Anyone ever notice how All the best videogames begin with D? It's kind of eerie

Anyone ever notice how All the best videogames begin with D? It's kind of eerie.

>Deus Ex
>Dark Souls
>Demon Souls
>Devil May Cry
>Dark Cloud
>Dōkutsu Monogatari (Cave Story)
>Donkey Kong
>Dig Dug
>Double Dragon
>Dr Mario
>Dragon Quest
>Dino Crisis
>Dynasty Warriors
>De Blob
>Destroy All Humans
>Devil Daggers
>Dragons Dogma
>Deadly Premonition
>Dead Space
>Day of the Tentacle

And more

Other urls found in this thread:

>Dark Messiah

>Anyone ever notice how All the best videogames begin with U? It's kind of eerie.

>Unreal tournament

A fuckton of words begin with 'D', nothing eerie about it

Dragon's Dogma?
fuck you


>Deus Ex
Terrible thief clone
Only good one here.
>Dark Souls
Meme game with clunky combat
>Demon Souls
Meme game with even clunkier combat
>Devil May Cry
FOTM bayonetta rip off
>Dark Cloud
Grindfest galore with no story
Inferior to gradius
Worst fighter
>Dōkutsu Monogatari (Cave Story)
Speak english weeb
Tohou is a million times better and more challenging
>Donkey Kong
Aged shit nobody cares for anymore
>Dig Dug
>Double Dragon
Streets of rage was better
>Dr Mario
>Dragon Quest
Final fantasy wanabe and shitty weeb series
>Dino Crisis
Resident evil rip off
Was never good
>Dynasty Warriors
Mediocre, They did the series a favor by giving it to nintendo
>De Blob
>Destroy All Humans
Newgrounds trash tier
>Devil Daggers
>Dragons Dogma
Better on PC
>Deadly Premonition
Overhyped kino nobody played
>Dead Space
Jumpscares the game

Yeah I got bored with the rest, overall shit taste bro.

How about Deez Nutz!

You forgot Diablo and Diablo 2, both top 5 D games.

>Din Megami Tensei
>Dadow of the Colossus
>Detal Gear Solid

Really makes me think..

>Donic the Hedgehog
>Dega man
>Dario bros
>The Legend of Delda
>Drash Bandicoot
>Dyro the dragon

Dhat Dre Dou Dalking Dbout?


Dchibi Robo
Dtreet Fighter
Det Set Radio

That IS weird.

You have absolutely terrible taste in vidya

>Dakuza 0
>Dreath of the Wild
>D Wonderful 101
>Da World Ends with You
You're right, how bizarre

>Terrible thief clone
Stopped reading here.

Really actizzles my almondizzle

>Dax Payne
>The Ditcher
>Dampire the Masquerade Bloodlines

woah it's true

>DMC is bayonetta rip of
>MFW DMC came out in 2001 and bayonetta in 2009

>Dlumbers don't wear ties


>anime poster
>shit taste
Yeah, it checks


Dlanescape dorment :D


Dwarf Fortress and Dominions are my favorite games

>De Legend of Zelda

>Daldur's Gate 2
>Domb Raider
>Ded Alert 2

Holy shit he's right

Ah shit the joke's been done already

>No one's posted the best game yet.

D4: Dark Dreams Don't Die

end self

>Next episode literally never

>dindu nuffin

>cliffhanger ending
I will never get over it.

I blame everyone who didn't buy it on Steam.

I don't think it was a sales thing. Swery got sick or something and once he got better just ran off to start a new company.

It was inevitable.
>Microsoft Studios teaming up with a second-rate developer
>Japanese Exclusive on Xbox One and PC
> AAA Point and Click game
>Microsoft shutting down most of it first-party games
>Zero marketing
Shit was stillborn, destined to fail


>new company
Was there any update on that?

This D ain't no game, don't just play with it.

>subtitle of the best mario kart begins with D