Hey guys steam cant showing any results in Turkey right now, can access anyting. What your status?
Steam collapsed in Turkey
Steam is down. Probably routine maintenance.
is this a general thing guys? OP want to buy Serious Sam 3 real quick
do you guys having the same problem?
Steam is down. Probably routine maintenance.
haha ok
Lol looks like Steam ran out of Turkey
OK man cheers
Steam is down. Probably routine maintenance.
Post YFW Steam is banned in Turkey but not where you live
FLASH News! Tayyeap Bans steam for anti-propaganda in Minecraft! (actually if i saw that, as a Turkish citizen, probably say "It might be true, that motherfucker is crazy")
Server maintenance, chill out.
>being a turk
in any case maintenance is almost always done at this time each week
birini seç
şaka o zaten aq bi de açıklayayım mı? alakasız olduğu için zaten laf geçirmiş oldum hani?
Hey guys I checked steam and it's working fine but says 'TURKEY NEVER EVER, ERDOGAN FOR PIGS' at the top of the store?
Is that normal?
hll knk
stupid dumb roach scum
its wednesday 3 AM in turkey sooo no i didnt knew that pal, its irrevelant
Steam is down. Probably routine maintenance.
Looks like its back
thanks man but is it the 3rd same comment in a row? i get it thanks for tip
Happens every tuesday for a few minutes, its 8PM here in EST so its about on time.
since you are a newfag, someone should teach some steam culture to you
i got a job fagro, i've been never look at steam at 3 am at humpday. If its culture then we all failed.
btw while i was etiquetted "newfag", do you guys know anything Activision publishing COD MWR seperately? There is a rumour about PS but are they gonna publish for PC?
Is this your first week ever using steam?
Steam is down. Probably routine steam.
no one plays call of shitty here user. you are in the wrong place. you should go to leddit
appearently is, god damn you got no job else i guess.
"pc master race"
shit, my bad. Do you have any tips for 3d printing a child labor mannequin then?
why is it called turkey if they dont celebrate tanksgiving?
im waiting for xbox one x s plus edge
ask to your faggot ancestors that cant spell the türkiye
Fun fact: Peru means turkey in portuguese.
cuz its a casual thing, we dont need to celebrate. Do you celebrate obesity?
>What your status?
Not being a roach
>fun fact: Everyone beware of Buzzfeed
No Steam for kebab
I never experienced the outage myself. I just know about it because I'm not a retard
>now bannerlord will never come to steam
>t celebrate tanksgiving?
> Anonymous 06/20/17(Tue)17:12:30 No.381271009▶
>im waiting for xbox one x s plus edge
> Anonymous 06/20/17(Tue)17:13:14 No.381271060▶
>ask to your faggot ancestors that cant spell the türkiye
> Anonymous 06/20/17(Tue)17:13:23 No.381271081▶
>Fun fact: Peru means turkey in portuguese.
> Anonymous 06/20/17(Tue)17:13:32 No.381271097▶
>cuz its a casual thing, we dont need to celebrate. Do you celebrate obesity?
> Anonymous 06/20/17(Tue)17:13:36 No.381271105▶
>>What your status?
>Not being a roach
just for clearifyin: we dont like Recep Tayyip either.
Huebro as well?
Tuesday is maintenance day. Every single tuesday for the past 15 years. Get your shit together, Turkey. God damn.
steam is up, probably routine maintenance is over
>having a single worthless info about steam's routine
>act like knowin quantum physics
Boy stfu, i said thank you, now get lost
Ananizi bacinizi götünden sikeyim
fuck off phoneposter
wowowoowo Ramazan ramazan yapma mümin kardeşim orucu zedeler.
>Anonymous 06/20/17(Tue)20:19:49 No.381271678 ▶
>fuck off phoneposter
Every single Tuesday this thread
i'll lurk moar oldest fag
Good because Turks are roaches and will soon not exist anymore
If you're a straight guy.. where do straight gamer Sup Forums users live here in Brazil? Where do you find them?
roaches able to survive nuclear disasters, it must be hard being a cracker and a imbecile
How long does it usually go down for?
Turkish sounds like a fish trying to speak, why you retards couldn't just go with arabic
Because they wanted to impress Europe-senpai, but instead got cucked hard.
Erdogan is replacing Steam with Turkey's largest mosque, in his usual and world-renowned NeoOttoman style, set to open in the Fenar district of Istanbul!
They used Arabic for writing until Turkey was established
They are arabicized Greeks and Levantine/Syrians, they should just make up a new language because Turkish is trash
Someone tell Gaben to stop eating the fucking servers.
>expecting the people that BTFO your shithole to bother learning what you call it
Arabs should rape the region nanking style. Teach those roaches a lesson.