The Reason There Aren't More Games Like Eternal Darkness

It turns out Nintendo has a patent on sanity mechanics in games. Fuck Nintendo for patenting this. They're never even going to use it again. I want more sanity meters in my vidya.

we're living in a post-metroid prime 4 age
anything could happen
nintendo could just ask some other company to make a sequel for them

You sound like a child. Anyone who isnt stupid patents thier ideas.

I'm not saying that there is anything wrong with patents, but nintendo did not invent sanity mechanics. that shit has been around since Call of Cthulhu were sanity was an important stat.

What was that game for Xbox that if your people got too scared they would go crazy and run away? I think it was based in Alaska. Somewhere cold and snowy

So how did bloodborne manage?

The Thing?

You patent your ideas so you can make money off of other people using them.

There's sanity stuff in the Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth game, but all that happens is the screen goes a bit funny, and I think at worst, your guy shoots himself.

Because Insight isn't insanity, it's eyes on the inside aka the path to evolution, so there's that excuse. But in gameplay terms, it's nothing like Eternal Darkness' insanity effects which were meant to mess with the player, like the volume thing and save corruption, but don't actually really do anything to you, in Bloodborne, you see some stuff and become less resistant to a damage type. There's a big enough difference between the two.

How did pic related get away with it?

So have effects that aren't fake-errors or rebrand it as "reality glitches" or some shit.

The sanity mechanic in eternal darkness was stupid as hell

>Obvious meter goes down
>LE SPOOKY BLUE SCREEN and other obviously fake shit pops up to jumpscare you
>Meter is easy to keep up so you never even see the effects

OP is bullshitting. I really think such a patent is not actually enforceable. If it were, how would an indie game like be able to have an actual 'Sanity' bar?

Isn't Amnesia all about don't look at the monster/don't stay in dark places or you whimper and the monster notices you? Why didn't Nintendo sue them?

There's also amneisa, and did penumbra have something too? I think the point has basically been made at this point.

The nintendo patent does not extend to everything that could be described as a "sanity mechanic" and unless you were making chinese-knockoff tier ripoff of eternal darkness you're probably ok.
But then this whole thread was probably just bait with the setup of "fucking nintendo ruining games forever".

>Not deliberately depleting the insanity meter to see all the cool shit

I can tell your a riot at parties.

wow. i have this game on my shelf, about to pack it up for the move. but i read about how bloodbornes sanity meter had to be changed to insight for technical reasons

That's not the point, because you only see them when a meter is low it's not scary/interesting, it makes how obviously fake they are that much worse

HD Rumble Sanity effects should be a thing

yes and Geist will get a sequel as well

>Brb patenting overuse of leather belts
>brb patenting hunger as a mechanic
>brb patenting open-world as a mechanic
Is this even enforceable?

Considering the "minigame in loading scenes" patent from okami is dead I'd assume this patent is likewise no longer valid

It's old, and they can only hold it for like 14 or 20 years? It's almost expired.

Yeah fuck Nintendo for caring about their IP. Seriously man grow up.