Kill DRUMPF Simulator

What video games let me simulate killing the current US Comeemder in Chief Donald J Blrumpf?

It's definitely not illegal to ask about this, or to pretend you're killing a real person in a video game.
But seriously, fuck Drumpf.

Are Blood Money and Hitman™ the best choices?

im sure there's a hitman mod somewhere yeah

Sniper Elite.


>being this autistic

reported to the FBI

Drumpf Defense Force has arrived

would be pretty embarrassing to have ur leader assassinated

Tell me where did Trump touch you user.

>beating up anita is an outrage
>killing trump is okay
Let's get some equality

>It's definitely not illegal to ask about this, or to pretend you're killing a real person in a video game.
except it is actually treason when you do it to the president retard

What if I'm not 'Murican?

we all know you actually like trump

>mfw antifa are fascists
>mfw by their own logic, we should kill them


What is it with lefties and baby talk?


>it's an autism thread

It's the only way they can communicate through ad hominem due to the mental gymnastics they do all day.
Trump won. The end. Move on with your lives
Sage and reported for not video games

because they watch porn where people call each other "baby" a lot and they think it's real life


Leftists are naturally autistic, that's why they let thenselves get so easily manipulated by kikes.

Baby talk is the only language conservitards can understand.

Hence why they like Trump.



haha yeah, libcucks would riot if it was a kill shillary game, lets boycot this fellow centipede.



Fuck off

Anita isn't forcing people out of their homes into a country they don't want to be in.

>don't alcare for trump too much
>think he's just alright
>love anime whores in MAGA hats



Hillary fucked us over hard this election. Why would I care if there was a game about killing her?



wtf killin dipshit little kids isn't okay but killin hitler is??? fuckin make up ur mind libtards>:(

it's funny but i only saw the baby talk in false flagging conservative :^)


Freedom defense force*

you fucking cheater fuck off

almost got me

Well, Hillary has literally killed tons of people, ask her. There might be a Hitman mod where you can play as a DNC operative and assassinate Seth Rich again.


>leftists make bait threads to incite flamewars
>they're somehow the enlightened good guys

Would you prefer greater pain then?

of course not. ANTIFA does not enforce laws -- but there is a new thing going around where some people from the left consider people who are on the right to be "un-american" and that they should be deported. don't worry.something that stupid won't ever catch on even in just idea

epic xDDDD


>Muh seth rich
This autism has to stop.
>everything I don't like is a false flag >:'(


Lol at this "insult," do you have any opinions you didn't get from Jon Oliver? (you don't)

You dumb fucking conservatives can't even read. He said ANITA, not ANTIFA. Retard.

Sure is butthurt in here.

Check my 5

stop being so triggered cucky

Why does "Drumpf" trigger Sup Forumstards?





fuck off


As a democrat in a blue state you'd think I'd be aware of some kind of large-scale conspiracy to deport radical conservatives but unfortunately for you I am not.

Even if the left wanted to do that they can't. Reality is that it doesn't matter how un-American you act if you were born here you can't be deported. This is your only country of residency. Where would we send you?


Cognitive science tells us that 6th grade language (which is what I think you mean by "baby talk") is ideal for communication. Short, simple, easily digested and repeatable. It sticks to your mind and it works.



my adopted blonde-haired, blue-eyed sister likes trump and thinks weird, tattooed lefties are lame. why don't you? i got her a MAGA hat and she looks just like the animu pics. she doesn't wear ot outside, of course



bigly is a real word, it's in the dictionary. and he actually said "big league"

also you can't claim someones butthurt or triggered just cause they replied to you

>Participates in "us vs. them" political cheerleading

>Totally not manipulated by anyone, ESPECIALLY not jews

>some people from the left consider people who are on the right to be "un-american" and that they should be deported.

...Is this satire? This has been the right wing screaming point for the past 8 years.

heres your (you) faggot

Then it's war.

>animu with MAGA hats
What kind of degeneracy is this


Then I wipe my hands of what's about to happen

So she's basically the embodiment of every trump supporter? Aryan and a child?

also, that's fucking weird, senpai, sort your fucking life out

didn't mean to reply to. she looks like pic related

>break the laws of a country to get into it
>cry and get upset said country doesn't want you
>instead of throwing you in jail they send you back to your home country


don't do this to me, not here, not now

>People on Sup Forums express pride in being autistic
People that participate in politics at all are 90% of the time autistic. Prove me wrong.

Godspeed you magnificent bastard.
I am afraid.

>but there is a new thing going around where some people from the left consider people who are on the right to be "un-american" and that they should be deported.
Next thing you know, lefties start calling the President a literal foreigner and insist he was born in Africa.

Serious answer, it's because real insults aren't politically correct. They can't say faggot, nigger, retard, etc. They used to say pissbaby a lot but then stopped because it was offensive to people with urinary incontinence. So now baby talk is all they have.

>liberalism created this

Jim you shitlord I know you're ITT, do a dramatic reading of this and post it to youtube you asshole


what's so weird about giving her a MAGA hat? it's fun because she literally looks like pic related

damn op thank for this thread, i'm with her now.

What the hell is wrong with you?
yeah take a big fat sloppy shit on this thread for me

My dick is out, don't keep me waiting.

>he thinks humanity or the environment stands a chance at survival without chinks being exterminated



BOY he abouta do it

the absolute madman

So when is this thread getting wiped clean?
Cuz I'm ready for Armageddon




There shouldn't be any laws where there are no potential victims. We don't lose anything from people coming in as long as they are documented, which drumpf won't do. Instead he will ruin lives like the tyrant he is.
>inb4 hurr illegals are all killers/rapists who send all of their money back to Mexico and apparently cross the border every time they make a purchase so as not to contribute to the economy

Hes posting it the absolute #madlad

I bet lefty shits like her and she completely ignores them. Gettin' cucked is like a hobby.