Literally zero threads about ARMS on Sup Forums right now

>literally zero threads about ARMS on Sup Forums right now
>Nintendo's "next greatest hit" died out within a few days of its release

Where did ARMS go wrong? I personally think it's because the game was released with almost no content.

People are playing it.


i think its gonna be like rocket league

nothing to talk about but just a good fucki ngame to play

this comin from someone with no dog in the console war i just pc player, just see similarities with rockte league

To /vg/ where generally reoccurring threads are moved

Well you see, I can't find a fucking switch for less than 400 dollars, so I don't own one. Eventually I will own one, then I will be able to play the game.

>i have no idea what /vg/ is

great thread, op

Is it wrong that playing this game with motion controls causes me to work up a sweat?

>little content
>focus on e-sports

Just like that other fighter flopping on PS4.

I just don't like how it controls. I might get Splatoon 2 when it comes out at least.

>constant threads from the very moment of release about how "ARMS is dead what went wrong lol" with absolutely no supporting evidence

I haven't seen anti-nintendofags this mad in a long time. This is all I need to assume that ARMS is doing well and people are extremely butthurt about it.

Probably gonna grab it in a few months. I hear it's a bit light on content at the moment.

Oh, you mean the same board that STILL has Katawa Shoujo generals?

This thread is retarded, so is the dumbass that is OP.

Let's put this thread to some good use.

>north korea and south korea cant even agree on boobs or butts
jesus kek

fuck the targets level

have to replay it 5-ish times every grand prix to beat it.

Feels like it wasn't marketed full force and came a little bare bones in content. Not to mention most of Sup Forums is getting their ass handed to them by the AI and ragequitting. No amiibos, player icons, or stats screen either. I think it will have a cult following but most people will jump ship to Splatoon2 when it comes out.



The switch will deprive its wireless card of power (making it garbage or useless) if the system hasn't been turned off for a while.

Because the AI just reads your input and isn't actually intelligent or well programmed.

Because Sup Forums is lousy at videogames, therefore anything 1v1 won't get much discussion because when they lose Sup Forums doesn't have anyone to scapegoat for their failures.


I'd be playing right now if the Switch was in stock

Thank god.

insult me senpai