Monster Hunter World


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This looks really odd, like especially the part where he just pauses in midair to throw the grappling hook. Also how Rathalos just kinda disappears once he hits the cliff ledge, or the weird camera zoom on the breaking dam.


There is literally nothing wrong with this


Looks alright. There's enough new good looking stuff to make me interested, enough new bad looking stuff to make me skeptical, and enough familiarity to make me pretty sure World won't deviate wildly from past titles in regards to quality.

This looks fun as fuck

>this mother fucker hammering tails all day
>the GS user doesn't use charges
>every time they switched to the HBG they were just running around aimlessly

There's more familiar than there is new and the new stuff doesn't really ruin anything. I'm pretty happy with what this looks like so far.

can't wait to play a proper MH sequel on the Switch

Did they make gunlance less of a clunky piece of shit? Literally the only weapon i can't use. Brave style seemed like it finally made it fun to use, hope they tried to incorporate that guard point reload into this


Looks like aerial (the thing they introduced into the series 4 games ago) followed by standard hammer ground combat you've seen in every Monster Hunter title.


Just in case this thread takes off, friendly reminder to not respond to console warriors or the false flaggers and newfags that reply to their posts. If you care more about the system than the overall quality of the game you're not really a Monster Hunter fan.

What we should discuss instead is will best bird be returning?


You'd rather play a clunky piece of stagnated garbage than some new hotness?

God I hope so. It'd be a lot of fun to see them in HD.

My fucking dick.

As a hammer main, the person playing was kinda shit but the demo assuaged my fears, the animations look almost exactly the same for the most part

I hope they keep the weapon upgrade system from Generations

Is there fall damage ?

but i just wanna play it on the switch




>new Quru A.I. takes advantage of new mechanics
>if it sees you try to stealth in a bush it uses ventriloquism to give away your location to other monsters
Capcom probably won't give him the love he deserves though.

Bitch have you even SEEN how many MH vore doujins exist?

my man

Am I the only one that misses the little blood slash animation when you slash a monster?

>he doesn't know what system MonHun started on
This fuckin guy

is the Charge Blade in the game?

All 14 weapons in

all 14 + cats are in

doesnt matter. Monhun belongs to nintendo.

Without the PS2 Monster Hunter wouldn't exist and without the PSP it would have vanished forever.

>this delusion

aww yiss


To think this level of delusion is possible even though Monster Hunter hasn't even been with Nintendo for a decade

>Call Deviljho
>Smart AI means Jho notices prey
>Eats birb


This. Also is gigginox coming back?

I am curious about this system. Does this mean pretty much the hardest monster on the map is the only one that matters? Will this limit the way they design quests? (Not having much harder monsters randomly appear). It's a little concerning.


I hope so. I really don't like Khezu.

Khezu just feels like a prototype giggi, I don't know why they keep bringing it back.

Nostalgiafags plague the series a bit.

>Cut to bow user using only Lv1 shots, no coatings, not aiming

>Gigginox with a realistic art-style and next-gen graphics

Man, that is just hella amazeballs.

I actually like the changes here. Instead of some lame arbitrary bar you need to move around the monster to avoid getting thrown off, and you get a big payoff at the end.

the initial reveal trailer made it look like some dragon's dogma bullshit.

They probably just didn't want to kill it too fast for the sake of the show.

>Rathalos dropping Anj for about 1000 dmg
>Rathalos getting drowned by a dam and falling a couple hundred feet is only 600 dmg

I think their are a lot of great gen monsters, it's just that many of the early ones kinda bog things down. The Rath couple is classic, Diablos is pretty fun, and even Kirin is an interesting design.

Environmental shit looks fun, especially cause it looks like you just do it once per area.

I hope they do a new video of just raw ass fighting 1v1/

Qurupeco is a shoo-in if they bring back more than a handful of old monsters. If they really want to emphasize the living ecosystem, they need him causing chaos.

Tigrex and Deviljho should come back for similar reasons, they are classic invasive/aggressive predators.

Narga would be awesome as well, a stalking jungle predator in an ACTUAL jungle this time.


The scoutflies only show up if you interact with the monster's tracks, right? Does that mean if I just follow the tracks without interacting, they won't appear?

>yfw he comes back again

>H-hunter kun, m-my hips are moving on their own!

>Narga would be awesome as well, a stalking jungle predator in an ACTUAL jungle this time.

Fuck, if they put the work into this i'll be so happy.

Hopefully they'll make it so he's hidden and just comes outta nowhere to start fucking your shit.


Holy shit that looks comfy.

Did everyone pick a separate camp?
Is that why I'm not seeing them in the same tent?

So what's the verdict? Is it going to be a complete failure or you guys think it could be good?


>Monster does fucking nothing trying to throw you off

Why? Did Je Suis Monte fags complain about mounting being too hard?

I've got two questions/two things I'm worried about.

Have they revealed any monsters? worried its gonna be like MH tri on wii where theres only 5-6 big monsters.

Have they said anything about maps? I'm assuming because of the size of this map they've shown and no loading screens that it'll just be centred around this one map but i hope its not the case.

Always loved MH and i feel obliged to get this one just so the west gets more MH games and possibly PC ports but hoping its as shit as it seems.



you need to move around or you get bucked off. Rathalos will ram into trees and shit to get you off of him.

the old mounting was ridiculously easy once you realized you could just hold down the grip button and mash when necessary.

But hoping its not as shit as it seems.

If anything it'll be a good game, but not feel like monster hunter game. Which is what i'm getting from the videos at the moment.


guardpoint>aed back or no buy

What video is this webm from?

They've heavily implied that there are multiple maps. As for monster count we have no clue but I highly doubt it'll only be a few. We're long past the days of tri. They had no clue what they were doing or where their series stood outside of Japan back then.

the stream from this morning.

>not feel like a monster hunter game
Why, exactly? This footage seems very encouraging

I think it could be good, but I doubt that the western audience will buy it like crazy, so it probably won't sell well.

>wahh give me ez mode back

What a scrubo

Could be instanced like how the tent was in town.

The entire multiplayer hunt sequence of the demo footage released is identical to other games in the series. What makes you say this?

Quest/guild girl isn't cute at all. In face she seems to have an ENCHANTMENTS? face. What is wrong with Capcom's modellers?


As long as there's the skimpy bone armor for the __male hunter I'll be happy.

All of the good ones went to go work on the Ace Attorney games.

At least this game actually looks good unlike the ugly messes that are SFV and MvCI

It looks very much like there's more things to do, the methodological gameplay that we're used to especially 1v1 doesn't seem to happen. Instead of wailing on a monster for 10 minutes with similar strategy it looks more as if those minutes are broken up with more things to do.

I'm not saying it's bad, they've been trying to dissuade this formula for a while, nothing is as methodological as Unite and mounting definitely was a way to try to break up samey combat.

It's all up to the developers and how they design the fights, which I have pretty high confidence in them that they will.

I fear the same but it has a good chance.

Ever since 3U people in the west have heard more and more about MH but has been deterred by it (it's an intimidating series at first glance, there are multiple versions of each game, its on handheld, etc). At this point it's just this thing every gamer has heard about but many don't know how to approach starting it.

This entry will be the very obvious way to jump into the series, thus it may attract many new players.

It could also be ignored and deemed a bad Horizon Zero Dawn clone by normies and flop horribly.

Capcom confirmed there will be multiple maps.

>quest giver isn't cute by my standards
Good complaint m8


Anything about what weapon types are gonna make it in?

From what I read monster generation changes each time and you can lure a specific monster into another apex predator but now you have a stronger monster to deal with. So I figure you can't always lure your target into a stronger monster and then fuck off because its predator may not spawn. Still, it would be lame if you were fighting a monster and another came and spoiled the fight for you so I hope they stay within their nests and feeding zones until you lure them away

Why does no one remember that before los monsters are stand there and die tier. This is the new kut ku, not the new deviljho.

That hairy lizard is probably seltas tier.

All 14 are in.

15th is Kinsect.

All 14 from previous titles.

That's what I got from the reviews. You have to interact with things for the flies to level up and if you don't you'll have to rely on the old fashion way of running into the monster.

Nice, i can be a dual wield scrub.




All of them