Plan to release a patch that comes with free shit to apologize for the COLOSSAL fuck up that was their launch

>plan to release a patch that comes with free shit to apologize for the COLOSSAL fuck up that was their launch

How is Friday the 13th the biggest disappointment of 2017?

Other urls found in this thread:

why what happened to the free shit

How so friend?

>colossal fuck up

The game works perfectly fine and people are enjoying it.

Everyone's complaining they haven't released the free update yet but they never stated exact times it would release.

This is now a regular F13 thread.

>counselor mains
>Jason mains
>favorite execution
>favorite map

Part 6 because of all those goddamn spear executions
The Part 6 execution where he digs the spear into the ground
Crystal Lake, the OG

update is no-go for xbone

It's out now

Sucks to be an xboner

The update queued up about five minutes ago

your fault for buying that horrible piece of shit console

They really fucked Xbots with this game.
The game build for the Xbone is a beta.

LaChappa, gotta repair that shit
Really want to like Part 7, even if I suck with him, otherwise Part 6
For the sake of speed, Head Punch
No real map preference

>For the sake of speed, Head Punch

>Steam is offline

Was playing has Nes Jason, then steam went offline. Sad its only a skin. Did not have my 13 000 cp.

Adam if I want to help out my fellow counselors, Tiffanny if I want to pussy out and hide
Part 2 Jason for easy objective denial
Pickaxe to the face
Crystal Lake

>counselor mains
Usually play as Adam, AJ, Deborah, Buggzy or Vanessa
>Jason mains
8 and Savini
>favorite execution
>favorite map
Crystal Lake

Deborah, Chad, Buggzy
Part 2, 8 and Savini.
The campfire kill
Higgins Haven.

You get the 13,000 cp at the start of the double xp weekend.

can someone give me tips on how to fight Jason?

whenever I decide to fight his shit he just grabs me and it's game over


Besides that, the Part 2 Can Opener one because good lord the noise it makes

don't fight jason

I did not want to fight him but after watching a video of a very comical fat boy that dodges Jason's attack while under effects of anime music I decided that I wanted to be just like him I wanted to fight Jason and prove to him that we counselors are Not All that weak this is why I try to fight Jason every time he appears but as I said before it rarely works so I would be grateful if you could give me any advice

>Finished update
>NES Jason skin is there, but no 13000 CP
Did I miss something? Do you need to run a match before it gives them to you?

Deborah, she's qt
Part 8, dat destruction
Axe throw
Higgins Haven

I updated but still dont see the NES Jason skin. Wtf?

CP is coming with double exp weekend.

>You get the 13,000 cp at the start of the double xp weekend.
Fucking shit really? That's the only thing I'm looking forward to

Yeah, it's beings on the 23rd.

There is an option on chapter 3 Jason to change the skin.

No preference
Head punch
Crystal Lake

I feel bad for people who bought this game on anything but PS4.

Why would anyone use a character without high stealth and that other stat which reduces fear?

Xbox loser here. All I want do is play Chad.

Because I'm the distraction who let's everyone get away in the car before window hopping for 20 minutes

Don't you get less xp and therefore less perks by not escaping?

>multiplayer game

a very niche game

This is a very dumb way to sell a multiplayer game since you need players and players keep the game going.

gotta make up for the licensing fees somehow

Pissing off Jason and fags who leave with the fuse >Xp

to make the character even better?

>sequel to the reboot was shitcanned for a shitty ring reboot

>not playing while listening to these

Xiii is pretty good.

Which one is better?

>The old NES music starts playing when Jason gets near
Nice touch

It was just as shitty.


DBD is hide and seek, F13 is hide and go fuck yourself because Jason is fucking omnipotent.

Although it has fuck all to do with Jason unlike the other songs

Part 2 and 6
Crystal lake
Jaw rip from part 8

Don't forget they put out a half-assed trailer for the freebies and said the free 13k currency was coming with the other stuff, only now to put out a written message that it won't come until the weekend with the double exp event.

All this because they yet again failed another Microsoft certification pass and want to be "fair" to everyone.

Then they turn around and make no effort at all for "Retro Jason" besides paying some nobody to make a chiptune for his music, and claim he has a unique kill, despite being a literal reskin of Jason 3.

What the fuck is their problem with xbox? I got the game on my xbone because my friends play on there, but holy shit the devs fucking hate xbone
>Get updates WEEKS later than ps4 and pc
>Free update that's literally just a skin swap and free credits is also delayed for xbone
>Matchmaking update on xbone just made it so you instantly get put into your own lobby if you search for a match and no one joins you
Like holy shit, what the fuck do they have against xbox?

I'm baffled by how incompetent these devs are.
>People spent $40 on this

>being this mad over free
Nigga get your priorities in order.

What's up with so many people playing Chad?

What the fuck do you even do as him?

His only good traits are luck and speed, but luck is useless in this game (useless in all games really) and the black girl has better speed AND stamina.

Because he's fucking Chad

It's a $40 game that hasn't fucking worked for almost a month.

>how can people like games I don't like
Yeah I'm baffled also

best Jason when?

Works fine for me. Keep crying fag.

jawline for days

F13. DBD is wannabe esports trash that makes being the killer no fun.

People like this are shit that don't know how defend themselves against Jason.

It tried to rip off The King

Best Jason is now!

But he wasn't the real Jason

>pirate game
>multiplayer works
>quit working recently
>find theres a new version uploaded the other day
>get all the new DLC, AND keep my character stats

how the fuck is this even possible?

i mean i hear the servers are fucked up for legit players and it has all these issues, yet i fucking steal it and it works flawlessly

what is even going on with this

>not the giant toothbrush

His white privilege lets him go through windows.

>pirates get to play and use Savini Jason all for free
>devs still sucking backer cock too hard to admit they fucked up and just give everybody the option of buying it
>their self important backer drones are keeping the devs constantly thinking this is fine in the forums

Neck yourself for bad mouthing Chad.

I'm serious, if he is good at something I wanna know because I love his character too but he just sucks from a gameplay perspective.



is there a way for me to pirate the clothing dlc

Can I get sauce on the full image

I think luck boosts your stats and Chad might have the best boosted stats.

You get to be Chad.

not on xbox

Doesn't boot stats, it boosts some points remotely related to stats but not really the stats themselves

Like the amount of stamina you get when you hit Jason.

Ah, thanks for the info.


It boosts a lot of RNG stuff like how often you trip when scared, stamina you get from attacking Jason, whether you take damage or not when going through windows, and so on.

It is by no means a direct boost to stats, it also does not improve the items you find from drawers, it's a relatively useless stat

>kenny, all about that balance in stats
>part 2 jason
>the one where he throws the axe at the person head from a few yards away
>part 2 map, the main lodge is jsut suicide to even go near

>Jason is fucking omnipotent.
isnt that the point?

I think they should add a part 5 jason too

F13. Both games have shit balance but DBD has had a fucking year to fix the most basic of problems. It's clear that nothing but incompetence will come from DBD's devs so F13 is your only hope to get a good game out of this genre.

No but you have this.

>*Unzips dick*

>be chad
>knock jason out three times with the axe
>sell out other counselors when jason grabs me
>they all know what I did since I am using the radio
>can hear their rage and despair over the radio as I get executed

>shit game
>45 USD
>same bugs from alpha present at launch
>stale gameplay after 2 hours

>get to drive the 4-seater for the first time
>it's packed
>jason appears and smashes it
>grabs one glitcher and kills him
>says "you three can escape, I just wanted to kill him"
>crash over five fucking times on trees while trying to escape
>jason says "I am running out of patience, this is taking too long"
>very nervous
>crash again
>and again
>accidentally flip the car and make it unusable (did not even know I could do that)
>jason just waits out the time limit

>people payed 40 for this
I wait for sale

>How is Friday the 13th the biggest disappointment of 2017?

Good question, how are you disappointed by something that was so obviously bad months ago?

They're lazy/have a shoestring budget and Xbox is the smallest of the three platforms so they're content to fuck Xbots because "lol we already got most of your money, so your platform is an afterthought"
Did this shit happen on PS3 last gen?

The only Jason movies I've seen are X and Freddy Vs Jason. Which one should I start with?

I like the slap sound when she ;> his dick

the new one

theres no reason to go back and watch old horror movies, they suck

>Finally get to play as Jason after the patch
>"Connection to host lost"
Well fuck me then

>they bought a niche multiplayer game that will require a large community to survive
>with its community split up between all platforms
>for 40 dollars

yall realize this game is dead in

He's actually making fun of the dev and the price point for a multiplayer only game. Nothing even close to saying you shouldn't like games with these shitty things, just funny that you enjoy being a battered housewife.