What is the most optimal kit for Obstruct skill usage?
Fire Emblem Heroes
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QP achieved entirely by playing hard mode, which requires about 200 full runs assuming you don't fail once.
Fug TT, if they ever bring it back, it needs a major revamp.
-spd +def Effi is good?
Who /hasntrolledinoveramonth/ here?
/waitingfortheswimsuitbanner/ here
>It's a Reinhardt standing behind Titania so their ranges 100% overlap and neither will move till you do Episode
Fuck. What are you even supposed to do about that?
I had to roll 60 for Nowi -atk
>decide to snipe for Nowi with no pity rate
>first two blue orbs I open are both +Def -Res Nowi
Should I use my spare Lightning Breath+ on Tiki or save it for a Fae?
Wow this means to much to me... I'll do anything for you
Is a -Atk +Def Ephriam worth salvaging?
Distant Counter Sheena.
First green unit on a banner in about a month
It's fucking Bartre
Well fuck you too IS
When will i ever roll for a good green unit ?
I can't... I don't.... this is..? Why not just use Death Blow 2? Why waste a Katarina?
Distant Counter Axebreaker Titania
Git gud and earn those sweet 705 points per run.
Spoonfeed me some dragon team builds
Anna you nigger
he said good
Yeah sure but I have a life. What do?
>Swift Sparrow and Brave Sword+ on Zephiel
What the actual fuck
Get them from the Wiki or the Gamepress.
Absolute fucking madness.
Let me just pull 20.000 Feathers and Brave Axe+ out of my ass will you
Plus i need green mage aside from welfare Cecilia
Also i need my wife Cherche
deathblow 2 gives lower arena score duh
user i hope you are joking
Holy shit, that's the most Kino build I've seen since Desperation Sophia.
Does this game have any mommies in it?
Nino is a 3/4 star you double nigger, she'll show up eventually
desperation sophia?
You kill their friends and force them to move.
That's why i need a reason to roll for greens i need a good focus unit to do so
I can't roll out of the blue on any banner
But that doesn't seem to be happening any time soon Blues just keep fucking my ass in arena and me with welfare cecilia keep on watchinhg
pls respond ;_;
>That's why i need a reason to roll for greens i need a good focus unit to do so
You autist, even without being focus units you should roll greens, even without a focus Cherche is a very common unit and Nino is also common as fuck.
You want them right off the bat as 5*? then be quiet, put up with your free Cecilia and wait like the rest of us do.
>welfare cecilia
do you have TA3 on her? I never have any trouble with blues thanks to her, babyhands cant even fucking damage her
Yeah she's pretty good. Are you thinking of using her on a armor team or just in general. She'll be able to block a bunch of shit which is handy.
Really depends on your team compositions, if you're the wait till the enemy comes to you kinda guy then she's your girl.
Nope never rolled that fuccboy roy or cordielia
I hope soon
I know Cecilia is good but you need alot of factors for her to shine like cav buffs and skill inheritance
She might be actually the best green mage but not for me
I need that Julia and nino my nigga
No, That's not very efficient and a waste of orbs
i don't want those common units 5* off the bat .i am looking for those exclusive 5* like hector and Julia
>caring about minmaxing efficiency
>in a game where you are completely at the mercy of bullshit luck at all times
explain your strategy to the dude who spent 10,000$ and didnt get Hector
Just play lunatic. You get more points for failing on map 6 than you do getting a perfect score on hard.
Tiki and Nowi are pretty identical, TA and QR. Swapping TA for Fury if you want. Fae is likely the same, but I dunno. Ninian it's whatever.
All have bonfire and Lightning Breath+
What's the best option for Tiki if I have no Fury or TA?
The most ludo Sophia build.
Fury, Desperation, Threaten Resistance. With Moonbow and Rally Defense
>explain your strategy to the dude who spent 10,000$ and didnt get Hector
I wonder if he still plays.
>No, That's not very efficient and a waste of orbs
You know what the solution is: get a better green unit than Cecilia since you don't have TA to inherit her. Yet you're letting your autism get the better of you.
You're beyond help and advice. Enjoy using your Cecilia for a lot longer
Who's the biggest slut in FE?
Aversa seems up there given that she whored herself out for influence on Validar's orders, who else can compete?
>Ninoposters are autistic
Makes sense
>in the most slow unit in the game
Cecilia is a legitimately good unit with a little investment and TA Nino fucks over any Blue Mages with her Res and Speed. Either of them are fine choices.
So why everyone and there mothers in arena have a fucking hector. he is more common than fucking Cecilia
I am not planning to spend a dime on this game but i also know how to save and manage my orbs.
And honestly any Hector is a good hector even -Atk and i fucken despise the iv luck system
Eventually i will
Despite the fact the green pool is fucking abysmal compared to blues and reds
Yes my nigga Never rolled her kill me
Reciprocal Aid or Ardent Sacrifice for healslut Lucina?
It was a thousand dollars my dudes
>finally did the legion infernal
Xander with QR
Spring Camilla
Just the same as putting Swift Sparrow (only available from 5* units) on an 11 Speed Zephiel. That's what makes it so kino.
>uses Xander and Thundercock
>only just now managed to beat infernal
>not even at 10k points
>instead I'm grinding my Horse Emblem team while trying to make Freddy Bear useful
Maybe this mode isn't for me.
Hector had a 5% banner a month or two ago. People whaled for him, others got lucky with their freebie orbs, etc. I don't know why he's so commonly used when armors are ass in the arena and defense tiles make him a joke but it is what it is.
I have a level 40 Nowi with shitty IVs (-SPD +RES) all kitted out with Moonbow/Lancebreaker/Triangle Adept, and I just rolled a Nowi with great IVs (+SPD -RES). If I fuse the old Nowi with my new Nowi, will she inherit any skills or will I have to spend new skill fodder?
She'll get all the skills with the same status the previous one had(eg if they're unlocked, the new one will obtain them unlocked)
>tfw gotten so used to Tempest style of gameplay that playing Arena without a healer feels tougher now
>(eg if they're unlocked, the new one will obtain them unlocked)
Oh fuck yeah. Grinding for SP is a damn nightmare, especially since I won't be able to grind during Tempest runs in a day.
Wake me up when Micaiah is added into this Shitty game to salvage it
>only need 5k more for the final set of three orbs
>keep choking on the final stage now
I think this shit's finally breaking me
You mad man, you actually went and did it. 15 orbs is a huge sum I suppose but it's definitely not worth 70 or more runs through that shit.
>tfw no Fury or TA
Is 2 good enough? How much of a difference does it make in Arena scoring?
Do you forgive her, Sup Forums?
>my cav buffed eldigan can oneround giga veronica at full health
>I only now just learned of this after getting my ass handed to me in that final map so many times
I refuse to spend money so I desperately need those orbs. The feathers'll be a nice bonus
Does he have g tome breaker or something ?
Is she good?
IVs will tell you
I just posted this in /feg/ but I might as well see what you guys think too:
How's this for a Marthcina build?
>Reciprocal Aid
>Fury 3
>Renewal 3
>Threaten Spd 3
>Breath of Life 1 S Seal
It's gonna be expensive but I've got Renewal 3 ready to inherit from a shit 5* Jakob.
Not sure about Fury 3 over Darting Blow 3 though - any thoughts? And is Threaten Spd the best C skill to give him (her)?
No. He's +spd so he reaches 31 with fury. Add +6 from hone cav and he reaches 37, just enough to double.
I'm no expert on builds but I know C skills are flexible to what your team needs. If you need buffs do that, otherwise Threaten Spd is a Solid option
arena score-wise, its like 2 points tops, so 14 points over the course of a run, tops
TA you can manage with 2 for most TA/Raven users, Fury you really want 3 for the extra stats overall. You might skate by with Fury 2 depending on your use for it, some builds (such as Fury/Desperation) really absolutely need it to be as high as possible (to lower their own HP faster as well as giving them additional Speed and resistances
Just remember, Fury is never bad thanks to the fact that the extra speed can save you health thanks to avoiding a double, and the resistance/defense will negate any damage you would take if you are doubled, but nonlethally
Well, she's not as cute as Toki, but well at least is cute.
>almost cake in a fifteen-year-old body
I wanna fuck a branded.
While it's obviously subpar I'd say it's acceptable to only have rank 2 in certain skills. Stuff like Vantage and Desperation pretty much have to be at rank 3. You just have to consider the scenarios. If you want Triangle Adept to get over the high defenses of bulky units you have advantage over, will 5% really make that big of a difference? Probably not. On the other hand, if you want Nino to get into Desperation range via Ardent Sacrifice, it'll take 2 turns if she has Desperation 2 as opposed to one turn with Desperation 3.
who the fuck is Toki
>Fury on a healer
>It's an Enemy just wastes your time with Draw back or reposition episode
>2 points
That's good enough then. I have a Loli Tiki and Nowi that need skills, and their higher weighted score should make up for it until I can roll a Hinata or Roy.
Isn't that counterproductive?
Remove her weapons, plug in your stats, and tell us what you got
Certain pulls have stat variations, feheroes.gamepedia.com
the middle numbers in each set are "neutral"
If you're not -atk/-spd you're okay, ideally you'll have +Atk/Spd.
jesus christ fuck this bonus unit horseshit
whats that you dont have a +10 5* Lissa with full SI lying around and a team to carry her? enjoy dropping a rank!
Definitely up there, but dunno if she's the biggest.
Redpill me on this game lads
Use Anna you cuck
Nigger if you don't at least have her and Sharena 5* and SI'd yet you're a dumbass
>when a flier meme team slowly and menacingly tangos towards you
Fire Emblem you can play while waiting for your hotpockets or taking a shit
You collect waifus
It's also a decent game on its own merit
Fire Emblem you can play while waiting for your mom to bring you tendies