>yfw Atlus' next milking of Persona is a Persona 3 remake using 5's engine and includes The Answer and the FeMC chapter.
Yfw Atlus' next milking of Persona is a Persona 3 remake using 5's engine and includes The Answer and the FeMC chapter
wouldnt they remake the first two games first
>actually believing this
Atlus doesn't give a fuck about P3. They're either going to now move onto milking P5 starting with Crimson or P4:G will be remade in the engine.
nah, they're not going to have two protagonists. That hurts the canon.
So they're just gonna do FeMC-only and retcon it.
>starting with Crimson
Where the fuck did this Crimson meme come from? Reminds me of Pokemon faggots and Delta Emerald which never came out. Get fucked retards.
Because Persona 4 Golden, so Persona 5 Crimson.
The Persona team are working on this, so don't expect a new Persona game any time soon.
Persona 5 Crimson would have to be on a portable system then, and it would have to come out after P6.
Ew, no.
>Going back to blobs and heartless knockoffs after glorious HD demons
Fuck you, now I want this despite knowing it won't happen. This is going to bother me for a long time.
Hashino in general has said he's exhausted everything he feels he can do with a modern setting, so expect someone else to take over the series when Atlus gets around to pumping out more Persona.
That's silly. They should just do an Akihiko game that follows him from the early SEES days of him, Shinji and Mitsuru, right through to his cop days when he's on the street dodging bullets and punching dudes in the face.
Too bad it won't come out til 2020 at the earliest.
A P3 remake is honestly pretty likely at this rate. A P3 remake with the Answer included is not as likely, but still possible. FemMC remake will never happen, especially if there's animated cutsceens in a remake, which there would be.
They better tone down the difficulty and allow you to control your party members.
Getting stuck at some random mid-boss around the 20ish level should not be happening to a seasoned SMT player.
I would buy it
>Persona 3 but every section of Tartarus is now like a full fledged dungeon instead of randomly generated hallways
>full moon battles stay the same but random encounters are now replaced with classic SMT demons
>new content added during the empty segments of the game (fucking December)
>full party control with battles adjusted to balance it out so it's not as easy as P3P
>both FeMC and The Answer are available
I'll buy it
Why? Why would anyone want an old game remade?
Remade old games have the comfort of the old game with the upgrades of being on a new system.
So many more people would play SMT 1 and 2 if they remade it for the PS4 and you got to watch Thor nuke Tokyo.
Any sane person would rather see something new than a remake of P3 os all things.
I respect P3 because thet's the game which started it all, but it's the most shallow of the nu-Persona series
Also one can argue that Persona 5 is what P3 should have been in the first place so it's doesn't need to be remade
bringinf FES (and some other Atlus titles) to the newer consoles and PC could be good though
I'm not sure why, but for some reason I expect this game to have a cute brown girl.
>The Persona team are working on this
No they aren't.
It's only the director who moved on to this project. He also mentioned that someone else is taking over.
Meh, I wasn't wild about 3 ,so I'll pass.
>Also one can argue that Persona 5 is what P3 should have been in the first place so it's doesn't need to be remade
>3 is the most shallow in the series
Um, no sweetie. Unlike P5, the characters in 3 actually go through development and have their own personal arcs in the story. Have you even played 3?
Their remake policy is getting borderline retarded.
We're getting 2 DS remakes this year. On 3DS which is backward compatible and can play both of those games.
Because RH and SJ aren't remakes.
Same urban setting, same type of mystery about an epidemic of people losing their mind in the city, same sort of cast with teenage character with parental issues, same overreaching plot with a conspiracy of villains using experimental research for no good, same final boss, even Mementos is a reversed Tartarus
Also it's good for you if take seriously a game which has a sentient android who goes to high school and somehow falls in love with the MC, but the character development in P3 is pretty standard for a 2000 edgy light-novel based anime which is what this game is
>Unlike P5, the characters in 3 actually go through development and have their own personal arcs in the story.
That happens in P5 as well, did you play it ?
It wouldn't be enough of an improvement to bother with.
What's so wrong about the good ending?
Play Metroid 1 and then Zero Mission.
P4 would come first.
P3's "dungeons" sucked.
But I wouldn't made remaster/remake for the games. Especially if they came with a in house translation of the game. P5 appears to have a shitty localization.
Koro's ready to fucking fight
Persona 3 FES was because of the Festival. Persona 4 Golden was because of Golden Week.
Unless there's a "Crimson Tatami Week" or some similar shit in Japan, no chance that the upgraded version will be called Crimson.
Persona 5 Bordeaux is a much funnier fake name
What will persona5 engine in P3 accomplish? Empty floors in HD?
Well you can't really remake DS games for any other platform without cutting the dualscreens.
this has berserk vibes to it. I usually dislike medievil settings but I'm praying this will be good.
what 2 games? persona started with 3, are you retarded?
Since they'd be making both games from scratch instead of rereleasing them with the same assets like they did in the past, it would be a good opportunity to replace randomly generated dungeons.
>we want old game but new!
no you faggots should want new games, what's wrong with you.
Would rather they remake 1&2 with updated gameplay, if they have to remake anything at all. They have better stories than 3 did by miles but need a gameplay rework more than 3 does, so they should be prioritised.
God, please no. I actually like the first two. I couldn't imagine it happening though since there's no way to force the school system into the games.
I don't know about Radiant Historia, but SJ had virtually no use for the bottom screen other than the convenience of constant access to the map.
You're right. People love a Persona 5 Dancing All Night over a Persona 3 Definitive Edition.
cute orc girl is more likely judging from the concept art
It probably would, no one gives a shit about Persona 3
and it doesn't need a "Definitive Edition" at all
Confidant links don't count and even if they did, their development revolves around the player's involvement with them, whereas P3's party members has character arcs that occured in the main story, without using MC as a crutch to get there. Futaba is arguably the only one, overcoming her issues with her mother's death and them quickly sweeping her shut-in tendencies under the rug in short succession, so they can move on with the story.
I wish
I will admit that, thought Persona 1 and 2 are by far my favorite (I only kinda like, kinda hate the rest of the series), I wouldn't mind the gameplay being given an update as long as anyone can still use a plethora of Personas. Though I have a feeling that they'd fuck the atmosphere and music extremely hard.
They already kind of did that with 1 PSP with the new OST, though the PSP remakes of 2 don't have much downsides
>whereas P3's party members has character arcs that occured in the main story
No moreso than in P5. Ryuji gets over his obsession with fame, Morgana gets his head out of his ass, and so on. In both P3 & P5 the casts largely dicksuck the hell out of the protagonist beyond reasonable means. Go play the first two Persona games instead of meming that they don't exist while praising P3 for shit that at best only applies negligibly more to it than it does it's successors.
I dunno why people insist that Confidants "don't count" either. What do you guys who keep saying that even do in the gaps between story events in these games if the slinks don't exist to you?
>Cute Orc girl
I want this so fucking bad. Too bad most games only show focus on male orcs or treat them as elf rapists. Especially nips.
Yeah, the PSP soundtrack just did not do the game justice. I wanted to play the PSP version because of the improvements, but I ended up playing the Japanese PSX version for the soundtrack. It would have been a lot more annoying if not for being able to turbo through battles and save state before I bought anything because when shopping you can't see how equipment compared to what you're currently wearing.
>Ryuji gets over his obsession with fame, Morgana gets his head out of his ass
Yes all happen right at the end of the game which is like 90 hours in and Ryuji isn't the only one who gets over the fame obsession since the whole team had the same problem so let's not pretend it was something only specific to his character development. You had early people like Ann and Yusuke who stayed static until the end.
And nah in P3 there was no major case of dick sucking since characters even turned you down to go dungeons and told you to fuck off and at end game when it comes to the matter of fighting the end boss the characters in P3 came to a decision without the MC like in 5 where he gave some shitty "don't give up" to every member and they all did a 180.
>The Answer
It was rushed, there's no doubt, but the only part where the intentions of the original scenes are largely betrayed is Goro's fight. Atlus USA couldn't figure out the part where he actually has himself convinced that he had a moral high ground killing people with distorted desires because bringing Shido to justice is the big excuse used to cover up his own. Instead what they ended up with sounded no different from Adachi's bullshitting about how he actually didn't do anything in P4.
They got the part where he chimps out at Joker right, the part where he prolongs having to accept his fuck ups by making himself Rampage right, but with the stuff immediately before all that they only really got the synopsis and the acknowledgement angle right.
What's wrong with P3P?
That's a pretty fine remake.
Should I start with P1, 2, 3 or 4?
You can only use swords as Door-kun and polearms as Door-tan. And you can't spam armageddon.
2 duology has the best plot
3 has the best atmosphere
4 has the best Chad Thundercock simulator
1 has P5 MC's dad.
which is the comfiest
Atlus payed for like 5 different Persona 5 domains A few weeks back.
4 Golden.
I don't see the problem.
But every company buy domains they never use
aw sheeit my vita might actually see some use now
I honestly wish. They're long overdue for remakes at this point, and I think Atlus could do a lot of good with that, but sadly it seems that the first two Personas aren't really that popular or relevant.
Persona 1 was the highest selling Persona in Japan until 5.
>In both P4 & P5 the casts largely dicksuck the hell out of the protagonist beyond reasonable means.
Having character development locked behind content that you can ignore means that the devs didn't think it meant enough to include in the main game, which is a shame because some of those confidants could have fit. It's more glaring in P5 because it's Phantom Thieves Time all day everyday with no breaks. P3 and 4 gave their casts time to breathe and opportunity for these sorts of things to occur between the main plot points. Even on their trip to Hawaii, the P5 characters are thinking about being Phantom Thieves. They even comment about how they're basically doing the same thing they do back home.
You can't punch Gigas with cute Jack Bros gloves unless you're using Akihiko.
If you don't see the issue then I guess you're the problem.
Also the SoL events like Operation Babe Hunt and the Kyoto Trip are entirely VN style
Either that, or he'll try doing something either in the past or future.
> yfw remake P4G instead with P5 graphics
>people wanting them to use a last-gen engine
P5 looks like a polished PS3 game. How about they get off their fucking asses, stop being cheap fucks, and make a next-gen engine.
I'm pretty sure that not controlling your party members is part of the fun with Persona, it's like actually working with other people instead of just giving them exact orders to follow.
That's why he's the head of the new Fantasy game, right?
And one persona 3 domain.
A Persona 3 dancing all night domain.
But will it actually be fun to play?
>Implying P3DAN doesn't stand for Dating Aigis New
Since P3 and P4 goes with jpop music and P5 gets a little jazzy, what kind of setting would go with metal/punk music for persona?
It completely unfair to door-kun.
First they forced him to date an ugly ass robot that ruins the game setting, then they added an epilogue where his waifu(s) go full retard.
A couple of years later they remove his special snowflake ability to wield any weapon with ease and make his broken ass spells less spamable, and add a way more likable main character.
To add insult to injury they make Protag fuck his waifu(s).
FemC is even more dead than door man to atlus
So it's just your preference then?
Nothing hindered the gameplay, and things even more balanced yet you say that as an issue.
Which one is the REAL problem here I wonder.
I'm honestly expecting Vita spin-offs for P5 and a handheld version for Switch.
The Vita spin-offs I expect mainly because they had a survey done last year in regards to what Persona fans wanted, and among more music and DRPG spinoffs, the Vita was the most requested platform with PS4 next, and 3DS third.
Since the 3DS is terrible, the Switch will get what the 3DS fans wanted.
>and told you to fuck off and at end game when it comes to the matter of fighting the end boss
Yeah, this didn't happen. MC almost comically drops out of relevance in that part of the game seconds after they establish for the rest of the cast that he had the final boss inside of him and it doesn't come back until you make the decision at the end. Bringing up how characters wouldn't go to Tartarus because of a game mechanic played as them being busy doesn't even begin to involve the player so I don't even know why you'd bother bringing it up. The dick sucking in 3 was not on the level of P4, but it was still pretty bad and one of its characters even revolved around how everyone else loves MC for nearly the entire game. Let's also not forget how MC had a completely devoted robot waifu who was still 150% about figuring out how to ride him into the sunset after she grew a personality.
On that note, complaining about the Velvet Room scenes in P5 is an inherently stupid thing to do since everyone has their own clearly defined reasons that barely had anything to do with him. It wasn't a matter of Joker saying something and having them go "wow you're right ok let's go". At most the only awkwardness in that bit comes from Joker being a silent protagonist that has to speak in dialogue choices during cutscenes.
persona 6 will still happen, but someone else will direct it. I'm looking forward to both games in 2020ish.
Soejima is doing the art and iirc Meguro is also there.
Presumably, that leaves us with the people who brought us Ultimax. JOY.
>P3's plot is rewritten so it isn't paced so poorly
>P5 style dungeons and demons
If they did this for P3 it would be the best game in the series hands down
And both of them are still doing Persona things at the same time, this was clarified the second it was announced that they were working on the project. Like, in the same fucking article. Maybe even the sentence immediately following it. Much more recently it was said that more veteran staff were actually being moved to division 3 to work on the game but it was never quite specified who.
They're still on the project you mong. Presumably they're focusing on it, an unstable IP, instead of a well established franchise.
Every character but Junpei would still suck ass. P3 needs a full remake.
But does that really mean anything when you could rewrite P4 and end up with something that P3 couldn't top without being turned into a completely different game? Or just slightly clean up Shido's arc in 5 to ensure that neither would be able to come anywhere near it in a million years?
I feel like if Yukari's arc was better paced she'd be a lot less shitty. Same with Akihiko and Shinji. They'd just have to replace Ken.
P5's plot needs a lot more than a Shido rework to be good.
>Game about freedom and acting on your desires has you steal people's desires
>Demiurge is boring as hell and Satanael comes out of nowhere
>Akechi is even worse than Adachi
rewrite the answer and ignore the FeMC and I'd suck an unreasonably large amount of cocks to get this to happen
Yeah too bad you're in minority so there's no chance atlus going to hear any of your complain. Even if you manage to go through your complains is pretty subjective so that really not going to help your case.
I have an opinion on the game. I'm not going to change it just because people disagree with me.
I'm glad you can't actually come up with a defense, though. Makes me feel like I made the right choice.
>they replace the old cutscenes with the ones from the movies