balaclava/ski mask that only covers his eyes

>I mostly played stock scout, bit of engie and black box flavor buff soldier.
You're pretty damn lucky in that regard.

Scout's more niche weapons (Bonk, Sandman, Cleaver) got nerfed hard, Engineer only got one nerf for Rescure Ranger, and Soldier's Black Box has been untouched.

Half these changes are beyond fucking stupid. Glad I haven't launched TF2 in over a year and a half.

>a large group of clustered non moving people
Die to like 1/3 of the classes. Just because you were in that one specific situation that the weapon excels in, doesn't make it broken

>Medic now gains 15% health when target is getting properly resisted
>during uber, Healing for medic is now 25% based on healing targets resistance
>bubble now last 3 seconds

No, you're bad. Please migrate to a less skill-intensive game like overshilled, league of legends, or minecraft.

>ever being good
user thats a sniper harassing weapon at best, its a literal cardboard tube, unless the projectile recharge is reduced by 50%, fat chance

Why did they kill off the valve servers with the stupid matchmaking shit?

The only "festive" I paid for was a festivizer for the Kukri
>tfw everyone gets butthurt about being melee killed by a stock Sniper

How does the 10x meta change?

>Dead Ringer nerf

Good god, FINALLY an actual nerf, not a "nerf" like last time.

your scout main tears are delicious

>demoman isn't overpowered

>have excellent mid-range capability with stickies
>have really decent long-range and corner capability with pipes

oh that's great, this class should have some balance, make him have a hard time in melee and maybe do something about his mobility and -
>longest-range melee weapon in game that gives him extra stats on kills that are basically ezpz to get anyway
>lack of speed mitigated by fucking sticky jumping that lets you migrate the map faster than soldier can (lol midair sticky detonation)
>he still has 50 hp more than the average class

>Good on the Heavies and their buff at least. We can all be happy for that.


Really the list isn't perfect but I'm happy that they finally un-JUST'd the Heavy, even if it took this fucking long.

>i'll still never get over the demo nerf being reverted almost instantly but the heavy nerf stuck around forever

Well I mean he's got straight upgrades for that slot, but keep hamstringing yourself.

>tfw i see de funes memes on Sup Forums

I'm not even a Scout main, I just liked this weapon combo

pyro needs a fundamental mechanics change to be gud. he needs

more mobility mechanics
more buffs to afterburn (status effects?)
more damage in general
harder to inflict afterburn

I have a suggestion to nerf demoman so he's not overpowered
___________________________git gud

Some are interesting, some are pointless and some are bad. I don't know if any are good, per se.

They're pretty good, but I'm not coming back to this fucking game until they bring back Quickplay

>nerfed sandman
>forget that Scout dies in one hit against Demo/Solly

Fully upgrading the old Bison was so fun and overpowered.
You could take on tanks solo while rest of the team scrubbed bots.

Demoknight are basically ass in most pub gamemodes that require moving up
and with every sword there is a health penalty in some way shape or form that hinders him.

r.i.p heli scout atomizer no longer has its passive 3rd jump

what else are you gonna use?

nobody uses the candy cane, basher is only for building in comp, sandman isn't great now and still has the health penalty, fan o war is an mvm weapon and nobody actually hits anyone with the bat

if the new atomizer turns out to suck there'd be no reason not to take the wrap assassin and just launch it down chokepoints when there's nothing else to do

Demoman's a fucking joke as is why Valve won't nerf him.

>redditors butthurt over demo nerf
>valve ignores obvious blatant bias of comp demo mains saying demo needs to be better than any other class and refuse to nerf him
>because being a comp player means you're right

It's just personnal preference and a placebo really. Most of the time it seems to land a fucking crit, unlike the other Sniper melee weapons I've used in the past.

>People still play it
>It's alive

Sorry. I wish it worked that way. TF2 is just as dead as Evolve is.

>using the vacc in all-crit servers

Ill give it a shot then
I only played LoL way way back and I got some taste since then, no need to be salty I play good characters user

>>because being a comp player means you're right
They're listening to competitive players for these balance changes user

He was a great dude

With good reason, even a 1 second stun combined with an actually coordinated team is deadly.