Recommend me a grinding simulator I can just mindlessly sink hours of my life into

Recommend me a grinding simulator I can just mindlessly sink hours of my life into

sword art online hollow realization. mmo style single player action rpg with online play capabilities. enough depth and content to justify spending 300h+ playthroughs. the whole name of the game is end-game gear farming where you grind just so you can grind some more to grind some more.




Warframe, put 800 hours in before realizing how braindead that game becomes when you get to its ''''''''''''endgame''''''''''''''

A job

FF9 if you haven't played it before. Look up a completionist guide and go for it.

Otherwise, Final Fantasy Tactics, Tactics Ogre, Disgaea and SMTIV are all good choices.

Did Argo actually get a CG in HR?

Dragon Quest. Additionally, games like or World of X, essentially any F2P game with progression