What the hell went wrong with Valkyria Chronicles?

What the hell went wrong with Valkyria Chronicles?

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The third game, aka the best game in the series, never got localized.

they got a porn artist as a concept artist

I want to believe that Sega will one day localize this either as a PS4/PC remaster. It's the best game in the series (except for the segmented PSP maps)

same map problems?

>porn artist as a concept artist

You do realize most concept artists in Greatest Nippon built their portofolios and their reputations that got them hired as legit artists by drawing porn, right?

I'm hopeful that the rumors of a remaster are true and we'll see something once TGS arrives.

SEGA being a bunch of moronic imbeciles as always

>Hey! this original series did pretty ok, better than what we were expecting and the fanbase loves it. Let's make a sequel!
>Ok, but let's put it in the system no one except nips care about and is already on it's way to being fully hacked allowing full piracy on the console.

He's character designer. And it's plus because concept artists are shitty photobashers and thiefs

He probably think drawing porn is something bad and not requires a lot anatomy knowledge.

They hired an artist that draws holocaust victims with the anatomy of Bayonetta and fleshy basketballs on their abdomen.

They keep killing selvaria

But he was on board from the beginning. If anything the designs got worse the less he was involved.

>only 10 5/5
>only 18 4/5
>26 3/5
>31 2/5
>103 1/5
>from people who bought game

Amazon ratings don't mean shit, especially amazon japan ratings when nips review bomb those on the regular.

it went from good game with an anime art style to a full blown nerd virgin weeb series after the first game

Grossly incompetent Sega executives who don't understand business and hate money.

>VC 1 does surprisingly well in the west, does ok in Japan
>"Lets make the game appeal more to the Japanese who didn't like the first one in the first place! Also lets put it on the PSP so that the nice art style looks like shit."
>VC 2 does bad in the west and Japan
>"Lets make VC 3 more like VC1 since 1 sold better but lets not release it in the west where it sold better."
>VC3 flops
>Series is kill

Revolution looks like they had another game originally and they heard peoples cries for a new VC so they threw in a shitty looking Chinese knockoff Selvaria in the game and renamed it Valkyria Revolution and thought that would be enough.

But some of the best artists also did porn related stuff

>verified purchase reviews
>amazon ratings don't mean shit
Yeah. How about google 蒼き革命のヴァルキュリア クソゲー

I fapped so many times to the bottom right pic that it's not even funny.

But fucking tits are hot

3 is as shitty as 2 for similar and different reason.

>buy and return
>every monster hunter game gets bombed by low reviews and ratings

Those amazon bombs sure do matter right?

Blatantly false.
3 is better than the first game, is far more balanced, has more depth, and content that comes with it it.

It is the peak of the series so far.

Really? How about check amazon

Not him, and I've only played the first, but what balance is there in the game? I didn't find the story to be hard enough to require mad strats, only the challenge missions.

Scout being OP

Really? I dunno, I just played through with whoever my favorite characters were so I had some from every class except engineer. What was so OP about them? Movement?

The problem with the first game is that the class abilities are poorly balanced and scouts can break the game incredibly easily.
You can get scouts from the start of the map to the end goal in only a few turns because of how strong they are.
Other classes just aren't worth using.

In normal play this doesn't mean much to most people, but it's there and it's real bad.

There's also things like missions grades being determined by how quick you were at completing the mission rather than things like enemies defeated, bases captured, etc.

Just use the Awaken Potential order on Alicia and find out.

If you play "normally," the game is somewhat balanced (with allied lancers being the weakest fucks in the game). Once you try being daring with scouts/machine gunners you'll learn that a buffed scout (Like, say, a baker from not Belgium) can literally solo every map aside from boss battles like Severia and the fuckhuge tank.

>with allied lancers being the weakest fucks in the game
Level 20 lancers with the anti-armor potential don't fuck around son.

After getting the level ups for all the classes I started S-ranking or whatever the missions with my standard comp, so I guess I never really tried to meme my way through. Guess that answers my question, though I agree with that lancers are decent enough, if only because the AI tends to sit right next to each other, though I guess a well-placed 'nade does the same. Being able to one-shot a tank without crits was still pretty useful though.

Why bother when a level 10 machinegunner can do the same job with slightly better positioning?

This! Jann, Audrey, and Elyse are amazing units.

Was Jann the one who said "Die for me, sweetie"? I love the voice lines. Were there different ones for each character? If so that's amazing.

But they don't? I'd like to see you get the same results vs boss fights with a level 10 shocktrooper. Even then why waste multiple CP vs a late game heavy tank when you could just snipe them with a lancer?


You don't even have to position with the 3 best Lancers, you can one shot tanks from half way across the map.


What the hell went wrong with RAITA?

Every time I see anything related to 2 I just wanna curl up in a ball.

A serious case of terminal SAB user. Which stands for "Stupid Anime Bullshit."

Nothing, thats what I love about it

The cast of VC3 truly was something special.

Guess you're right. In all honesty I don't think I leveled them that high, so maybe they get a powerspike I didn't get to experience? Also enjoyed the running around and getting behind cover that the gunners provided.

He doesn't draw boobs anymore, just ugly beach balls

VC had godlike battle tracks.

It really did. One of my favorite vidya tracks


VC3 in particular had some great ones.


I agree to some extent that the balancing during the early game is a bit shit. Scouts can basically handle everything and act like standard foot-soldiers even though the game treats them as if they're recon units. Meanwhile early game shocktroopers are slow and barely do anything that a scout can't, lancers have launchers that can't go in a straight line and do less damage than a tank round.

Shocktroopers start getting better once scout rifles start requiring more shots to the head to kill and once they get their flamethrowers. Lancers are technically "always" good however even late game they're inefficient, only time they get god-tier in the endgame when you unlock the super anti-armor bullshit and the accurate launchers.

Yeah, like they localized PSO2.

Oh wait.

>more balanced
They are all balanced like shit mate.
VC2 tried to tone down one of VC1's problems of overpowered as fuck orders and made them useless instead due to high cost, meanwhile broken shit with abilities and fencers being the worst offenders.
VC3 looked back at VC1 and thought "man people really loved to solo the game as Alicia huh?" and gave you special snowflake powers to the MCs with the worst offender being "Valkyries" in general where you pop your hp/ap refilling super powers to run past huge part of the maps just like VC1 except now you are literally invincible. If you feel like it you can also use that to just make enemies kill each other easily.

Animu game with great combat and story. Creators were idiots and thought the demographic they hooked was weebs when in reality the game appealed to everyone. So they stupidly proceed to develop sequels strictly for weebs with shit gameplay.

Standard Japan, really.

one of the things is that some people though that swords were cooler than radioactive flamethrowers.

Things like Open Fire and Valkria Awakening are limited to once per map if you're lucky and you can't spam them.
They aren't as broken as you make them sound, and VC1 scouts are still far more broken. You aren't going to be running from one side of the map to the other using Riela. It just isn't possible with the maps being segmented.
You're heavily exaggerating.

I'll call the game shit just for rehashing Selvaria and then killing her off again.

Because the released the follow up games on Vita.

So it's pretty much the reverse as here where an artist tries to bury his port art past once he went "legit"



man, raita always has weird shaped boobs
but i can't hate them, something about their shape and such is appealing

>alright guys, we made an engine that looks pretty good at a time where there's not much competition on the platform yet. The new ip is a bit rough, but it's alright-y popular. What now?
>PSP sequel. With less maps, more anime.

Porn artists become the best anatomy artists because of their nature, they learn and perfect drawing the bone, musculature, tendon, fat layers, etc; and learn to stylizing it, and learn to pose the body in difficult views a simple concept artist won't dare.

As Raita perfected anatomy, now he/she just scales around bone and fat layers, never being happy with his current style. He just cannot draw balls deep in ass any better, its the peaks of artistic fucking, Its now his curse of never being able to improve.

Then we consider this genius draws machinery and war machines concepts just a well. What a artist.

How can a womanlet such as Imca be so perfect?

True, except people like Toriyama

>What the hell went wrong with Valkyria Chronicles?
The same thing that happens to a lot of series, they tried to appeal to a wider audience.

For what it's worth that character is supposed to be a borderline anorexic giant. Her boobs obviously wouldn't be anywhere near that big irl but oh well.

H-how can I find his doujin?

Was ment to

I hardly remember maps with 0SP and there were a bunch of 3SP maps around.
And yes you can pretty much run from one side of the map to the other with Riela because the game loves to do alt path nonsense with a heavily fortified "hard way" and one with less / worse enemies but take longer to run as the "easy way."
You can laugh in the face of that nonsense and run past all the crap they throw at you from trying to rush with the Valkyrie mode.

Literally just search his name. His Nausicaa stuff is A+.

Honjou Raita

>lewding the nausicaa
That's like lewding the gunslingers.

That first damn picture. It's damn perfect. Still love the guy but damn it, just like Mogudan, went full fetish body.

Not only were there not a bunch of 3sp maps around, but you you can count the missions that had 3sp on one hand. I'm looking at the game right now. Most of those 3sp maps are during chapter 12 as well.
The most you get is 2sp and it's still not as common as 1sp maps.

You're wrong again user. Why exaggerate so much?

I want VC4 to happen already.
Come on Sega.

VC3's cast was fun as fuck.


If it's any consolation it's about Kushana who he turns loli. I liked it enough to have it commissioned into English a long time ago. I'll probably get around to having the other Nausicaa doujin translated now that I have money.

>how dare you put this shit sauce on this food
>fuck you

Why do all of Raita's girls look like Aliens in human skin?

The man has mastered his anatomy, so now he draws these skelly girls because that's what truly gets him off.

He's proven that he can draw with normal proportions, but they just don't do it for him anymore.

He loves the tall Maternal types.

Why would they put Revolution on the Xbone instead of the PC?

Because someone at sega wants to prove this franchise is shit and goes about doing that by making the worst possible decisions.