Leave the Nintendo Switch to me

>Leave the Nintendo Switch to me



still better grapphics than switcg

I don't even want to imagine the delay.

if he just bought a vita he could remote play.


Why would you not just install your TV in the bathroom?


Zero delay, since the controller is still synced with the PS4

>everyone that worked on onlive didn't even get to see it implemented into psn now
>being bought out just so they can store all your work somewhere on a hard drive
>vita / PS4 remote play is still assbackwards retarded where every keystroke needs to go through 10 countries underwater so it can appear back 5 inches from you

If only we had a LAN FaceTime equivalent that was easy to deploy for a consumer

theres a delay between what is on the tv and what shows up on his ipad

The screen would still have massive delay, you retard.

Remote play is available on more things than just the Vita now, user.

>exposing your ps4 controller to steam and water

>in a room with steam

You can't be this stupid.

Well first of all user, your regular tv ain't exactly "regulation" when it comes to health and saftey of electrical apliances within a bathroom. It lack the correct rating. Second, you can actually buy Videospa monitors and waterproof speakers for use in bathroom installtion. A 22" videospa will cost you $1000 easy though.




How did she not bump that table and knock everything off into the tub

Shorter than waiting for switch games to come out

Must be a nigger if he doesn't just use remote play instead.

>PlayStation Now is on PC.
>Put it on laptop.
>Can do this without FaceTime.

Redpill me on baths

>you hop in
>you rinse yourself off
>you are now literally bathing in the same dirt you were trying to wash off
>you get up
>you are now somehow "clean"



They're for relaxation. When you're done with the bath, you rinse yourself off in the shower.

According to my chinese cartoons, the bath is just to relax and you clean yourself before going in.

The Jews got triggered by showers so they invented and promoted baths.

Wrong order.
>you rinse yourself off
>you hop in
>you are now literally bathing and relaxing

You still need to shower after quick, a barh is for relax not for clean. And another thing! If you wash up dishes, and you don't first rinse them down with the tap before you put them out to dry, you havn't cleaned shit

its more chillin in a tiny pool than it is cleaning yourself

Alright, this was a decent burn

That's the roll on top of the bath to keep the water warm. In Japan (or at least my family) everybody takes a bath using the same water, after cleaning themselves. It's also heavy enough not to get knocked off.

He's not even taking a bath. He's just sitting in water.

>In Japan (or at least my family) everybody takes a bath using the same water,
that's disgusting

I only ever have one when I have a flu or something

Is it true you all bath with your attractive sisters and boner but she knows and likes it actually? Huh?

You're not supposed to jack it in there.

They shower themselves clean first ya dingus
The bath itself is just for relaxation

That's why they don't like westerners in their public baths, filthy gaijin pollute the bathwater

user, he can't do that. Everybody knows that buying a Vita makes you gay.

Imagine bathing in your little sister's cunny juices.

you guys are 2ez

>taking a bath while playing
>taking a bath

he already has an ipad

Holy shit kek xd
You showed him

Is Umaru-chan even a good anime

no, their sisters do that for em, i read it, in a book. "Scrub myh back oni-san"

well obviously but why not just use a dishwasher

>Sitting in a vat of your own filth

You know... that's a fair point. Nigger should just buy a Vita.

But longer than the list of good PS4 games

Fuck no

>tfw non Vita owners will never know the joy of remote playing while snug in bed as heavy rain falls outside.

A lot of money for a quick two second job user.

Excellent post

If you're taking a shower in an airtight environment where steam and other moisture can effect your electronics you shouldn't be using the outlets in the first place.

>sitting in air full of your own filth

Baths are only for cleaning if you're a literal babby
Baths are for relaxation

>They shower themselves clean first ya dingus
What's the point then? If you want to relax you can do it in bed where you won't have to deal with the water going cold, your skin getting pruny or accidentally dropping your book or whatever in the water.

This is why no one will fuck you user.

You seriously never relaxed in the bath, nigga?
Never enjoyed a hot tub or jacuzzi?

jej what a gay.

Are you actually, legitimately retarded? Hot water is relaxing. Why the fuck do I need to explain this. You don't even need a book or vidya, just your thoughts.

Hate the stupid "Nigga generation kids" who use stupid ass "100 % on point" emojis and so on. And these are the same people who claim they "WOKE" dammit. It really rustles my jimmies when I look at world star hip-hop.

>drop controller in bath


Is that the title of the book?


Uh, what?

If you want to relax in hot water the shower can go as hot as you want and won't get cold on you.
>But I'm a lazy shit who doesn't want to stand
Then stick a plastic stool in there and sit down, there is literally no reason to ever use a bath.


Jesus fuck no.

She makes Kirino seem likable and cute in comparison

Why the fuck is this Facebook-tier garbage being posted here?


i wish i lived in college point, then this would be accessible to me

Thats fucking genius


weak bait

Nah, but you know the sort. The author pretends to be spanish or mexican or some shit and is obsessed with shared bath time, siblings and the rutting of said siblings.


The bath stays hot long enough for a whole family nigga what are you ranting about

Fuckin' shower's for cleaning not relaxing how homo are you

Top kek, funniest post of the week

Because you have to clean everything off first anyway or else you get a bunch of food particles in your dishwasher and your dishes aren't being cleaned properly anymore.

It's for relaxing, getting warm, and masterbating in

>doesn't know PS4 can do remote play

That isn't a problem if you just clean the filter.

>dumb honky uses ebonics for facebook likes


Too much ass tbhwy

Switch fags BTFO


fucking kek, btfo

....Or you could just use a Vita....


It's shopped anyway.

Theres no soap in that water, hes just sitting water. Is this how people have baths?

>implying normalfags know what a Vita is

It's to relax my man.

Have you never taken a bath before?

>Not using remote play instead
It unironically works well enough for everything that isn't a fighting game or twitch shooter.

A friend of mine bought a Vita JUST to play Destiny at university. I would make fun of his desperation, but the thing actually worked well even on the Uni's mediocre internet and the fact that the PS4 was 20km away from him.

Yes, pretty fun.
Just check the first episode and see if you like it.

Guess I'm buying a PS4 + a Vita for persona. Do PS1 and 2 games work well with it?

I don't know shit about Vita. Not sure if it was hacked already or not.
I often see people saying PSP is the best portable emulator though, even here on Sup Forums with all the Sony hate.

If you mean non-pirated stuff, neither PS4 or Vita run PS1/PS2 games natively. There are a couple dozen that were re-released and up-rezed for this gen (they usually cost 5 to 14 bucks, I think) but outside of that not much.
AFAIK the system that runs the most Sony games in 1 place is the original "$599!" PS3 model, which is compatible with both PS2 and PS1, but good luck finding one for a cheap price now.

All of that being said, we live in the era of remakes and remasters (really good ones at that) like pic related or Wipeout Omega.

No I mean does it run the PS1 / 2 classics from the PS4 on the Vita. That would be a system seller for me.

wow try not to kill yourself, idiot.