>kiss a girl
>she swoons
>kiss a guy
>he follows you around and beats up anyone who messes with you
>kiss a girl
>she swoons
>kiss a guy
>he follows you around and beats up anyone who messes with you
Dudes are total bros, what's your point?
>men put more effort into relationships
That's hot.
>kiss a girl
>she beats you up
i don't see a problem here
>gay jock
>turbo manlet twink instead of roid abuser stud
Been playing this lately. I'm 3/4 of the way through the game. If I miss side quests I can re-do them during summer, right?
Also, I've been doing shop classes and am one class away from the best bike. Is the go kart worth getting after that?
if this game were to come out today you faggots would go apeshit and talk about how rockstar is pandering to gays and sjws.
Half of them wouldn't even have played the game
The game never forces you to kiss a dude.
just buy the scooter, it's the best in the game
That's wrong because this shit is completely opitional.
go kart is the fastest vehicle in the game
>what is Arcade Gannon
Kissing dudes is completely in the background and never made relevant nor does anything exceptional come out of it. Exactly the kind of stuff Sup Forums has supported for years and years you fucking newfag
>literally named bully
No they wouldn't user
I'm in Gamergate and I don't care. Gays can have all the dating sims they want, so can I, that's how it works
>I'm in Gamergate
Fuck off retard. Don't make it so obvious you weren't here in 2014 not that that's even a year to be proud of.
game keeps crashing on pc
>friend offers a bj
>im not gay
underrated kek
>I'm in Gamergate
GamerGate died 2 years ago so no your not.
It's completely optional, and at no point did I have to see a paid review of it with a shitty title like
'Bully lets you, a guy, kiss other guys in school, and it's AMAZING'
Is the leaked concept art for Bully 2 legit?
Why would anyone lie on the Internet?
won 2 years ago*
Don't girls fight each other in this game if they see you kissing another girl?
They do that weird animation where they pull each other's hair
How is the PC port? Never played Scholarship Edition.
i miss this game a lot.
Whoa.... shit you're in Gamergate?! I'm sorry don't hurt me!
What's keeping you from going for another playthrough? It has high replayability imo